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Memories of the Original War

Ch. 6: The Dirties and the Cleans

“ARTICLE 32. THE ANCIENTS. The Ancients, a nation apart, and their siege, the Sacred Temple, shall be protected by all girls and all nations. It shall be forbidden to attack or harm an Ancient. An Ancient may not attack or harm any girl, unless she so requests. The Recall Beacon and other fundamentals of this Treaty shall be held, controlled and protected by the Ancients.” — excerpt from the Treaty on Friendly War

I was still trapped and tortured by the monstrous spider’s web when the Planetary Council took place, but Princess Estell told me everything, so I’ll give you her account.

Princess Estell of the Kissborn, Adored by All, Born of Love, and Leader of the Kissborn Forces, waited in a cubicle just outside the Temple’s conference room. She straightened her long hair and let it flow on her back. She practiced her smile a bit and rechecked everything in her dress for the third time. She needed to be perfect. It wouldn’t do for the representative of the Cleans to be anything less during the first Great Planetary Council. Let the Dirties be the ones who insult everybody. And so Estell checked her panties for the fifth time, just in case through some horrendous failure they managed to show through the ceremonial dress, and was finally ready for the Council.

The five doors opened at the same time. One from each cubicle into the central conference room, which contained a single round table with six seats. She recognized the other four Princesses: Lily, the allied waterborn; Cantana, the neutral foodborn; Xenofie, the slimeborn; and Sarrah, the mudborn and the enemy number one.

The sixth girl in the room was the Ancient who supervised the Council. Like all Ancients, she was small, slim, and flat-chested, but the focused look in her face made it clear this was no innocent child. Of course, like all Ancients, she was also completely nude.

“Sit,” said the Ancient, and they all did, “I am Espoir éternelle of the Ancients, and I will be moderating this Council. We have been asked by representatives from the waterborn and the kissborn to intervene in the ongoing war.”

Estell chanced a look around the table. Lily was fidgeting, anxious. The foodborn listened intently. The dirties were smiling as if they mocked the Ancient. What a travesty.

“I call upon Estell, Princess of the Kissborn, to speak.”

Estell stood up, “So here’s the thing, Espoir. The dirties have been looking to expand into our lands for some time now, and three weeks ago, they just took an army and just marched in on our fields and gardens, probably intending to turn them all into filthy swamps —”

“Good idea,” chuckled Sarrah, “can’t stand the smell of those flowers.”

“— and, and, they’re keeping prisoners! Like, what’s up with that? We haven’t seen the people of Sourcevie, Lunelle and Sepur since they were invaded. Why haven’t those people returned to us?”

“Uh, because we keep all the cleans in cages?” said Sarrah, “I mean, duh. We’re not going to be fighting them again and again, are we?”

(“Wait, Astra, who are these ‘cleans’ and ‘dirties’?”

“The cleans are the waterborn and the kissborn; the dirties are the slimeborn and the mudborn. They’re nicknames that arose for each side. We, the cleans, used “dirties” as an insult, but the dirties wore it as a badge of honor; and the same happened the other way.”)

“And I assume you’re treating our girls well?” said Lily, the waterborn.

“Hah!” Sarrah laughed out, “of course! You wouldn’t believe how much we spend on all the mud and slime we keep wasting on them. But you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. Which, in this case, means us crushing your girls under our feet.”

“We’re also covering them with skirtslime,” Xenofie chipped in. “It’s hilarious. At one moment, the girl is about to throw an insult in your face, and the next moment she’s cumming from the slime touching her inside —”


“Oh yeah,” said Xenofie, “and I should also mention that it’s unremovable. We don’t know how to remove it ourselves! Just imagine the slime tickling you, randomly, for years and decades and centuries.”

Lily fainted.

Just like that, the poor waterborn girl fell from her chair on the floor, unable to hear anymore.

Cantana appeared shocked. Estell, of course, was furious. “Espoir, see! They don’t even feel any remorse. You have to do something!”

The Ancient nodded, “I agree. First, please escore the Princess of the Waterborn to the infirmary.”

Two other Ancient girls entered the room. They were scrawny and short, hardly over four feet. They, too, were naked and unarmed. The girls frowned and on a nod from Espoir, they scutteled over to Lily. They muttered arcane incantations and a bed of solid fog appeared in the air. With great difficulty, they heaved Lily’s body onto the fog and then walked out of the room, the magical bed floating slowly after them.

“I must concur with the kissborn on this matter,” continued Espoir éternelle, “your actions are unreasonable and you are causing much harm. We must work together to prevent this.”

We must work together to prevent this? Estell thought. That’s not nearly enough. Why doesn’t she command them to stop?

Espoir seemed to consider something in her head, then spoke, “we here in the Sacred Temple have been thinking of something for some time now. It may be a solution to not only our current problem, but all the problems.”

“Does it give us back our people, and put the dirties in their place?” Estell said.

“Is it that you’re going to surrender the Sacred Temple to us?” said Sarrah. “I make no promises but we can go lighter on the torture we have reserved for the Ancients if you do.

The Ancient scoffed, “I assure you that there is no torture you can think of that will exceed the pain already known by my nation.

“No, our solution is a great treaty. A treaty signed by all nations, including us. A treaty that disallows the most outrageous practices of war today and keep only the light, almost consensual battles that we all love. A treaty that bans prisoners, and skirtslime and inflicting scars. A treaty that keeps all the fun but prevents all the pain.” “A… treaty?” said Estell, “what prevents the dirties from infringing?”

The dirties seemed unconvinced as well. “More like, what would get us to sign at all?”

“Yeah, what’s the point of battle if you don’t get to torture the beaten?”

“We acknowledge that point and the importance of dominance,” the Ancient nodded, “but all things are best in moderation. To answer the question of the Princess of the Kissborn, that is, of course, the crucial point.

“What power could enforce such a treaty? We have long thought upon this and find these issues the most important: that prisoners may be taken and subjected to torture indefinitely; and that girls can be made to suffer scars and permanent disabilities. The very existence of skirtslime is among the worst offenders.”

(The skirtslime chose this exact moment to suck on Daina’s breasts. She gasped and fell from her chair. Her body spasmed as she climaxed.

“I… I can see why,” said Jouette.)

“The Ancients have no power, but we are old. We know of a place and an artifact that could make this treaty work. It’s called the Recall Beacon. It is a wondrous artifact.”

“What does it do?”

“A girl can request a recall by merely thinking of it,” explained Espoir. “When she does, the Beacon begins to prime — for eight hours — and at the end of those eight hours, the girl is stripped of everything and teleported to her home city. And this works perfectly — for all girls of all nations, in all scenarios.”

“Stripped of everything,” Estell muttered, “you mean, that would include the skirtslime?”

“Yes,” Espoir nodded, “All clothing, all bonds or restraints, mundane or magical, all mud, slime or food, all enchantments, everything gets swept away and discarded.

“The problem, of course, is that we don’t have the Beacon. We know it’s in the Dungeon of Eternal Restraint, but none of our expeditions so far managed to retrieve it. The dungeon is dangerous and I do not want to ask any of you to help —”

“The kissborn will help!” Estell said immediately.

“No, you won’t,” Sarrah and Xenofie stood up. “Because there will be no expedition. In fact, I’ve just received message that it’s time which means that the two of you won’t do anything anymore, ever.”

“It is time?” said Estell. “What do you mean?”

A door burst open and the two Ancient girls hurried back in. “Espoir!” one of them cried, “the Temple is under attack!”

Estell stood up immediately as well but was confused and paralyzed with indecision. Not that any decision could have mattered then.

Moments later, other doors burst open and in marched dozens of mudborn and slimeborn girls, dressed in heavy clothing and armed with heavy weapons.

“Subdue them all!” commanded Sarrah.

Mud and slime came in volleys from the girls’ weapons. It filled the air and fell upon everyone.

The two Ancient girls went down first. They were small, weak, defenseless. As soon as the first spheres of mud and slime spread over their bodies, they collapsed on the floor. But that wasn’t enough for the dirties. Xenofie came over and summoned skirtslime on both of the girls. Estell saw the alarm in their eyes.

The slime began working on the girls immediately and with great vigour. Such small girls and yet their moans were so loud! The skirtslime expanded into them and they came, shudders of excitement rippling through their bodies. The Ancients had their first climax in decades.

So shocked was Estell with this that she couldn’t pay attention to her own defense. A mudgirl caught her from behind and brought her bodily down on the floor. She brought Estell’s hands together behind her back and a slimeborn summoned magical slime bonds to hold them together. Estell tried to free herself but her hands were thus tied more strongly than by any manacles.

A spell exploded above her and a rain of mud fell hard on her back. A puddle of the black mud formed around Estell’s body. Her dress held for now but the girls were already tearing at it.

Estell kicked the first girl, and rolled around on her back. But then a bucketful of slime fell right into her face and she was blinded. She felt the weight of several humans on her chest as the invaders piled on top of her.

The dress was torn away from her entirely as was her underwear. Then came Xenofie and applied the skirtslime to Estell’s crotch and breasts. Hers were much larger than those of the Ancients and the skirtslime’s effect was thus even more pronounced. Estell spasmed and climaxed.

The girls stood her up and more bonds of slime wrapped around her chest and legs. Estell, exhausted from the climax, started falling asleep. The last thing she saw was Espoir Eternelle, lying on the floor, awake but restrained, getting pounded by mud and slime. Xenofie would be with her soon enough.

The dirties had done the unthinkable and humiliated the Ancients.

(Astra muttered an incantation now familiar to the skygirls. Their panties disintegrated into thin air. Before they could react, green blobs grew in their crotch until they formed new slimy underwear to replace the lost panties.

“Is this… skirtslime, as well?” asked Daina.

Her answer was Astra’s smile and and the tug of the slime on her clit and the once-more rising feeling of excitement in her body.)

Author’s note: One thing I noticed with some wam stories on this site and its predecessors is that I had trouble remembering who each character is if there were multiple characters. For example, in gameshows with two teams of two players each, I couldn’t always remember who was paired with whom. Memories of the Original War has many characters and I hope to alleviate this problem a little bit with consistent naming based on the nation.

In this way, the kissborn are named after sky-related things (Astra, Luna, Nova, Stardust), mudborn start with Sa (Sarrah), slimeborn with Xe (Xeelee, Xera), foodborn after vaguely music-related terms (Cantana), waterborn after plants (Lily), and Ancients with two-word french names (Espoir éternelle). The skygirls (Jouette, Alrae, Daina) do not follow this because they existed as characters before I invented this scheme.

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