Jouette's wet-and-messy stories

This site contains my wet-and-messy fiction stories. They have explicit themes. You must be 18 years or older to view these stories.

Interactive fiction (my best work)

Gamebook-like interactive stories with multiple endings and over a hundred sections each.

Jouette: Skirmish at the Hot Pool

Fight the darkmud clerics for control of a spring with healing powers.

This is a magic fight between two girls who can create mud, food and slime from thin air. You choose your attacks an deal messy damage to strip your opponents. Eight possible endings. (2016)

Jouette: The Final Exam

A long and messy obstacle course. Will you help or hurt your friends?

Choose from six special abilities, then fight through many messy obstacles and decide what to do to the other runners as you pass them. (2018)

Short stories

Short stories, in various formats, outside the Jouette universe.


A fantasy/sci-fi world of ever-young girls who love fighting messy.

Interactive wet-and-messy stories from other authors

This is a compilation of interactive stories from other authors.