(set: $cawcounter to 0)
(set: $sidehouse to false)
(set: $vines to false)
(set: $barrels1 to false)
(set: $boxes1 to false)
(set: $boxes2 to false)
(set: $drawers1 to false)
(set: $chest1 to false)
(set: $chest2 to false)
(set: $chest3 to false)
(set: $boxes3 to false)
(set: $boxes4 to false)
(set: $book1 to false)
(set: $book2 to false)
(set: $book3 to false)
(set: $book4 to false)
(set: $book5 to false)
(set: $caveloot to false)
(set: $hut1 to false)
(set: $hut2 to false)
(set: $house1 to false)
(set: $house2 to false)
(set: $IronK to false)
(set: $Solas to false)
(set: $Bnuuy to false)
(set: $CrowMauler to false)
(set: $Mommy to false)
(set: $GreenMage to false)
(set: $Aura to false)
(set: $Villagers to false)
(set: $Guards to false)
(set: $Tormentor to false)
(set: $Dommy to false)
(set: $Betrayer to false)
(set: $OuterKeepAllMer to false)
(set: $OuterKeepGoFaH to false)
(set: $MinesAllMer to false)
(set: $MinesGoFaH to false)
(set: $CatacombAllMer to false)
(set: $CatacombGoFaH to false)
(set: $CityAllMer to false)
(set: $CityGoFaH to false)
(set: $enlightenedsoul to false)
(set: $tormentedsoul to false)
(set: $grant to false)
(set: $me to false)
(set: $revenge to false)
(set: $Brigid to false)
(set: $AllMerAbides to $grant and $me and $revenge)
(set: $Bpied to false)
(set: $Bslimed to false)
(set: $Bgagged to false)
(set: $Bstripped to false)
The Kingdom of Rondon, year 1992.
Fifty years have passed since the horrors of the Second Great War. The world stands in a new age, as the light of the Machine God, Logic, presides over the fate of humanity. In the Machine God's light, humanity has made rapid technological progress, quickly outstripping the world that once was. Telecommunications have turned the world into a global community, creating a web of intershared knowledge and exponential progress.It is a golden age, as new inventions and shared resources ease the burdens of people around the world. However, some things are not so easily changed. Humanity still hungers for the suffering of others, although in these days it has taken a more //civilized// form.
Taking cues from ancient legends, fairy tales, and historical records, television studios in Rondon have developed a new colosseum of human suffering. A new, brutally difficult game show, //Delving the Dungeon//, sees contestants throw themselves into a recreation of an ancient Rondonian dungeon in order to rescue Captain Le'Goo-ed and bring him safely out of the dungeons. Victory over the dungeons will shower the contestants in riches, but one critical misstep will lead them only to one of myriad messy and humiliating fates.
You are the latest contestant to enter the Dungeon of WaM and Bondage, seeing to free the Captain and win the ultimate prize. But first, which of the fabled heroes of old do you model yourself after?
[[D'Arce|Knight Start]]
[[Cahara|Merc Start]]
[[Enki|Priest Start]]
[[Ragnvaldr|Outlander Start]]You have styled yourself after the tragic knight, D'Arce. You've trained your body for the physical demands of the show, and the heavy prop armor and sword you were given by the costume department only slows you slightly. However, you're the type to get lost in the here and now, charging forward unheeding of potential dangers.
Does this sound like you?
[[Yes, that sounds about right.|DArce Loading Screen]]
[[No, let me reconsider...|Start Screen]]You've chosen to style yourself after Cahara of the Desert, an ancient tragic figure said to have lifted humanity into the Cruel Age through his sacrifices. Your personal knack for misfortune lets you relate to the doomed hero, and you've determined that the only luck you can count on is the luck you make yourself. The props department has equipped you with what can only charitably be called armor, but you won't let that get you down. After all, it helps you stay light on your feet. The small digital "lockpick" you've been given to help bypass doors is a nice perk, as well.
Does this sound like you?
[[Yeah, that's me alright!|Cahara Loading Screen]]
[[Nah, that ain't me.|Start Screen]]You have modeled yourself after the great sage Enki, said to have achieved enlightenment in the deep darkness of the dungeon. Your quick wit and sharp mind are your proudest features, even if that has meant doing almost all of your exercise in the library. The props department has given you a small book of magic spells and sigils, which if used at the right moments could change the entire trajectory of your quest.
Does this sound like you?
[[Yes, I'd say that sounds correct.|Enki Loading Screen]]
[[No, that's asinine.|Start Screen]]You stand outside the entrance to the dungeon. A thick layer of fog rolls across the ground, bathing the entire set in an eeire light. Through the fog, you just barely see the yawning chasm of the dungeon's entrance in front of you, flanked on either side with stacked boxes and barrels.
[[Go inside|Dungeon Door Trap Outside]]
(if: $boxes1 is false)[[[Search the boxes|Entrance Box Search]]]
(if: $barrels1 is false)[[[Search the barrels|Entrance Barrel Search]]]
(if: $sidehouse is true)[[[Enter the side house|Shack]]]
(if: $Legarde is true)[[[Escape the dungeon|Good End]]]This small shack is littered with useless doodads and empty boxes. However, a staircase leads down into the dark.
(if: $boxes2 is false)[[[Double-check the boxes|Shack Box Search]]]
[[Descend the staircase|Into the Darkness]]
[[Return outside|Entrance]]{
(set: $gamestart to true)
(set: $speed to 1)
(set: $strength to 3)
(set: $intelligence to 2)
(set: $startingbody to 7)
(set: $body to 7)
(set: $luck to 2)
(set: $weapon to 'sword')
(set: $armor to true)
(set: $lockpick to false)
(set: $torch to false)
(set: $doll to false)
(set: $luckycoin to false)
(set: $meatpie to false)
(set: $magic to false)
(set: $waterwalk to false)
(set: $bookofenlightenment to false)
(set: $Passages to false)
(set: $chalk to 0)
(set: $rope to 0)
(set: $mockupbook to false)
(set: $cube to false)
(set: $PrisonKey to false)
(set: $CrowKey to false)
(set: $ahelpfultip to false)
(set: $Legarde to false)
(set: $soulanchor to false)
(set: $NosStr to false)
(set: $NosAgl to false)
(set: $NosInt to false)
(set: $NosBody to false)
(set: $playerBaseStats to (dm:
"name", "D'arce",
"attack", 2,
"health", 9,
"maxHealth", 9,
"attackText", "You swing your prop sword!",
"parryText", "You raise your blade to parry!",
"grappleText", "You quickly try to knock your enemy off-balance!",
"healthText", (a:
"You are pristine.",
"Your clothing has some flecks of mess.",
"You're starting to look a bit dissheveled.",
"Slime is seeping into your armor.",
"You feel like you'll never be clean again...",
"loseText", "You drop to one knee, using your blade to keep yourself up. This battle is over.",
A middle-aged woman approaches you just before you enter the dungeon. She's a short, plump blonde with a nametag reading "C. Sauer - Stage Manager". She holds a clipboard in one hand, and gestures to you with the pen held in the other.
"Hail, knight! You ready to get going? You've been told the rules, right? Just get in, find where 'Le-Goo-ed' is being kept, and bring him back to the entrance once you've found him. If you wind up, uh, stuck anywhere you can't get out of, don't worry. The stage crew will be around to pick you up, but since there might be other adventurers running around the dungeons and we don't want to mess up any shots, you might be stuck there for a little bit. Good luck, and have fun out there!"
[[Enter the Dungeon|Entrance]]{
(set: $gamestart to true)
(set: $speed to 3)
(set: $strength to 2)
(set: $intelligence to 2)
(set: $startingbody to 6)
(set: $body to 6)
(set: $luck to 1)
(set: $weapon to 'sword')
(set: $armor to false)
(set: $lockpick to true)
(set: $torch to false)
(set: $doll to false)
(set: $luckycoin to true)
(set: $meatpie to false)
(set: $magic to false)
(set: $waterwalk to false)
(set: $bookofenlightenment to false)
(set: $Passages to false)
(set: $chalk to 0)
(set: $rope to 0)
(set: $mockupbook to false)
(set: $cube to false)
(set: $PrisonKey to false)
(set: $CrowKey to false)
(set: $ahelpfultip to false)
(set: $Legarde to false)
(set: $soulanchor to false)
(set: $NosStr to false)
(set: $NosAgl to false)
(set: $NosInt to false)
(set: $NosBody to false)
(set: $playerBaseStats to (dm:
"name", "Cahara",
"attack", 2,
"health", 6,
"maxHealth", 6,
"attackText", "You quickly swing your prop shortsword.",
"parryText", "You deftly try to void the attack!",
"grappleText", "You swing low to trip your enemy up!",
"healthText", (a:
"You are pristine.",
"Your clothing has some flecks of mess.",
"You're starting to look a bit dissheveled.",
"It's hard to keep your footing through the mess.",
"You feel like you'll never be clean again...",
"loseText", "You slip on the mess you're covered in, dropping to the floor. This battle is over.",
A middle-aged woman approaches you just before you enter the dungeon. She's a short, plump blonde with a nametag reading "C. Sauer - Stage Manager". She holds a clipboard in one hand, and gestures to you with the pen held in the other.
"Well, merc, you ready to get going? You've been told the rules, right? Just get in, find where 'Le-Goo-ed' is being kept, and bring him back to the entrance once you've found him. If you wind up, uh, stuck anywhere you can't get out of, don't worry. The stage crew will be around to pick you up, but since there might be other adventurers running around the dungeons and we don't want to mess up any shots, you might be stuck there for a little bit. Good luck, and have fun out there!"
[[Enter the Dungeon|Entrance]]{
(set: $gamestart to true)
(set: $speed to 2)
(set: $strength to 1)
(set: $intelligence to 3)
(set: $body to 5)
(set: $startingbody to 5)
(set: $startingmind to 2)
(set: $mind to 2)
(set: $luck to 2)
(set: $weapon to 'fist')
(set: $armor to false)
(set: $lockpick to false)
(set: $torch to true)
(set: $doll to false)
(set: $luckycoin to false)
(set: $meatpie to false)
(set: $magic to true)
(set: $waterwalk to false)
(set: $bookofenlightenment to false)
(set: $Passages to false)
(set: $chalk to 0)
(set: $rope to 0)
(set: $mockupbook to false)
(set: $cube to false)
(set: $PrisonKey to false)
(set: $CrowKey to false)
(set: $ahelpfultip to false)
(set: $Legarde to false)
(set: $soulanchor to false)
(set: $NosStr to false)
(set: $NosAgl to false)
(set: $NosInt to false)
(set: $NosBody to false)
(set: $playerBaseStats to (dm:
"name", "Enki",
"attack", 1,
"health", 4,
"maxHealth", 4,
"attackText", "You throw a spell packet at the enemy!",
"parryText", "You try to block!",
"grappleText", "You try to grab at your opponent.",
"healthText", (a:
"You are pristine.",
"The sleeves of your robes are a bit damp.",
"You're starting to look a bit dissheveled.",
"The mess weighing down your robes is getting uncomfortable.",
"You feel like you'll never be clean again...",
"loseText", "Your robes are so sodden with mess that you can barely keep yourself standing throught their weight. This battle is over.",
A middle-aged woman approaches you just before you enter the dungeon. She's a short, plump blonde with a nametag reading "C. Sauer - Stage Manager". She holds a clipboard in one hand, and gestures to you with the pen held in the other.
"Alright priest, You ready to get going? You've been told the rules, right? Just get in, find where 'Le-Goo-ed' is being kept, and bring him back to the entrance once you've found him. If you wind up, uh, stuck anywhere you can't get out of, don't worry. The stage crew will be around to pick you up, but since there might be other adventurers running around the dungeons and we don't want to mess up any shots, you might be stuck there for a little bit. Good luck, and have fun out there!"
[[Enter the Dungeon|Entrance]]You've only barely made it inside when suddenly the floor begins to give way underneath you!
[[Try to avoid falling|GameOver1]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $boxes1 to true)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)
(if: $treasure is true)[Digging amongst the boxes of the courtyard, you manage to find a lantern cleverly disguised to look like an old torch. This may provide you some light to face the darkness below.
(set: $torch to true)]
(else:)[You search through the boxes in the courtyard, only to find nothing of use.]
[[Resume your quest|Entrance]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $barrels1 to true)
(set: $sidehouse to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[Inside one of the barrels, you manage to find a lantern cleverly disguised to look like an old torch. This may provide you some light to face the darkness below. You are also able to make out a small shack just outside the entrance to the dungeon, almost leaning against the side wall of the set.
(set: $torch to true)]
(else:)[You search through the boxes in the courtyard, only to find nothing of use. You are, however, able to make out a small shack just outside the entrance to the dungeon, almost leaning against the side wall of the set.]
[[Resume your quest|Entrance]](set: $gamestart to false)
Despite your best efforts, you aren't able to make it to solid ground before the floor completely falls out from under you!
You crash down into a thick pool of slime at the bottom of the pit. The walls of the pit, lined with slime, seem to slippery to even consider climbing out. How embarrassing, it seems like you've failed in your quest before you've even really begun! You'll be spending the rest of your run wallowing in this slime, waiting for the stage crew to let you out once the time is expired...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $boxes2 to true)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)
(if: $treasure is true)[While almost all of the boxes kept in the shack are empty, you manage to find one that hasn't been completely picked over. Inside, you find a mechanical torch, which should keep the area around you lit while you're exploring the dungeons below.
(set: $torch to true)]
(else:)[The boxes in the room have long been scavenged over. There is nothing here of interest.]
[[Resume your quest|Shack]](set: $trap1 to (either:0,1))
(if: $torch is true)[The light from your "torch" bounces from the walls, amplifying every shadow, but at least giving you enough light to see the path ahead of you. On the ground, you spot a strangely placed prop board with something sticking out of it.
[[Examine it closer|Big Red Button]]
[[Move around it|Basement 1]]]
(else:)[You stumble around in the darkness, unable to see exactly where you're going. There's nothing that you can do but wander forward blindly and hope you find a light source up ahead.
(if: $trap1 is 0)[[[Stumble around|Basement 1]]]
(if: $trap1 is 1)[[[Stumble around|Nail Trap]]]]
_allOpponents to (dm:
"IronK", (dm:
"name", "Iron Kakespeare",
"they", "it",
"them", "it",
"their", "its",
"health", 10,
"maxHealth", 10,
"attack", 2,
"pattern", "AGPGAP",
"attackPose", 'The right arm of the Iron Kakespeare begins to ooze cream...',
"attackText", "Iron Kakespeare swings wildly!",
"parryPose", 'Iron Kakespeare prepares for your attacks...',
"parryText", "Iron Kakespeare moves to defend!",
"grapplePose", 'The left arm of the Iron Kakespeare begins to ooze cream...',
"grappleText", "Iron Kakespeare swings up from below!",
"healthText", (a:
"Iron Kakespeare marches from the shadows.",
"Iron Kakespeare shambles towards you.",
"Cream drips from Iron Kakespeare's arms onto the ground.",
"Iron Kakespeare's arms are beginning to gush with cream.",
"Iron Kakespeare looks like it's on the verge of collapse...",
"winningText", (a:
'Iron Kakespeare swings its arms, spraying cream everywhere!',
"Iron Kakespeare's chest shudders ominously",
"losingText", (a:
'Iron Kakespeare staggers back',
'Iron Kakespeare shudders',
"loseText", 'Iron Kakespeare falls to the ground, cream leaking from its arms and joints.',
"Foxy", (dm:
"name", "Foxy Merrytail, the Steel at the Throat",
"they", "she",
"them", "her",
"their", "her",
"health", 5,
"maxHealth", 5,
"attack", 2,
"pattern", "PPAGAA",
"attackPose", "Foxy leans forward.",
"attackText", "Foxy stabs!",
"parryPose", "Foxy leans back.",
"parryText", "Foxy raises her buckler!",
"grapplePose", "Foxy stands straight.",
"grappleText", "Foxy shoves with her elbow!",
"healthText", (a:
"Foxy looks proud.",
"Foxy looks angry.",
"Foxy is sweating.",
"Foxy is in pain.",
"Foxy looks about to fall over.",
"winningText", (a:
'Foxy spits "Heh! You move like a rock, too."',
'Foxy smirks "You\'re pretty soft for a rock."',
"losingText", (a:
'Foxy mutters "Damn hunk o\'rock..."',
'Foxy snorts "Can\'t lose to a damn rock..."',
"loseText", "A knife clatters to the ground! Foxy just surrendered!",
"Moss", (dm:
"name", "Moss Knight, the Forest's Spectre",
"they", "it",
"them", "it",
"their", "its",
"health", 8,
"maxHealth", 8,
"attack", 1,
"pattern", "GPPGPGPA",
"attackPose", "The Moss Knight raises its blade.",
"attackText", "The Moss Knight chops!",
"parryPose", "The Moss Knight points its blade at you.",
"parryText", "The Moss Knight waves its blade in front of you!",
"grapplePose", "The Moss Knight creaks.",
"grappleText", "The Moss Knight lunges forward!",
"healthText", (a:
"The Moss Knight's armour is thickly-coated with moss.",
"The Moss Knight's moss is squashed.",
"The Moss Knight is shedding clumps of moss.",
"The Moss Knight's moss is full of holes.",
"The Moss Knight is a complete mess.",
"winningText", (a:),
"losingText", (a:),
"loseText", "Your foe sinks to its knees in defeat!",
#The Basics of TBC
//(turn-based combat)//
This is a demonstration story for a turn-based combat engine, such as those seen in computer RPGs. This engine has the following mechanics:
* The only moves available to the player and their opponent are ''attack'', ''parry'', and ''grapple'', which beat one another in a rock-paper-scissors triangle. Attacking into a parry causes the parryer to get hit, as does parrying into a grapple and grappling into an attack. Attacking into an attack will cause both to hit.
* Fighters have ''health points'', but these are not numerically displayed. Instead, one of five strings showing the fighter's appearance, based on their depleted health, are displayed at the start of each turn.
* Fighters also have ''attack points'', determining how much health points their attacks deplete. This is also not numerically displayed.
* The opponent will assume a ''pose'' at the start of each turn, which hints at their upcoming move.
* The opponent does not choose moves randomly, but cycles through a fixed pattern of moves.
* When both player and opponent lose their last health point, the player wins.
Additionally, the engine's implementation has these features:
* Two passages are used, plus a setup passage.
* Nine story-wide variables used: five convenient custom macros, `$move, $poseText, $moveText, $healthText and $turnBasedCombat`, and four data variables, `$opponent, $player, $winCombatPassage and $loseCombatPassage`.
* Turn-based combat sections of a story is initiated by calling the custom macro `$turnBasedCombat`, which accepts two datamaps holding the player's stats and the opponent's stats, as well as two passages names to transport the player to after they win or lose the battle.
In this demonstration, you play ''the Marble Angel'', a living statue who fights bare-handed. You may choose your opponent:
* (link:"Fight Angy Agnes (a goblin brawler)")[($turnBasedCombat: _playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Angy, "Win Room", "Lose Room")]
* (link:"Fight Foxy Merrytail (a rogue)")[($turnBasedCombat: _playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Foxy, "Win Room", "Lose Room")]
* (link:"Fight the Moss Knight (an undead knight)")[($turnBasedCombat: _playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Moss, "Win Room", "Lose Room")]
* (link:"Fight the Coding Monster (an undead knight)")[($turnBasedCombat: _playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Moss, "Code Win Room", "Code Lose Room")]
''(print: $player's name)''
''(print: $opponent's name)''
($healthText: $opponent) ($healthText: $player)
(set: _healthRatio to $opponent's health / $opponent's maxHealth - $player's health / $player's maxHealth)\
(if: _healthRatio < -0.2 and $opponent's losingText is not (a:))[\
(move: $opponent's losingText's 1st into _t)(print: _t)
](else-if: _healthRatio > 0.2 and $opponent's winningText is not (a:))[\
(move: $opponent's winningText's 1st into _t)(print: _t)
($poseText: $opponent)
(t8n-arrive:"instant")+(link-reveal-goto: "Attack", "Combat Move")[(set:$player's move to "A")]
(t8n-arrive:"instant")+(link-reveal-goto: "Parry", "Combat Move")[(set:$player's move to "P")]
(t8n-arrive:"instant")+(link-reveal-goto: "Grapple", "Combat Move")[(set:$player's move to "G")]
(set:_shake to (animate:?passage,'rumble'))\
($moveText: $player)
($moveText: $opponent)
(if: ($move:$player) is "A")[\
(if: ($move:$opponent) is "A")[\
Both attacks hit!
$opponent's health to it - $player's attack,
$player's health to it - $opponent's attack,
)](else-if: ($move:$opponent) is "P")[\
Your attack was deflected!
(print:$opponent's attackText)
You take the hit!
(set:$player's health to it - $opponent's attack)\
](else-if: ($move:$opponent) is "G")[\
You score a hit, stopping (print:$opponent's them) in (print:$opponent's their) tracks!
(set:$opponent's health to it - $player's attack)\
]](else-if: ($move:$player) is "P")[\
(if: ($move:$opponent) is "A")[\
You deflect (print:$opponent's their) attack!
(print: $player's attackText)
You score a hit!
(set: $opponent's health to it - $player's attack)\
](else-if: ($move:$opponent) is "P")[\
Neither of you attack.
](else-if: ($move:$opponent) is "G")[\
You get knocked aside!
(print:$opponent's attackText)
You take the hit!
(set:$player's health to it - $opponent's attack)\
]](else-if: ($move:$player) is "G")[\
(if: ($move:$opponent) is "A")[\
You get hit!
(set:$player's health to it - $opponent's attack)\
](else-if: ($move:$opponent) is "P")[\
You knock (print:$opponent's them) aside!
(print: $player's attackText)
You score a hit!
(set: $opponent's health to it - $player's attack)\
](else-if: ($move:$opponent) is "G")[\
You knock each other back!
(if: $opponent's health < 1)[\
(print: $opponent's loseText)
(click-goto:?page, $winCombatPassage)
](else-if: $player's health < 1)[\
(print: $player's loseText)
(click-goto:?page, $loseCombatPassage)
(set:$opponent's pattern to (str: ...(rotated: -1, ...it)))
(t8n-arrive:"instant")(click-goto:?page, "Combat Menu")
$move to (macro: dm-type _x, [
This produces "A", "G", or "P" based on the move of the passed-in fighter. Because opponents choose their move from the first character in their pattern, and players choose their move manually, two different approaches are needed here.
(set:_out to '')
(if:_x contains "pattern")[
(set:_out to _x's pattern's 1st)
(set: _out to _x's move)
$poseText to (macro: dm-type _x, [
This produces the appropriate text for the passed-in fighter's current pose, which is based on their current move. Note that player fighters do not have poses.
(out-data: _x's ((cond:
($move:_x) is "A", "attackPose",
($move:_x) is "P", "parryPose",
$moveText to (macro: dm-type _x, [
This produces the appropriate text for the passed-in fighter's current move.
(out-data: _x's ((cond:
($move:_x) is "A", "attackText",
($move:_x) is "P", "parryText",
$healthText to (macro: dm-type _x, [
This produces the appropriate text for the passed-in fighter's current health, based on their maximum health. This chooses between the five entries in the array using the following method:
100% - 1st
99% to 75% - 2nd
75% to 50% - 3rd
50% to 25% - 4th
25% to 0% - 5th
(out-data: _x's healthText's (
(ceil: (1 - (_x's health / _x's maxHealth)) * 4) + 1
$turnBasedCombat to (macro: dm-type _player, dm-type _opponent, str-type _winCombat, str-type _loseCombat, [
This macro begins turn-based combat, with the player fighting the opponent, and then sending the player to one of two different rooms based on whether they won or lost the battle.
$player to _player,
$opponent to _opponent,
$winCombatPassage to _winCombat,
$loseCombatPassage to _loseCombat)
(out-data:(goto:"Combat Menu"))
) Ahhh! The ''Marble Angel'' won that bout!
So, you seem to have a grasp of the basics. Excellent! Truly excellent!
Feel free to use this engine's code in your own projects. Now, [[Start<-back to the title screen]] with you!
^^Written by Leon Arnott, April 2021.^^The Iron Kakespeare gets the better of you, you lose this test fight...
[[Start Again?|Start Screen]](set: $IronK to true)
Iron Kakespeare stumbles backwards, leaking cream and gunge, before collapsing in a heap. You breathe a sigh of relief having defeated the monster.
[[Return|Iron K's Domain]] (set: $gamestart to false)
You are knocked to the ground in an explosion of cream from the Iron Kakespeare's arm. As you try and regain your footing, you notice as the chest cavity of the metal machine suddenly bursts open. The creature grabs at you with its massive arms, and in your current state, it's impossible to evade. You are swept up into the creature's chest cavity, just in time for the hinges to swing shut, locking you inside.
It is pitch black inside the armor, the only light coming from a small, green computer screen worked into the inside of the door. Unfamiliar green sigils glow on the screen, along with one line of text that you //do// understand.
(text-colour:#1aea40)+(bg:black)[ENTER CORRECT PASSWORD TO UNLOCK]
You press a few of the unfamiliar sigils, hoping to find the password, but to no avail. There are simply too many options and too little time. Before you've even managed a third attempt, the chamber fills with red lights and blaring klaxons. The sigils on the sign black out, and are replaced with a new, much more worrying message:
Shortly, after, an apature above you opens up...
Creamy foam pours down from the spout on top, cascading over you in the tight space and filling up to almost chin level. You're completely stuck inside the machine until the stagehands let you out at the end of the run.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]You take a closer look at the board, and find that it's securely bolted to the floor. Sticking up from it, however, is a small button cleverly disguised to look like a rusty nail protruding head up from the board.
[[Pay it no mind|Into the Darkness]]
[[Hammer down the nail|Nail Trap]]You stand in a large basement lit dimly by scones on the walls. In the center of the room is a large ritual circle. On the far end of the ritual room, a pillared hallway extends down the road. Beyond the pillars, you can just barely make out the shape of a door and some large casks in the darkness.
[[Examine the door|Crow Door]]
[[Examine the casks|Wine Casks]]
[[Examine the hallway|Basement Hallway]]
[[Go up the stairs|Into the Darkness]]
(if: $magic is true)[[[Examine the ritual circle|Basement Ritual Circle]]]You hear a soft //click// beneath your feet, and you feel the floor beginning to fall out from under your feet. You have only a brief moment to get clear to safety.
[[Jump clear of the trap|Jump check]]
[[Accept your fate|But What About Second Pit Trap]]A large, imposing steel door stands set in the wall.
(if:$CrowKey is true)[[[Open the door with the Crow Key|Crow Chamber]]]
[[Try to open the door|Crow Door Locked]]
[[Leave it alone|Basement 1]]A pair of massive wine casks stand against the wall.
[[Check the casks|Cask check]]
[[Return|Basement 1]]A long hallway stretches into the darkness. Three doorways are set into the left wall, while, and the hallway curves off to the left beyond the set of doors.
[[Check the first door|Bottom of the Well]]
[[Check the second door|Basement Armory]]
[[Check the third door|Locked Well Door]]
[[Turn the corner at the end of the hallway|Stairs to Basement 2]]
[[Go back to the ritual room|Basement 1]]You compare the symbols on the ritual circle with those in the "book of spells" you were provided by the props department. The symbols in this circle don't seem to match with any specific runes in your spellbook. This circle was most likely just drawn for decoration. (if: $chalk is <1)[However, a small stub of chalk has been left nearby.
[[Pick up the chalk|ChalkGetBasement]]]
[[Return to the ritual room|Basement 1]](set: $chalk to it+1)
You take the chalk and put it into your bag.
[[Return|Basement Ritual Circle]](if: $Brigid is false)[A warm glow fills this small chamber, cast from a large fireplace on the right wall of the room which pops and crackles invitingly. A woman sits at a writing desk in the center of the room, typing away at an old black laptop. She's dressed in a white collared blouse, long pink skirt, white tights, and black Mary Janes, and on top of her head is plopped a greyish brown wig. The wig bulges slightly, and loose strands of black hair poke out in places. On one side of the room, a large and ornate book sits on a lecturn. On the other side, a seemingly empty scroll sits on another lecturn. {(if: visit is 1)[As you enter, the woman looks up from her work with a smile. "Ah, hello! Good of you to join me!](if: visit is >1)[Brigid greets you with a cheerful "Welcome back, adventurer!" as you enter.]}]
(if: $Brigid is true)[Brigid's desk as suddenly been replaced by a set of stocks and a sitting pillory, where she sits glaring at you with a stern look on her face. Carts of pies, toys, and buckets of gunge have been carted out into the room, set up invitingly around your captive.]
(if: $Brigid is false)[[[Talk to Brigid|Dialogue Options]]]
[[Check the book|Book of Eschatology]]
[[Check the scroll|Empty scroll]]
(if: $Brigid is true)[[[Torment Brigid|Sweet Revenge]]]
[[Leave the study|Basement 1]]The door seems to be locked. There is an emblem of a crow on the lock.
[[Return|Crow Door]]An open set of metal bars give way to the bottom of a well. Artifical light streams in from above, shining down on a large pile of fake plastic bones. While it seems like you might be able to possibly climb up the pile, it still leaves more room than you're comfortable with to reach the top. (if: $wellrope is true)[[[The rope hanging down from the well above, however, might make climbing up a little easier.
[[Climb the Rope|Rope Climb to Courtyard]]]
[[Turn back for now.|Basement Hallway]]The room is filled with various boxes and shelves, most of which have already been picked clean. Whether this was from past contestants or the set decorators, you cannot say.
{(if: $chest1 is false)[You do spot at least one chest that hasn't been opened yet.
[[Open the chest|Chest 1 Search]]]
(if: $chest1 is true)[The room looks thoroughly picked over at this point.]}
[[Return|Basement Hallway]]A sturdy iron gate bars the way. Beyond the gate, you can see light streaming in from the ceiling. The room beyond looks like the bottom of a well, and a rope hangs from one of the walls.
(if: $lockpick is true)[[[Pick the lock on the gate|Bottom of the Second Well]]]
[[Try to open the gate|Locked Gate Well]]
[[Return|Basement Hallway]]This small room contains only a set of stairs leading deeper down into the darkness.
[[Take the stairs down|Basement 2]]
[[Go to the Hallway|Basement Hallway]]You climb up the rope you dropped down into the well earlier, emerging from the well in the courtyard.
[[Good thing I set up this shortcut!|Courtyard 1]]A rope hangs down from the top of this room, where light pours down from what looks like outside. Or at the very least, a sound stage cleverly designed to *look* like it's outside.
[[Climb the Rope|Courtyard 1]]
[[Leave through the door|Basement Hallway]]You rattle the door of the cell, only to find it completely locked. You'll need to find a key or a set of lockpicks or something if you want to get through here.
(if: $lockpick is true)[[[Open the door|Locked Well Door]]]
[[Climb the rope|Courtyard 1]]Artificial sun shines down on this set, done up to look like the courtyard of the dungeon's keep. A pair of wells stand on either side of the gravel path that stretches between the two large building sets to the north and south.
[[Look into the west well|West Well]]
[[Look into the east well|East Well]]
[[Enter the north building|Inner Keep Entrance]]
[[Enter the south building|Kitchen]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $chest1 to true)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)
(if: $treasure is true)[You open the last remaining chest to find a set of makeshift leather armor. It's not much, but it couldn't hurt to have on hand.
(set: $armor to true)]
(else:)[You open the box, only to be met with crushing disappointment that this box was *also* picked clean.]
[[Resume your quest|Basement Armory]]Masses of metal and plastic pipes and blinking buttons give this floor an almost industrial feel. The room is barely lit, only the the glow of prop buttons and wall panels, which do not give off enough light to actually see very well. Further in the dark, you can make off the sounds of hissing steam vents, whirring machine noises, and the clanking of metal on metal.
[[Into the darkness...|Basement 2 Crossroads]]
[[Up the stairs|Stairs to Basement 2]]
(if: $torch is true)[Pipes cross-cross these old chambers, some metal, others plastic, and still others clear, allowing you to see the thick, colored slimes that flow through them. Eventually, your wanderings take you to a crossroads, where the path splits off in all four cardinal directions.
[[Take the north path|Iron K's Domain]]
[[Take the east path|Crow Bedroom]]
[[Take the west path|Storage Room]]
[[Take the south path|Basement 2]]]
(else:)[The low, pulsing lights of blinking prop buttons aren't enough for you to reliably find your way. All you can do is wander about in the dark and hope you find something before it finds you...
[[Press on...|Stumbling in the dark]]]
_allOpponents to (dm:
"IronK", (dm:
"name", "Iron Kakespeare",
"they", "it",
"them", "it",
"their", "its",
"health", 10,
"maxHealth", 10,
"attack", 2,
"pattern", "AGPGAP",
"attackPose", 'The right arm of the Iron Kakespeare begins to ooze cream...',
"attackText", "Iron Kakespeare swings wildly!",
"parryPose", 'Iron Kakespeare prepares for your attacks...',
"parryText", "Iron Kakespeare moves to defend!",
"grapplePose", 'The left arm of the Iron Kakespeare begins to ooze cream...',
"grappleText", "Iron Kakespeare swings up from below!",
"healthText", (a:
"Iron Kakespeare marches from the shadows.",
"Iron Kakespeare shambles towards you.",
"Cream drips from Iron Kakespeare's arms onto the ground.",
"Iron Kakespeare's arms are beginning to gush with cream.",
"Iron Kakespeare looks like it's on the verge of collapse...",
"winningText", (a:
'Iron Kakespeare swings its arms, spraying cream everywhere!',
"Iron Kakespeare's chest shudders ominously",
"losingText", (a:
'Iron Kakespeare staggers back',
'Iron Kakespeare shudders',
"loseText", 'Iron Kakespeare falls to the ground, cream leaking from its arms and joints.',
(if:$IronK is false)[Out from the darkness in front of you, a massive being emerges. A gargantuan suit of armor, more than big enough for you to fit your entire body inside of its torso, shambles towards you. The armor's arms are unusual; rather than traditional armguards, the armor's arms seem to be made of a strange woven mesh. Before you can react, the armor rushes forward towards you and attacks!
(if: $mind is >0)[[[Cast a spell at the walking armor|Iron Spell]]]
(link:"Iron Kakespeare approaches!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's IronK, "IronK Win Room", "IronK Lose Room")]]
(else:)[The room is quiet. Iron Kakespeare's armor lies on the floor, a small pool of cream and gunge pooling underneath.
[[Press on|Stairs to the Caves]]
[[Go back|Basement 2 Crossroads]]]This dissheveled storage room still has a few boxes worth picking over for supplies.
(if:$boxes3 is false)[[[Check the right side of the room|Box 3 Search]]]
(if:$boxes4 is false)[[[Check the left side of the room|Box 4 Search]]]
[[Leave the room|Basement 2 Crossroads]]In this room, you find, of all things, a small bed set up. More ominious, however, is the large statue and cage set up next to the bed. The statue depicts as massive crow with its beak opened wide, carved from stone and affixed to the wall about seven feet up. Below the crow's gaping beak, a large metal birdcage hangs. While it isn't the most relaxing place to stay, you could stay here if you needed to rest and recharge...
[[Rest in the bed|He's Watching You...]]
[[Leave it for now|Basement 2 Crossroads]](set: $danger to (either:0,1,2))
(if: $danger is 0)[As you press your hand along the wall of the passage, you eventually find yourself in a room that's at least a little more brightly lit than the areas outside. A small sign reads "Emergency Storage".
[[Check inside|Storage Room]]]
(if: $danger is 1)[As you stumble about in the darkness, you eventually make a terrible discovery. You are back where you came from...
[[Oh dammit...|Basement 2]]]
(if: $danger is 2)[You could swear that the metallic clanking that fills this chamber is getting louder and louder...
[[Is someone there?!|Iron K's Domain]]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $boxes3 to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[In one of the boxes, you pick up a torch. This should help light the way outside a little.
(set: $torch to true)]
(else:)[You swear that the showrunners love setting up big rooms full of lootable containers with nothing in them...]
[[Resume your quest|Storage Room]]{
(set: $boxes4 to true)
In one of the small boxes on this side of the room, you happen upon a small, rolled piece of cloth. Inside are a set of basic, beginner-friendly lockpicks.
(set: $lockpick to true)
[[Resume your quest|Storage Room]]The stairs descend deep into the darkness, eventually coming to a stop inside a small room. Beyond the door to the room, the stonework becomes much less even as the dungeon passages give way to caves.
[[Explore the caves|Caves 1]]
[[Go up the stairs|Iron K's Domain]]Gazing down into the west well, you see the floor of the basement cells below.
(if: $rope is true)[[[Tie off a rope|RopeLadderWell]]]
(if: $ropeladder is true)[[[Climb down the rope|Bottom of the Well]]]
[[Return|Courtyard 1]]Looking down into the well, you see that at the bottom is one of the cells in the basement. A rope tied off at a nearby tree drops down into the well, giving you a way to climb down if you need to.
[[Climb down the rope|Locked Gate Well]]
[[Return|Courtyard 1]]This part of the dungeon seems much less well lit than other parts, but it's still just possible to make out some shapes in the gloom. To the north, a large statue looms in shadow. To the west, a small open room. The hallway to the east rounds a corner to unknown parts of the dungeon, and a small door in a side wall lies unobtrusively on the northern part of the room.
[[Go north|Altar]]
[[Go west|The Pit]]
[[Go east|Gaol]]
[[Check the door|Inner Keep Library]]
[[Go outside|Courtyard 1]]This room appears to be a kitchen of some kind. Several prop knives, pots, and pans hang along the walls, while food sits out on the tables on serving trays. While the food does look delicious and tempting, it also seems //highly// suspicious that it's just been lying here waiting for you...
(if: $meatpie is false)[[[Take a meat pie for later|Kitchen Meat Pie]]]
[[Eat some of the food|Snack Break]]
[[Further into the keep|Hall]]
[[Head outside|Courtyard 1]]Light pours into this part of the dungeon from a large open door which looks like it leads to the set where you entered. From the relatively well-lit room, yu can see a few different rooms spread out in different directions. In one side room, several stacks of bookshelves have been piled up around the walls. Another side room appears empty, save for a large circle etched onto the floor. Lastly, a small kitchen extends from the west side of the room.
[[Head outside|Dungeon Door Trap Inside]]
[[Check the library|Outer Keep Library]]
[[Examine the Magic Circle|Outer Keep Magic Circle]]
[[Go into the Kitchen|Kitchen]]This room is filled with rows upon rows of bookshelves filled with an impressive array of books. Though a cursory glance shows that many of the books are fakes, glued into place for the sake of enhancing the set design, there are several books that seem to be real scattered amongst the fakes.
[[Check the right bookshelf|Outer Keep Right Bookshelf]]
[[Check the middle bookshelf|Outer Keep Middle Bookshelf]]
[[Check the left bookshelf|Outer Keep Left Bookshelf]]
[[Leave the library|Hall]]A large chalk circle is drawn on the ground of this chamber.
{(if: $OuterKeepAllMer is true)[The simple cross of All-Mer has been drawn in the center of the circle. A door is open in the back of the room; the "Blood Portal" you opened with the spell.
[[Enter the door|Blood Portal Room]]]
(if: $OuterKeepGoFaH is true)[The etched symbol of the God of Fear and Hunger has been drawn in the center of the circle. A large effigy of the dark god has sprung up from the center of the circle.]}
(else-if: $magic is true)[You could probably draw the sigil of one of the Ascended Gods here and invoke their magic, if you have any chalk.
[[Draw a sigil|Outer Keep Sigil]]]
[[Leave it alone|Hall]]
(if: visits is 1)[
(set: $chalk to it+1)
A large statue stands in this small alcove, depicting a long-haired man holding a small child in his arms. Fallen on the floor behind the statue is a small piece of chalk, which you place in your bag.
[[Return|Inner Keep Entrance]]]
(if: visits is 2)[
(set: $doll to true)
A large statue stands in this small alcove, depicting a long-haired man holding a small child in his arms. You're not sure how you missed it before, but there's a small tattered doll on the floor near the altar. You pick it up and carry it with you.
[[Return|Inner Keep Entrance]]]
(else:)[A large statue stands in this small alcove, depicting a long-haired man holding a small child in his arms.]}As you check this room, you find a strange sight. A small hole has been burrowed into the floor. (if: $torch is true)[With the light of your torch, you can see that it leads down a long, slime-filled tunnel that seems to end in a thick layer of slop below.]
[[Jump down into the pit|DeadDoveDoNotEat]]
[[Back away slowly|Good Choice]]This room sends a chill down your spine as you enter. All manner of cages, pillories, and other means of restraint litter the room, all surrounding an impressive rack in the center. Above the rack are several worrying-looking tubes and pipes, some of them leaking an array of multicolored substances down onto the table underneath it.
[[Poke around|Solas' Domain]]
[[Get out of here|Inner Keep Entrance]]This room is full of bookshelves, although a cursory glance shows that almost all of them are props. There is one odd conspicuous absence in the shelves, however. {(if: $secretdoor is false)[Towards the back wall of the library, a full bookshelf sits with one missing book.] (else:)[Towards the back of the room, one of the bookshelves has been pushed aside to reveal a hidden door.]}
(if: $mockupbook is true)[[[Fit the Advanced Lockpicking book into the hole|Secret Passage]]]
(if: $secretdoor is true)[[[Walk through the secret door|Backyard]]]
[[Check the bookshelves|Inner Keep Bookshelves]]
[[Leave|Inner Keep Entrance]]Surrender to the Domme ENDING F
Lose to The Domme ENDING E
Sit on the Throne ENDING D
Lose to Legoo'd ENDING C
Win Against Legoo'd ENDING B
Leave with Legarde ENDING A:
Leave with the Secret Crown: ENDING S (if: $CrowMauler is false)[
(if: $cawcounter is >=3)[A terrible presence has entered the dungeon...
(set: $motherfucker to (either: 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17 ,17, 18))
(if: $motherfucker < $cawcounter)[(go-to: "Caw Caw Motherfucker")]]]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"CrowMauler", (dm:
"name", "The Crow Mauler",
"they", "it",
"them", "it",
"their", "its",
"health", 20,
"maxHealth", 20,
"attack", 4,
"pattern", "GPGAPPGAPGGA",
"attackPose", 'You feel strong killing intent from the Crow Mauler...',
"attackText", "The Crow Mauler swings its maul in a wide arc!",
"parryPose", 'You feel strong killing intent from the Crow Mauler...',
"parryText", "The Crow Mauler bats aside your blows!",
"grapplePose", 'You feel strong killing intent from the Crow Mauler...',
"grappleText", "The Crow Mauler pecks wildly at you!",
"healthText", (a:
"The Crow Mauler stares with its blank eyes.",
"The Crow Mauler stares with its blank eyes.",
"The Crow Mauler stares with its blank eyes.",
"The Crow Mauler stares with its blank eyes.",
"The Crow Mauler stares with its blank eyes.",
"winningText", (a:
'The Crow Mauler does not react to you.',
"The Crow Mauler does not react to you.",
"losingText", (a:
'The Crow Mauler does not react to you.',
'The Crow Mauler does not react to you.',
"loseText", 'The Crow Mauler drops to one knee to catch its breath, before retreating back into the shadows.',
(if:$CrowMauler is false)[(set:$cawcounter to 0)
(set: $savepoint to (history:)'s last)
(link:"A terrifying presence has found you...")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's CrowMauler, "Crow Mauler Win Room", "Crow Mauler Lose Room")]](set: $CrowMauler to true)
(set: $CrowKey to true)
With a mighty squawk, the Crow Mauler retreats back into the darkness. In its wake, it leaves behind a small key with the symbol of a crow on the handle.
(link-goto: "You fall to your knees and catch your breath", $savepoint)You are completely powerless against the might of your opponent, and it isn't long before he's ragged you back to his lair. You're brought to the room with the crow statue and bed, and thrown unceremoniously in the birdcage beneath the statue's mouth. With a sinister "CAW!" the shirtless man in the crow costume throws back his arms, and suddenly everything goes dark.
Thick, thicky black gunge rains down from the crow's mouth above you, completely coating you stuck as you are in the thin and restricting cage. The flow of gunge doesn't stop until you're completely coated. The gunge sticks to every inch of exposed skin, and where your clothes have been pulled down from the weight, more thick slop has fallen to cover it.
You have barely a moment to catch your breath before a rain of course crow feathers begin to rain from above as well, sticking to you with stubborn tenacity. You try your best to shake them loose, but they are stuck fast to the thick gunge coating you. As one final insult to injury, a little crow beak is snapped around your nose, as your captor gives a peal of cawing laughter...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $rope to false)
(set: $ropeladder to true)
You tie off the rope you have and drop it down into the well. You should be able to use this to climb back down into the basements if you need to.
[[Return|West Well]](set: $book3 to true)
(set: $mockupbook to true)
Searching through the shelves, you find a book that doesn't seem to match with any of the others on the shelf. The cover of the book reads "Advanced Lockpicking", but the pages inside are completely blank. Still, the book has more heft to it than many of the hollowed out prop books found here. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to bring it along with you.
[[Return|Outer Keep Library]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $book2 to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[While searching the bookshelves, you happen upon a book that for once isn't blank pages or glued to the shelf. It's a book of basic magical principles, including a few useful sigils. This might come in handy to decipher any traces of magical symbolism you find in the dungeon.
(set: $magic to true)]
(else:)[You search the bookshelf and find only prop books and empty shelves.]
[[Resume your quest|Outer Keep Library]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false,false))
(set: $book1 to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[You luck out while searching the bookshelves. One of the books on the shelf is an old mock-up of a legendary Book of Enlightenment. Giving it a quick skim details the methods of drawing the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger, and its preservative effects in this version of the dungeon.
(set: $bookofenlightenment to true)]
(else:)[You search the bookshelf and find only prop books and empty shelves.]
[[Resume your quest|Outer Keep Library]]=><=
(text-size: 2)[**WaM and Bondage**]
[*The Hunt for Captain Le'Goo-ed*]
{(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[
(link: "Continue")[(load-game: "Slot A")]
[[New Game|Start Screen]]
(if: $chalk is >0)[You stand over the circle, deciding on which sigil to draw.
[[Draw the sigil of All-Mer|Outer Keep Blood Portal]]
(if: $bookofenlightenment is true)[[[Draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger|Outer Keep Save Point]]]]
(else:)[You fish around in your bag for a moment, before discovering that you don't have any chalk to draw a sigil with.]
[[Leave the circle alone|Outer Keep Magic Circle]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $OuterKeepAllMer to true)
(set: $OuterKeepPortal to true)
You draw the simple cross-like sigil of All-Mer. As you finish the last of the details, you hear the sound of stone sliding on stone as a red light fills the room. On the back wall of the chamber, you see that a door has opened, leading somewhere else in the dungeon. Clearly, it's an attempt by the set designers to evoke the old magics of blood portals.
[[Enter the Blood Portal|Blood Portal Room]]
[[Leave it for now|Outer Keep Magic Circle]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $OuterKeepGoFaH to true)
(save-game: "Slot A", "Outer Keep Circle")}
You draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger in the circle. Shortly after you do, a trapdoor opens in the floor behind the circle, and a statue which you recognise as the effigy of the God of Fear and Hunger rises from it. You feel oddly at peace for a moment.
[[Return|Outer Keep Magic Circle]]As you walk through the red tunnels, you find that they all seem to connect to a single red room. Within, you can find doors leading to any of the other Blood Portals you have placed throughout the dungeon...
(if: $OuterKeepPortal is true)[[[Take the portal leading to the Outer Keep|Outer Keep Sigil]]]
(if: $MinesPortal is true)[[[Take the portal leading to the Mines|Mines Sigil]]]
(if: $CatacombPortal is true)[[[Take the portal leading to the Catacombs|Catacomb Magic Circle]]]
(if: $CityPortal is true)[[[Take the portal leading to Ma'habre|City Sigil]]]
[[Take the portal leading to the Basement|Basement 1]]You slide down the slime-covered walls of the pit, only to land knee-deep in the gunge below. As the muck begins to seep into your boots, you make a horrible realization. There is nothing down here, and no way back out. The walls are too slippery to even consider trying to climb, and too far apart besides.
Just when you think it can't get any worse, one of several vents in the sides of the walls opens up, pouring another thick layer of slime down on top of you with a thick and heavy (text-colour:green)[SPLATTER]. By the time the deluge ends, the level of the mess below your feet has risen just slightly, now coming up to about halfway up your thigh. There is nothing that you can do except wallow in this pool of filth until the timer runs out and the production crew comes to fish you out. Coming down here was a mistake.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]You decide that it would be for the best to avoid the pit and walk away.
[[Back to exploring|Inner Keep Entrance]]{(set: $secretdoor to true)
(set: $mockupbook to false)}
You slot the mock book into the shelf, where it settles in with a weighty click. After a moment, the entire bookshelf slides aside and reveals a door in the wall beyond!
[[Go through the door|Backyard]]
[[Leave it be for now|Inner Keep Library]]In the back of the keep is another small courtyard with a giant tree growing in the center of it. The tree appears hollow, but the entrance is covered in thick vines. The vines are extremely heavy and hard to move, the tops of them are only loosely attached to the tree. With the aid of a sword, you might be able to reach up and knock them down.
(if: $weapon is 'sword')[[[Try to swing at the vines|Vine Strength check]]]
(if: $vines is true)[[[Enter the tree|Thicket 1]]]
[[Head Inside|Inner Keep Library]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $book4 to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[While searching the bookshelves, you happen upon a book that for once isn't blank pages or glued to the shelf. It's a book of basic magical principles, including a few useful sigils. This might come in handy to decipher any traces of magical symbolism you find in the dungeon.
(set: $magic to true)]
(else:)[You search the bookshelf and find only prop books and empty shelves.]
[[Return|Inner Keep Library]]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"Solas", (dm:
"name", "Solas",
"they", "he",
"them", "him",
"their", "his",
"health", 5,
"maxHealth", 5,
"attack", 1,
"pattern", "AGPGAP",
"attackPose", 'Solas brandishes his knife...',
"attackText", "Solas goes for the throat!",
"parryPose", 'Solas has a wicked gleam in his eye...',
"parryText", "Solas moves to parry your attack!",
"grapplePose", 'Solas fishes for something in his pack...',
"grappleText", "Solas attempts to bind you!",
"healthText", (a:
"Solas giggles madly.",
"Solas scowls.",
"Solas is frowning and limping.",
"Solas' teeth are clenched.",
"Solas is looking around desperately for an exit strategy...",
"winningText", (a:
'Solas chuckles "Kjeh kjeh kjeh! You will make a fine addition to my collection!"',
'Solas sneers. "Do not underestimate me, kjeh!"',
"losingText", (a:
"Solas' laughing stops.",
'Solas grunts with exertion.',
"loseText", 'Solas drops to one knee, defeated. ',
(if:$Solas is false)[You don't get much of a chance to look around before you hear a creepy, high-pitched voice ring out behind you.
"Kjeh kjeh kjeh... It looks like they've sent me a fun new toy to play with. You and I are going to have such fun... Now surrender peacefully, and I will spare you the *truly* terrible torments I have concocted for you..."
(link:"Solas Challenges You!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Solas, "Solas Win Room", "Solas Lose Room")]]
(else:)[The torture chamber is quiet now that the torturer Solas has fled. Now that he's gone, you get a moment to examine the room further. Several of the restraints in the room are covered with a slimy residue; evidence of them having been used many times in the past. A small desk with a few papers inscribed with "lorum ipsum" scattered on it is tucked into the corner.
(if: $PrisonKey is false)[A set of keys hangs from a hook on the far side of the room.] As you look closer, there is a secret door that Solas seems to have opened when he snuck into the room to attack you...
(if: $PrisonKey is false)[[[Grab the keys|Prison Key Get]]]
[[Check the desk|Desk Drawers]]
[[Go through the secret door|Pienance Chamber]]
[[Leave the area|Gaol]]]Here, the cave splits into two paths. While it's still possible to see the doorway leading to the staircase up, it's unlikely you'll be able to see it for much longer if you turn down either of the other paths leading deeper into the caves.
[[Bear left|Mine Entrance]]
[[Bear right|Cave 2]]
The stonework of the cave here appears less natural and more carved with pick and shovel. Wooden support beams are far more common, and a set of mine cart tracks meander into the darkness, leading further and deeper into the mine.
[[Follow the mine cart tracks|Mine Split Path]]
[[Leave the mines|Caves 1]]The ground of the cave slopes slowly but surely downwards along this path. As you traverse the area, however, something strange catches your eye. Several points in the walls, and floor of this area have small, inconspicuous holes drilled into them, as do the ends of many of the stalagmites and stalagtites littered around the cave. Curious. (if: $GreenMage is false)[Echoing along the halls of the caves, you can make out the vague sound of what seems to be a woman's voice chanting...]
[[Desend deeper|Green Mage's Domain]]
[[Scale the slope|Caves 1]]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"GreenMage", (dm:
"name", "Green Mage",
"they", "she",
"them", "her",
"their", "hers",
"health", 10,
"maxHealth", 10,
"attack", 2,
"pattern", "AGAAPGA",
"attackPose", 'The Green Mage begins to dance a strange dance...',
"attackText", "Slime sprays from the walls at you!",
"parryPose", 'The Green Mage leaps and cavorts...',
"parryText", "The Green Mage moves to avoid your attacks!",
"grapplePose", 'The Green Mage chants ominously...',
"grappleText", "Slime sprays along the ground near your feet!",
"healthText", (a:
"The Green Mage blocks your way.",
"The Green Mage giggles as she clashes with you",
"The Green Mage's dancing gets more fevered.",
"The Green Mage is beginning to slow.",
"The Green Mage is struggling to keep casting...",
"winningText", (a:
'"The Green Mage laughs at your misfortune.',
"The Green Mage dances around you in triumph.",
"losingText", (a:
'The Green Mage misses a step of her dance.',
'The Green Mage stumbles and nearly trips.',
"loseText", "The Green Mage's chanting stops, and she moves to flee the area!",
(if:$GreenMage is false)[The chanting filling the caves increases in intensity until you reach this chamber. There, in the center, you see a woman dressed all in green robes and covered in veils. The hems of her robes are dyed a deep forest green, and modeled to resemble waves of slime all along the robe's edges.
As you enter, the Green Mage looks up at you, and her chanting intensifies as she begins to dance. You look on in wonder at what exactly the strange woman is doing, at least until the stalagtite pipes all around the cavern begin to gurgle...
(if: $mind is >2)[[[Try casting a spell of your own...|Green Spell]]]
(link:"Is she casting a spell?!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's GreenMage, "Green Mage Win Room", "Green Mage Lose Room")]]
(else:)[The Green Mage is gone, and the lack of her chanting seems to indicate she won't be back anytime soon. You should be free to explore this area now.
[[To the Chasm|Chasm]]
[[Back to the caves|Cave 2]]]As the mine cart tracks weave their way into the dark, the path splits into three branches here. The cart tracks continue winding down into the caves, but two pathways in the dark split away from the tracks in opposite directions. One leads down a small drop into even deeper darkness. The other, while a much more gradual slope, carries the sound of splashing water which echoes up the mine shaft walls.
[[Follow the tracks downward|Mines 2]]
[[Go into the dark|Mines Magic Circle]]
[[Go towards the water|Aura's Domain]]
[[Follow the tracks upward|Mine Entrance]]In the darkness of the mine, you manage to find a simple magic circle enscribed on the ground. Clearly, someone with some magical skill must have been around here at some point.
{(if: $MinesAllMer is true)[The simple cross of All-Mer has been drawn in the center of the circle. A door is open in the back of the room; the "Blood Portal" you opened with the spell.
[[Enter the door|Blood Portal Room]]]
(if: $MinesGoFaH is true)[The etched symbol of the God of Fear and Hunger has been drawn in the center of the circle. A large effigy of the dark god has sprung up from the center of the circle.]}
(else-if: $magic is true)[You could probably draw the sigil of one of the Ascended Gods here and invoke their magic, if you have any chalk.
[[Draw a sigil|Mines Sigil]]]
[[Leave it alone|Mine Split Path]]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"Aura", (dm:
"name", "Aura",
"they", "she",
"them", "her",
"their", "hers",
"health", 14,
"maxHealth", 14,
"attack", 3,
"pattern", "GAPAAGP",
"attackPose", 'Aura crouches low to the ground...',
"attackText", "Aura dives towards you!",
"parryPose", 'Aura splays out her arms in challenge...',
"parryText", "Aura dodges and punishes!",
"grapplePose", 'Aura tightens her muscles...',
"grappleText", "Aura grabs at you to throw you down!",
"healthText", (a:
"Aura smirks as she sizes you up.",
"Aura's body is flecked with mud",
"Aura growls as she gets serious.",
"Aura's top is looking ragged and covered in mud.",
"Aura is panting in exhaustion...",
"winningText", (a:
'"Oh dear, dear. At least mud is good for your skin!" Aura taunts.',
"Aura smirks as she wrangles you into a disadvantageous position.",
"losingText", (a:
'Aura loses her footing a little in the mud.',
'Aura falls back to reassess her strategy.',
"loseText", 'Aura pushes herself off of the floor, her shoulders shaking as the dragoness is almost completely hidden under the mud. She splutters and stammers, for a moment as she holds her head low and a small wheezing fills the air.',
(if:$Aura is false)[The floor of the room softens beneath your feet as you trod deeper down towards the lake. Suddenly, out from the shadows, a large figure emerges. A mighty gold dragoness, dressed in a light blue swimsuit with Axolotl theming steps towards you.
"If you want to get through here, you'll need to get through me!" the dragoness says with a haughty smirk. "You'll need to last at least five minutes with me. and believe me, It's going to be interesting these next few minutes. All of the next few minutes. Try not to slip up early or we'll just have to make you squeal to keep everyone amused."
(link:"Aura Challenges You!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Aura, "Aura Win Room", "Aura Lose Room")]]
(else:)[Aura lounges on the side of the room, content to let you pass for now.
[[Check the waters|Water]]
[[Leave the area|Mine Split Path]]](if: $chalk is >0)[You stand over the circle, deciding on which sigil to draw.
[[Draw the sigil of All-Mer|Mines Blood Portal]]
(if: $bookofenlightenment is true)[[[Draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger|Mines Save Point]]]]
(else:)[You fish around in your bag for a moment, before discovering that you don't have any chalk to draw a sigil with.]
[[Leave the circle alone|Mines Magic Circle]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $MinesAllMer to true)
(set: $MinesPortal to true)
You draw the simple cross-like sigil of All-Mer. As you finish the last of the details, you hear the sound of stone sliding on stone as a red light fills the room. On the back wall of the chamber, you see that a door has opened, leading somewhere else in the dungeon. Clearly, it's an attempt by the set designers to evoke the old magics of blood portals.
[[Enter the Blood Portal|Blood Portal Room]]
[[Leave it for now|Mines Magic Circle]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $MinesGoFaH to true)
(save-game: "Slot A", "Mines Circle")}
You draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger in the circle. Shortly after you do, a trapdoor opens in the floor behind the circle, and a statue which you recognise as the effigy of the God of Fear and Hunger rises from it. You feel oddly at peace for a moment.
[[Return|Mines Magic Circle]]The caves are cut by a wide chasm, in which a river of thick, flowing slime oozes its way through the caverns. There's a bridge that you could attempt to cross, but it looks a little flimsy. Alternatively, you could try to shimmy along the side of the chamber along the ledges.
[[Take the bridge|Bridge]]
[[Take the ledge|Ledge]]
[[Go into the caves|Green Mage's Domain]]Here, a long, rickety wooden bridge spans the lake of gunge. While the ropes of the bridge creak and the boards bend slightly beneath your feet, you believe that the bridge should hold your weight for now.
[[Cross to the west side|Village 1]]
[[Cross to the east side|Chasm]](set: $body to it-1)
As you shimmy along the ledge, it seems to get wider, opening up to a larger area of land apart from the lake of slime.
(if: $body is <=0)[[[You begin to slip on the slimy ledge...|Dumped in the River]]]
(else:)[[[Shimmy over to the wider part of the land|Cave Mommy's Domain]]
[[Shimmy over towards the bridge|Chasm]]]Here, amongest the walls of the cave, several shoddily-built huts stand secured by the walls. Scoffolds and platforms hold more huts and passages leading into the dark.
[[Go north|Village Overlook]]
[[Go west|Village Center]]
[[Go south|Village House]]
[[Cross the bridge|Bridge]]You stand at the edge of a reasonably impressive-looking underground lake. At the far side of the water lies a shore, with what you can just barely make out as a wooden door flanked on either side by torches. Getting there would mean finding some way to cross the water first, however.
(if: $waterwalk is true)[[[Use the spell of Water Walking|Casting Water Walking]]]
(if: $caveplatform is true)[[[Walk across the water|Onto the lake]]]
[[Turn around|Aura's Domain]]You walk along the only slightly submerged platforms to "walk" along the water's surface until you reach the other side of the lake. On the far shore is a simple wooden door flanked by torches. Testing the door proves it to be locked.
(if: $lockpick is true)[[[Pick the lock on the door|Nosramus' Study]]]
[[Walk to the large shore|Water]]Inside the room, you find an alchemical lab, with a potion-making table crowded with ingredients and several overflowing bookshelves. A small, well-worn bed sits in the corner, suggesting that whoever makes their abode here has been here for a //long// time.
[[Check the alchemy lab|Potions]]
[[Check the books|Study Bookshelf]]
[[Check the bed|Nos' Bed]]
[[Leave|Onto the lake]]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"CaveMommy", (dm:
"name", "Cave Mommy",
"they", "she",
"them", "her",
"their", "hers",
"health", 16,
"maxHealth", 16,
"attack", 2,
"pattern", "PPAGPPG",
"attackPose", 'The Cave Mommy brandishes her whip...',
"attackText", "The Cave Mommy lashes out!",
"parryPose", 'The Cave Mommy cracks her whip threateningly...',
"parryText", "The Cave Mommy blocks your strike!",
"grapplePose", 'The Cave Mommy smirks.',
"grappleText", "The Cave Mommy tries to trip you with her whip!",
"healthText", (a:
"The Cave Mommy saunters towards you with a sadistic grin...",
"The Cave Mommy reels her whip back for another strike.",
"The Cave Mommy's hair is beginning to come loose from its tight bun.",
"The Cave Mommy's bodice is starting to slip....",
"Cave Mommy's sense of dominance is wavering...",
"winningText", (a:
'"What a good little pet. I look forward to breaking you..."',
'"Kneel for me, darling"',
"losingText", (a:
'"Ahh! What a naughty child!"',
'"You will be punished severely for that!"',
"loseText", 'The Cave Mommy stumbles, losing her balance!',
(if:$Mommy is false)[As you make it to what looks like sae ground, you take a moment to recompose yourself before hearing the sharp crack of a whip behind you. Turning to see the source of the sound, you watch as a mature woman sporting a light brown bobcut steps confidently from the shadows, wielding a large bullwhip in her hands. The woman wears a white domino mask with a small bird's beak design. Below is a white leather bodice, boots, and a pair of false angel wings.
"Ara ara..." she coos, sizing you up. "Another lost child stepping into my domain. Come with me, dear, and let Mommy take care of you!" The woman grins maliciously under her mask as she speaks. The whip tightens in her hands, and she surges forward!
(link:"Cave Mommy cracks the whip!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's CaveMommy, "Cave Mommy Win Room", "Cave Mommy Lose Room")]]
(else:)[With the Cave Mommy gone, this part of the cave feels actually safe.
[[Inspect the area|Cave Loot]]
[[Go back|Ledge]]](if: $caveloot is false)[On the floor near where you fought the Cave Mommy, you find a set of some previous adventurer's discarded clothes.
[[Rummage through the pockets|Check the Pockets]]
[[Leave it alone|Cave Mommy's Domain]]]
(else:)[There's not much else of interest left here.](set: $Aura to true)
After a few moments of listening, it becomes clear that Aura is trying very hard not to have an attack of the giggles, something she fails at as she rolls over with a splat. Her grin is the only break in the thick layer of mud.
"Alright, I suppose you got me good" she pants out. "And you at least didn't make it boring. Shall we get you a prize? I'm sure there's something good for you at the far end of the lake. Provided you can walk on water, of course!"
After a moment, Auea half-crawls, half-swims over towards the side of the room to get out of your way. She rests herself on a rocky outcrop near the mud, contented with your struggle.
[[Continue on|Aura's Domain]](set: $gamestart to false)
"Your time is up" Aura smirks, grabbing your arms and forcing them behind your back and stomping on your calf to force you to kneel. With a click, cuffs slide into place and secure your wrists where they're locked. "I think a little covering of gold to make you mine will make things clear, a collar on top... and then we'll have all the time in the world to turn you into service with a smile" she chuckles, but the purr in her voice is surprisingly genuine. Seems she's excited about the idea of keeping you too...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $GreenMage to true)
The Green Mage slips in a puddle of her own slime, taking an embarrassing tumble. She quickly gets to her feet, unharmed, but scampers off in embarrassment. In any case, you've managed to get past her for now...
[[Return|Green Mage's Domain]](set: $gamestart to false)
The Green Mage assaults you from all sides with a barrage of slime jets, each one covering you more and more with a thick, heavy layer of tacky, stringy slime. It's hard to move, it's hard to see, and it's hard to hear; but not quite hard enough to miss hearing the telltale sound of a trapdoor swinging open nearby...
"It's been fun playing with you, but I think it's time you took a little rest." says the Green Mage. "Have fun down there!"
With another spray of slime, the Green Mage knocks you off-balance, pushing you back until your foot meets air. Slipping down, you fall into the darkness of the trap hole, dropping down, down, down into the darkness below...
Your fall is arrested as you splash down into a thick pool of heavy, sloopy slime. You're absolutely covered in the thick, heavy muck, and as you lift your hand to your face to wipe away some of the goo, you spot the robe-wrapped form of the Green Mage waving down at you tauntingly from the caves above.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $Mommy to true)
The Cave Mommy loses her balance, slipping and falling into the river of slime with a thick and heavy splat! You can just barely make out the shape of her slime-covered head pop up from the river's surface as she swims off out of sight. You likely won't have to tangle with her again for a while...
[[Return|Cave Mommy's Domain]](set: $gamestart to false)
You feel Cave Mommy's ship wrapping around you, but you just aren't quick enough to disentangle yourself. Before you know it, you've been completely wrapped, especcially as the woman moves quickly around you to secure you in place. Then, with a final small kick to the back of your knee, The Cave Mommy lowers you down onto your knees as she stands behind you, stepping lightly on the small of your back. Her whip, taut as it can be, squeezes you lightly as it holds you up; the only thing keeping you from tumbling directly into the river of slime below.
"Now then, are you going to be good for Mommy and not resist any more? I would hopefully hope so, given where you're about to be going..." With a single dominating kick, Cave Mommy lets go of her whip, letting you tumble down into the river of gunge below.
Even despite the cold layer of green on your face, you can still feel the red heat of blush on your cheeks as you're carried down the river. The stagehands fish you out before you come to any serious bodily harm, but your pride has certainly taken a beating from that fight...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $PrisonKey to true)
You grab the keys from the hook, not knowing what they belong to, but knowing that they'll be useful somewhere.
[[Return|Solas' Domain]]This room is better lit than the torture chamber it was adjacent to, and seems to be some sort of macabre trophy room. Portraits line the walls of Solas, mugging for the cameras as he torments scores of prior contestants in the room's myriad torture devices. In the center of the room is something different, however.
A massive set of armor sits lodged against the wall on a small plinth, its outer layers propped open. The inside seems filled with small nozzles; not long enough to poke someone wearing it, but instead seemingly designed to sit an inch or so above the flesh. On the plinth, a small plaque reads "Pie-nence Armor". The plates look sturdy and nigh-indestructable; even more so against the boffer weapons you've been given in this dungeon.
[[Put the armor on|Pie-nence Armor Ending]]
[[Observe the pictures more closely|Wall of Shame]]
[[Leave the room|Solas' Domain]](set: $Solas to true)
Solas, unable to stand up to someone capable of fighting back, swiftly retreats into the shadows.
[[Return|Solas' Domain]] {(set: $gamestart to false)
(set: $torturechamber to (either: 1,2))}
(if: $torturechamber is 1)[Defeated, you lay down your weapon and raise your arms in surrender. Solas chuckles as he looks you over for a moment, and then motions over to the rack in the center of the room.
"Good, good. You've made the right decision to surrender. Now do as I say, before things get worse. Go over there and lie down on that table. Face up, of course."
Following the man's instructions, you walk over to the table as he helps you lie down, making sure to lock your wrists and ankles into the restraints at the ends of the table as he does. You look up, directly into the intimidating selection of pipes and nozzles situated directly above you, just as a little droplet of red slime dribbles out of one of the pipes and down onto your cheek.
"We're going to have such fun, here, you and I, over the next hour or so." Solas says as he fishes around in his desk for something. "it really is the best part of the job to be able to do this, and the managers even let me keep mementos of all the contestants I play with. Isn't that sweet? Now then, hold still! Hahaha, that's a little inside joke in the business, given you're tied down and whatnot~." Craning your neck, you can barely see as the horrid little man pulls one of the levers stationed around the room.
The pipes overhead burst forth, spewing a cacophany of color down over yur body. The gunge is cold and clammy as it nestles across every inch of your body, and clouding your vision almost completely. When the deluge finally stops, you can just barely make out the flash of a camera and the clicking of film.
"Oh, don't you look just the masterpiece! These pictures will look marvelous on the wall of shame with the others! I just know people are going to love seeing your misfortune! And this is just the start! Kjeh kjeh kjeh!"
Game Over]
(if: $torturechamber is 2)[Defeated, you lay down your weapon and raise your arms in surrender. Solas chuckles as he looks you over for a moment, and then motions over to the pillory on the side of the room.
"Good, good. You've made the right decision to surrender. Now do as I say, before things get worse. Go over there and put your head and arms through those holes. I'm sure you've seen it before."
Following the man's instructions, you walk over to the pillory and nestle yourself in, wincing slightly as you hear the telltale click of a lock snapping shut, signaling the end of your journey. You spend a little time trying to work yourself into place, making your best attempt to make yourself comfortable. After all, you've still got another 50 minutes or so left on the clock before the stage crew comes to release you.
The first couple of minutes aren't //too// bad, as Solas steps away for something. It's only when he returns to the dungeon, carting a large serving cart weighed down with well-filled pies and icing-stacked cakes, that you get the feeling that things are about to be much worse.
"Sorry for making you wait, kjeh kjeh kjeh, but I thought I'd bring a little something to help you pass the time. I'm sure you're just famished, after all..." Solas takes one of the pies from the cart and saunters over to the pillory, humming a nameless little tune to himself. He holds the pie teasingly in front of you, barely containing his giggling, as the scent of strawberry fills your nostrils. The pie itself is covered in a heavy layer of pink cream, with little pieces of strawberry artfully placed in strategic spots around the edge. It's clear that someone in the props department spent a lot of time making this pie look perfect.
Solas grinds the pie directly into your face, filling your mouth and nse with the taste and scent of strawberries and cream before sliding the tin up into your air and on top of your head. The cruel little man giggles in delight, and you can her the snapping of a camera shutter and the flash of a camera through your creamy mask.
"Oh, these pictures will look marvelous on the Wall of Shame with the others! People are going to //love// you! Speaking of, perhaps I should call some of the guards over here. Maybe we can make a game out of who can make you look the most ridiculous? After all, we have plenty of time to kill, kjeh kjeh kjeh..."
Game Over]
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $gamestart to false)
Deciding that the near invulnerability of the armor is wrth the risk, you step into the Pienence Armor and slide your arms into the iron sleeves. At the bottom of the armor's gauntlets, you find a pair of squeeze handles. As you tentatively clench your fists around the handles, you hear and feel the armor's hinges behind you begin to close. As you pull them all the way, the armor's back seals up behind you, and the handles lock into place. As soon as you release your hands from the handles, suddenly everything goes white as your ears are filled with an incessant hissing sound.
Every one of the small nozzles inside of the armor go off at once, spraying your entire body down with a thick and sweet-smelling cream. By the time the spray stops, you feel almost entirely covered. You can barely see as a thick layer of the cream blocks the eyeholes of the armor, and as you reach up to try and wipe away the mess, you come to a terrible realization: The armor does not move.
You try to move a cream-covered leg, attempting to step off the podium. Still no good. The armor is anchored to the spot, with you locked inside. There's nothing you can do but wait here, shivering in disgust beneath your armor of cream, until the stage crew is able to release you at the end of your attempt.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]{(if: visit is 1)[
(set: $MilesFate to (either: 1,2,3,4))
(set: $MalloryFate to (either: 1,2,3,4))
(set: $SoniaFate to (either: 1,2,3,4))
(set: $SaphFate to (either: 1,2,3,4))
(set: $GraceFate to (either: 1,2,3,4))]}
All around the room are large pictures of Solas posing dramatically for the camera, each one featuring a former contestant on the show sitting helplessly in one of the dungeon's many torture devices. It looks like you'd have met a similar fate had he gotten the best of you as well.
[[Look at the picture of the young man|Miles]]
[[Look at the picture of the pink-haired woman|Sonia]]
[[Look at the picture of the black-haired woman|Mallory]]
[[Look at the picture of the catlike woman|Saph]]
[[Look at the picture of the foxboy|Grace]]
(if: $Brigidcaptured is true)[[[Look at pictures of the humiliated hostess|Brigid]]]
[[Leave the pictures alone|Pienance Chamber]]{
(if: $SoniaFate is 1)[Solas preens over a pink-haired girl locked down onto his table with restraints. Her black robes are covered in an assortment of slimes and gunges of wildly varying colors and textures.]
(if: $SoniaFate is 2)[Solas stands behind the pillory, holding the pink-haired girl by the sides of her pie-covered face and forcing her head forward to face the camera. He clearly had more people in the dungeon for this picture, considering that his hands are full. The line of shadows on the walls, each holding pies of their own, seems to support that conclusion...]
(if: $SoniaFate is 3)[The faintest whiff of pink hair can be seen above a mud-covered blop locked in Solas' dunking cage. He stands at the ready holding the lever, looking like he's ready to dunk her back down.]
(if: $SoniaFate is 4)[A pie hits the pink-haired girl square in the face in this action shot! It wasn't a terribly difficult hit, mind you, as she currently seems tied down to a chair. Underneath her seat, you can see bits of cake dribbling out from below her frosting-soaked ass.]
[[Return|Wall of Shame]]{
(if: $MalloryFate is 1)[The picture shows a young woman with black hair strapped to the rack in the center of the room, while Solas laughs menacingly at the camera. The woman, and the robes she's wearing, are drenched in layer upon layer of thick, gooey slime.]
(if: $MalloryFate is 2)[The picture shows Solas standing proudly over the crouched form of a young, black-haired woman in one of the room's many pillories. At least, you think her hair is black. It's honestly hard to tell given the layers of cream and pie fillings covering her head and scattered at the floor by her feet.]
(if: $MalloryFate is 3)[The picture shows Solas posing proudly in front of a black-haired woman in dark priest's robes, crammed into a small hanging cage. At least, you think her hair is black, and you think those are robes. It's hard to tell, given that the cage and the girl inside are thoroughly covered in mud. Underneath the cage, a muddy, gaping hole is opened up in the floor, and from the looks of Solas' expression as he stands with one hand on a lever, that seems to be where the girl will be ending up again in just a moment...]
(if: $MalloryFate is 4)[The black-haired woman sits in a chair, blted down with restraints. From below her seat, you can see the frosting, cake, and bits of jam seeping out from below. Solas holds the camera; clearly the picture is a selfie; in one hand, while his other is wrapped around the girl's shoulder holding a pie threateningly to her face.]
[[Return|Wall of Shame]]{
(if: $SaphFate is 1)[A black-haired nekomimi woman in a sleeveless leather shirt and black pants is tied down onto Solas' table, squirming in her place as Solas operates various levers in the background dumping multicolored slime all across her flailing form. Her hair has streaks of blue in it, but you're unsure if those are highlights or splatters of blue gunge from this angle...]
(if: $SaphFate is 2)[A buxom woman stands wide-stanced in Solas' pillory, hands splayed wide as he drives a strawberry-filled pie into her face! A pair of cat ears stick up from the top of the pie tin.]
(if: $SaphFate is 3)[A woman sits in Solas' mud dunking cage, looking like a wet cat covered in mud. Granted, the mud-soaked cat ears and whiskers dripping with little droplets of mud certainly aren't helping shake the comparison...]
(if: $SaphFate is 4)[A black-haired catgirl sits in the Pie-ron chair, taking pie hit after pie hit from Solas as he laughs maniacally. Beneath her black leather pants, you can see the remnants of a thick cake seeping out from beneath her legs.]
[[Return|Wall of Shame]](set: $caveplatform to true)
You raise your hand and speak aloud the magic words from the book you found. As you do, several platforms under the water's surface rise, stopping just under the surface to give the illusion of being able to walk across the water. You should be able to cross now.
(if: $MilesFate is 1)[The picture shows a young man bound onto Solas' torture rack, dressed in mercenary leathers and a brown cape that matches his hair. Or at least, it would match his hair is Solas weren't pouring purple gunge onto his head and orange gunge all over his clothing...]
(if: $MilesFate is 2)[A young brown-haired man stands in the pillory while Solas lines up another pie to throw at him. If the absolute state of the man's filling-covered face is any indication, Solas' aim is immaculate.]
(if: $MilesFate is 3)[A langly young man dressed in mercanary clothes sits in the mud dunking cage, waiting for Solas to drop him in. Solas seems slightly vexed by how oddly excited the man is for this...]
(if: $MilesFate is 4)[The picture shows a young man grimacing in disgust as Solas pushes him down onto a chair, the back and seat of which have large, gooey-looking cakes set into them.]
[[Return|Wall of Shame]]{
(if: $GraceFate is 1)[A foxboy lies prone and facedown on the mad torturer's table, green hair dripping with even greener slime. His face carries a look of gleeful disgust, while his slime-soaked tail waves in the back of the image.]
(if: $GraceFate is 2)[A beskirted green-haired boxboy leans over in the pillory, his tail poking out from beneath his skirt. He's completely wieghed down with pie crust and filling, and a single stocking is sliding down his leg.]
(if: $GraceFate is 3)[A pair of orange fox ears poke out from a mud-covered lump in Solas' mud dunking cage. The fox boy's feet kick out a little from between the bars of the cage, and one of his boots seems to have fallen off into the mud...]
(if: $GraceFate is 4)[The fox boy squirms in a seat where several cakes have been placed along its surfaces. The arms of his white tunic are stained with a kaleidoscopic series of colored frostings, and over his loosened breastplate a sign reading "LOSER" has been slung around his neck.]
[[Return|Wall of Shame]]The village overlooks a gaping chasm. You have no idea how they managed to set all of this up in a TV studio, but the practical effects budget is clearly astounding.
[[Head towards the village|Village 1]]
(if: $ahelpfultip is true)[[[Trust Pocketcat and jump|Abyss Bad End]]]This seems to be the main square of this strange stone village. The floor is carved in a crude, if decorative, pattern, all surrounding a pillory made of stone stationed in the center of the square. Off in the distance, you can make out the shape of a much larger, more ornate-looking building. A few actors dressed in rags mill about, regarding you with silent but suspicious stares stares. One of the actors stands out to you, however. One of the actors is dressed in a sharp, pristine suit, and a large, purple papier-mache cat's head perched upon his shoulders.
[[Enter the stone temple|Stone Temple]]
[[Examine the pillory|Village Pillory]]
[[Speak with the Cat|Pocketcat]]
[[Head towards the bridge|Village 1]]A pair of small huts are located here.
(if: $hut1 is false)[[Search the left hut|Left Hut Search]]
(if: $hut2 is false)[[Search the right hut|Right hut Search]]
[[Leave this area|Village 1]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $hut1 to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[Sitting against the wall of the left hut is a battered boffer sword. It's not much, but it might give you an edge if you need to hit something.
(set: $weapon to 'sword')]
(else:)[The hut is devoid of anything remotely useful.]
[[Resume your quest|Village House]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true, false, false))
(set: $hut2 to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[You make a lucky find as you search through the hut on the right. Inside is a book called "The Passages of Ma'habre" with an ancient golden city on the cover.
(set: $passages to true)]
(else:)[(set: $chalk to it+1)Inside the hut you find a spare piece of chalk and add it to your bag.]
[[Resume your quest|Village House]]This building is larger and more ornately decorated than the rest of the simple stone huts in the village, indicating that this is a place of great importance. {(if: $cube is false)[An ornate cube carved with strange symbols sits on a clawed pedastal in the center of the room.](if: $cube is true)[An empty pedastal sits in the center of the chamber.]}
(if: $cube is false)[[[Take the cube|Cave Dwellers' Domain]]]
[[Leave the temple alone|Village Center]]You examine the pillory and find that while the stone it's made of is fake, it's very much still functional.
[[Leave it for now|Village Center]]"Well hello, stranger. How are you doing on this wonderful day?" asks the strange man in the cat mask. Behind the frozen cheshire grin of the mask, the man beneath seems to be smiling just as sacchrinely sweetly. "You've done well to make it this far into the dungeon. And I'm sure you must be tired. Perhaps you'd like a bit of help?"
[[What are you on about, cat?|Pocketcat Advice]]
[[Do you have anything for sale?|Pocketcat Shop]]
[[I...don't think I want to talk to you...|PC Rejection]]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"VillagerMob", (dm:
"name", "Villager Mob",
"they", "they",
"them", "them",
"their", "their",
"health", 16,
"maxHealth", 16,
"attack", 2,
"pattern", "GGPAAPAG",
"attackPose", 'The villagers whisper amongst themselves...',
"attackText", "The villagers try to swarm you!",
"parryPose", 'The villagers regroup...',
"parryText", "The villagers take a defensive formation!",
"grapplePose", 'The villagers begin trying to flank you...',
"grappleText", "The villagers grab at you wildly!",
"healthText", (a:
"The villagers have you nearly surrounded",
"The villagers begin to make hand signs directing each other.",
"Several of the villagers have begun to flee.",
"The villagers are trying to rally...",
"Only a few villagers remain fighting you.",
"winningText", (a:
'The villagers giggle and whisper among themselves.',
'The villagers hoot and hollar in victory.',
"losingText", (a:
'A few of the villagers run off, scared.',
'The villagers are disorganized and scattered',
"loseText", 'The last of the villagers retreat, leaving you alone.',
(if:$Villagers is false)[(set: $cube to true) As you take the cube from off of its pedastal, the whispering of the villagers around the town quickly turns to screams and jeers. Villagers flood into the temple, boffer spears at the ready, as they move to apprehend you!
(link:"The villagers attack you in a swarm!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's VillagerMob, "Villagers Win Room", "Villagers Lose Room")]]
(else:)[The villagers have retreated, and you are left alone in the stone temple.
[[Go back|Stone Temple]]](if: visit is 1)[(set: $cawcounter to it+1)]
This part of the mines seems better lit than other parts of the cave systems as a whole. despite that, there's something about it that sends a shiver up your spine. You get the feeling like you do not want to stay here for too long...
[[Go deeper into the caves|Mines 3]]
[[Head back towards the surface|Mine Split Path]]Stuck into the wall of the cave here is a magnificent blue sword. The blade is split into two prongs, and an elegant pair of draconic wings fan out from its crystalline hilt. It seems like a powerful weapon to have in the dungeon, if you had the strength to pry it free.
(if: $intelligence is >2)[[[Examine the sword closely|Check for traps]]]
(if: $strength is >2)[[[Pull out the sword|Blue Sin Bad End]]]
[[Go deeper into the mines|Mines 4]]
[[Go up towards the surface|Mines 2]](set: $gamestart to false)
You try and pull the sword from its rocky prison, only to be met with an ominous //clunk// as the sword shifts in place as though it were a lever. Before you can think to react, a trapdoor opens beneath your feet, sending you down onto a long and twisting slide!
While the slide itself is surprisingly fun, it's certainly more of a surprise when you launch off the end of it, flying through the air for a moment before landing with a cold and heavy
Raising a hand to your face from your wet rear, you find that you seem to have landed in a large chocolate cake. As your rump settles deeper and deeper into its new seat, You're halfway through trying to get up when suddenly from above, several more rock-shaped cakes begin to rain down from the ceiling onto you!
When the "rockslide" finally ends, you've found yourself absolutely //covered// in chocolate icing and bits of chocolate cake. Worse still, it would appear that you're stuck in this room in your little pile of cake until the stage crew eventually comes to fish you out.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]At the end of the mine shaft, you find a chute that leads straight down into the black abyss. A rope is tied to a wooden brace at the top of the pit, providing a reasonable way to climb up and down from the hole, presuming that it actually holds your weight.
[[Climb down the pit|Catacomb Left Entrance]]
[[Walk away|Mines 3]](set: $body to $startingbody)
Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical. Thankfully, you can see the caves extending off to the east. This landmark gives you the confidence to stop and catch your breath for a moment before soldiering on.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 18]]
[[Go east|Mines 4]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 27]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 22]]Inside the tree, you find more vines leading into a hole that leads deep into the bowels of the earth. It's hard to say exactly what you'll find down there...
[[Climb into the hole|Thicket 2]]
[[Leave the tree|Backyard]](if: $strength is >=2)[(set: $vines to true) With a mighty swing, you knock the heavy vines free from the fastenings that are holding them above the tree. You should be able to pass through into the tree's trunk now.]
(else:)[You try your best to knock the vines off of the tree, but their sheer weight is a little too much for you to reasonably push with just the tip of your sword.]
[[Return|Backyard]]The more you think about it, the less this makes sense. A sword you would need to use here would need to be soft enough to not actually injure any of the actors playing the creatures of the dungeon, but a boffer sword shouldn't be able to stick into rocks like that. Upon close examination, you find that the sword isn't a boffer, and it's only barely a sword. The blade of the sword isn't wedged into the wall, but instead half a sword blade has been glued to a moving part of the wall, as though it were an elaborately decorated lever of some kind.
[[How strange!|Mines 3]]At the bottom of the vine rope, a winding path leads deeper down into the web of vines and foliage...
[[Go deeper|Thicket 3]]
[[Climb up|Thicket 1]]
(if: $intelligence is >2)[[Is that a hidden door?|Thicket Secret Room]]
You think you've finally reached the bottom of the tangle of vines. The floor on this part of the passage is stone, at least. Off to the side, nearly covered in vines, a stone archway leads out of the room and off into the darkness beyond...
[[Enter the passage|Catacomb East Entrance]]
[[Climb up|Thicket 2]](set: $body to $startingbody)
Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical. Thankfully, you can see an exit hidden in the west wall, and having a familiar landmark gives you a little bit more confidence to stop and rest.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 14]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 19]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 23]]
[[Go west|Thicket 3]](if: $chest3 is false)[Inside the hidden space in the thicket, you find an unlocked chest!
[[Open the chest|Thicket Chest]]
[[Leave it alone|Thicket 2]]
(else:)[Inside the hidden room, you find only the chest you've already looted...
[[Return|Thicket 2]]]
Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical. (if: $chest2 is false)[Tucked away in the corner of the space, you find an unopened treasure chest.]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 1]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 15]]
(if: $chest2 is false)[[[Open the treasure chest|Catacomb Chest]]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go east|Mud Pit 2]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 6]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 1]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical. In the north wall, a massive stone door stands.
(if: $cube is true)[[[Go north|City of the Gods]]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 3]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 7]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 2]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go east|Mud Pit 4]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 8]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 3]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go south|Mud Pit 9]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 4]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 5]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 10]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 14]]
(set: $body to $startingbody)
This spot of ground feels particularly solid in the sea of mud around you. You're able to stop, rest and recuperate a little before pressing on through the swamp surrounding you.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 6]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 11]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 15]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 10]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 7]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 12]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 16]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 11]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 8]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 13]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 17]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 12]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 9]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 18]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 13]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 15]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 20]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 24]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 19]]Here, in the midst of the muck, you find a magic circle engraved into the floor.
{(if: $CatacombAllMer is true)[The simple cross of All-Mer has been drawn in the center of the circle. A door is open in the back of the room; the "Blood Portal" you opened with the spell.
[[Enter the door|Blood Portal Room]]]
(if: $CatacombGoFaH is true)[The etched symbol of the God of Fear and Hunger has been drawn in the center of the circle. A large effigy of the dark god has sprung up from the center of the circle.]}
(else-if: $magic is true)[You could probably draw the sigil of one of the Ascended Gods here and invoke their magic, if you have any chalk.
[[Draw a sigil|Catacomb Sigil]]]
[[Go north|Mud Pit 16]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 21]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 25]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 20]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 17]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 22]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 26]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 21]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 23]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 28]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 32]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 24]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 29]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 33]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 28]](set: $body to $startingbody)
This spot of ground feels particularly solid in the sea of mud around you. You're able to stop, rest and recuperate a little before pressing on through the swamp surrounding you.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 25]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 30]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 34]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 29]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 26]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 31]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 35]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 30]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 27]]
[[Go south|Mud Pit 36]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 31]](set: $body to $startingbody)
This spot of ground feels particularly solid in the sea of mud around you. You're able to stop, rest and recuperate a little before pressing on through the swamp surrounding you.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 32]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 37]]
Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 33]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 38]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 37]]{
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)}
Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
(if: $Legarde is false)[To the south, thick cell bars show a small prison cell in the room beyond. Within, a blond-haired man sits, clad in gleaming silver armor. His head hung low, and his arms are raised high, chained to the far wall.]
(if: $Legarde is true)[To the south, a solitary prison cell lies with its door swung open. Le'goo-ed looks to the door and scoffs.
"Let's be out of here, eh? Glory awaits, after all."]
(if: $PrisonKey is true)[[[Enter the cell|Legarde's Cell]]]
[[Go north|Mud Pit 34]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 39]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 38]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 35]]
[[Go east|Mud Pit 40]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 39]]Before you lies a vast series of catacombs, connected by a network of long stretches of muddy ground. The mud is thick, and it's impossible to tell how deep it actually is before attempting to wade through it. Shadows dance across the walls, and the repeating patterns of pillars and mud pits makes everything look almost identical.
[[Go north|Mud Pit 36]]
[[Go west|Mud Pit 40]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 2]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 1]]](set: $body to it-3)
You wade through the hip-deep mud, panting slightly with exertion. The thick mud clings to your clothing and seems to almost drag you down into its depths.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Massive Door]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 2]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 4]]
[[Travel west|Massive Door]]]{(set: $body to it-2)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)}
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 5]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 4]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 1]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 6]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 2]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 7]]](set: $body to it-4)
You almost have to swim through the waist-deep mud here, pulling yourself forward with great exertion. The temptation to just lie down and fall asleep in the mud is //compelling.//
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Massive Door]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 8]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 4]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 9]]]{(set: $body to it-1)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)}
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 5]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 10]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 7]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 6]]](set: $body to it-3)
You wade through the hip-deep mud, panting slightly with exertion. The thick mud clings to your clothing and seems to almost drag you down into its depths.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 8]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 7]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 9]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 8]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 9]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 10]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 6]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb East Entrance]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 7]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 12]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 8]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb Magic Circle]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 9]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 14]]](set: $body to it-3)
You wade through the hip-deep mud, panting slightly with exertion. The thick mud clings to your clothing and seems to almost drag you down into its depths.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 10]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb Left Entrance]]](set: $body to it-3)
You wade through the hip-deep mud, panting slightly with exertion. The thick mud clings to your clothing and seems to almost drag you down into its depths.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 12]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb East Entrance]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb Magic Circle]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 12]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 14]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb Magic Circle]]](set: $body to it-3)
You wade through the hip-deep mud, panting slightly with exertion. The thick mud clings to your clothing and seems to almost drag you down into its depths.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb Left Entrance]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 14]]](set: $body to it-3)
You wade through the hip-deep mud, panting slightly with exertion. The thick mud clings to your clothing and seems to almost drag you down into its depths.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb East Entrance]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 16]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 12]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 17]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb Magic Circle]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 18]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 14]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 19]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb Left Entrance]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 20]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 17]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 16]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 18]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 17]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 19]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 18]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 20]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 19]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 16]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 21]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 17]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 22]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 18]]
[[Travel south|Gaol Doors]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 19]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 24]]](set: $body to it-1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel north|Catacomb 20]]
[[Travel south|Catacomb 25]]](set: $body to it-2)
You trudge through the knee-high mud, wincing slightly as the mud begins to seep into your boots.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 22]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 21]]](set: $body to it-4)
You almost have to swim through the waist-deep mud here, pulling yourself forward with great exertion. The temptation to just lie down and fall asleep in the mud is //compelling.//
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Gaol Doors]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 22]]]
(set: $body to it-3)
You wade through the hip-deep mud, panting slightly with exertion. The thick mud clings to your clothing and seems to almost drag you down into its depths.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 24]]
[[Travel west|Gaol Doors]]]{(set: $body to it-1)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)
You trudge through the ankle-deep mud, feeling the squelch of the soft ground underfoot.
(if: $body <=0)[[[You cannot press on any longer...|Stuck in the Mud]]]
(else:)[[[Travel east|Catacomb 25]]
[[Travel west|Catacomb 24]]](set: $gamestart to false)
You trudge through the mud, but as your leg drops down into the morass one more time, with a heavy //shlorp//, you feel your entire leg get pulled down into the mire. You try and lift your leg out again, but it's simply no good. You're stuck fast. With several more exerting tugs, you're finally able to rip your leg free, only to find that your boot is no longer attached!
You aren't able to keep your balance up for long, and it's only a few seconds before your leg drops back down into the mud with a heavy squish. Without the protection of your boot, you feel the full cold clamminess of the mud sticking to your entire leg. With a grimace, you move to try and correct yourself, only to completely lose your balance and trip over the boot buried somewhere deep in the mud...
You faceplant into the mud with a comical pratfall, completely covering your face in the muck. Your arms are practically buried, and as you lift your head out to breathe, you find that you just don't have the energy to pull yourself back up again.
You faceplant once more into the mire, unable to do anything but slowly catch your breath, turn yourself face up to breathe, and wait for the stagehands to eventually fish you out of your muddy prison.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]{
(set: $chest2 to true)
(set: $waterwalk to true)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)
Inside the chest, you find a small book. Giving it a quick read, it seems to include a "magic spell of water walking" and a series of made-up magic words. You tuck the book away, wondering if the words will come in handy anywhere.
[[Resume your quest|Catacomb 1]]Before you stands an impossible sight; the ancient city of Ma'habre, recreated in detail. Ghostly figures flicker through the streets of the golden city, criss-crossing one way or another. Off in the distance, the imposing towers of the Golden Temple shine in the artificial light.
[[Enter the city|City Center]](if: $chalk is >0)[You stand over the circle, deciding on which sigil to draw.
[[Draw the sigil of All-Mer|Catacomb Blood Portal]]
(if: $bookofenlightenment is true)[[[Draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger|Catacomb Save Point]]]]
(else:)[You fish around in your bag for a moment, before discovering that you don't have any chalk to draw a sigil with.]
[[Leave the circle alone|Catacomb Magic Circle]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $CatacombAllMer to true)
(set: $CatacombPortal to true)
You draw the simple cross-like sigil of All-Mer. As you finish the last of the details, you hear the sound of stone sliding on stone as a red light shines down from above. Looking up, you see that a door has opened in the ceiling and a small ladder has dropped down, leading somewhere else in the dungeon. Clearly, it's an attempt by the set designers to evoke the old magics of blood portals.
[[Enter the Blood Portal|Blood Portal Room]]
[[Leave it for now|Catacomb Magic Circle]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $CatacombGoFaH to true)
(save-game: "Slot A", "Catacomb Circle")}
You draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger in the circle. Shortly after you do, a trapdoor opens in the floor behind the circle, and a statue which you recognise as the effigy of the God of Fear and Hunger rises from it. You feel oddly at peace for a moment, before a sudden chill washes over you. You feel as though you have just sealed yourself into a terrible fate...
[[Return|Catacomb Magic Circle]](if: $Legarde is false)[Inside the cell, a handsome young actor playing Captain Le'Goo-ed sits on the floor, his hands held above his head in velcro manacles dressed up to look like rusty iron. As you enter, he looks up at you with a confused look.
"You...you're here to rescue me, aren't you? Look, hear me out. I don't want to stay in this place any longer, but I can't leave just yet. Please. Take me with you, but we need to go to the lost city. It's just below this dungeon, and I can't just leave when its this close!" He acts strained for a moment, shaking his arms in his bonds. "Of course, I'm in no condition to resist if you're just looking to take me out of here and get your reward. But please consider; there's a treasure greater than anything you'll see on the surface waiting just below our feet. I know it!"
[[Free him|Free Legarde]]
[[Leave him for now|Gaol Doors]]]
(if: $Legarde is true)[With Le'Goo-ed rescued, this cell is completely empty save for the prop chains remaining bolted to the wall.
[[Leave|Gaol Doors]]](set: $gamestart to false)
You run from the dungeon with Le'Goo-ed in hand, as he trails behind you. While he's somewhat dejected to have not gotten to go after the treasure he sought, he still follows you willingly and without issue until he's out of sight of the cameras.
The stage manager pats you on the back as the pair of you pass, and yells "Cut!" to the cameras shortly after you leave the bounds of the set's medieval design.
"Good work! You're the first adventurer in quite a while to have actually gotten in and out of the dungeon, and you've even managed to get Le'Goo-ed to join you! We'll just need to shoot some b-roll of the king granting you knighthood or jewels or whatever, but all of that's perfunctory. We can handle all that after a 15 minute break. Take a rest, kid, you've earned it!
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]Ma'habre stretches out in all directions around you. Several houses are built in this small square, where three distinct streets meet. Down one, you spy the Golden Temple at the end of the road. To the west, you see a building with signs mentioning the "great library", while to the east you see signs leading to the 'temple of torment". In the center of the town square, you see a set of stocks with an additional set hanging overhead, likely to restrain the captive's hands as well.
[[Head toward the library|Library Entrance]]
[[Head towards the tower|Tower of Torment Entrance]]
[[Head towards the palace|Gate Guards 1]]
(if: $Legarde is true)[[[Speak to Le'Goo-ed|Legarde's Advice]]]Before you stands a large, square building with large bay windows. Inside, you can see stacks of books and scroll racks. Above the front door, you can see a sign that reads "Library of Enlightenment".
[[Enter the library|Library of Enlightenment]]
[[Leave the area|City Center]]As you walk down the streets, you spot the Temple of Torment waiting for you at the end of the street. Despite its relatively normal appearance, the building seems to exude an almost supernatural aura of dread.
[[Enter the Temple|Tormentor's Domain]]
[[Leave the area|City Center]](if: $Guards is false)[As you head towards the Golden Temple, you spot a pair of guards standing watch at the gates. As you approach, the two guards lower their spears to block the way.
"Halt!" the guards cry. "In order to pass here, you must prove your worth. Are you willing to submit to our tests? Be warned, those who try to approach the Dominating One who are not worth her time will be //severely punished.//
(if: $Legarde is true)[Le'Goo-ed eyes you with a look of bored curiosity. He seems to be waiting on your lead.]
[[Step forth to be judged|Gate Guards 2]]
[[Turn back for now|City Center]]]
(if: $Guards is true)[The way leading to the Golden Temple is clear. You may pass with impunity.
[[Approach the Golden Temple|Palace of Dominion]]
[[Head into the city|City Center]]](if: $enlightenedsoul is true)[You step forward and wait as the guard sizes you up. Listening closely, you hear the muffled sound of an earpiece beneath his helmet. A woman's voice, sounding much like the Librarian's, says something you cannot quite make out. After a moment, the guard nods, and lifts his spear.
"You possess an enlightened soul. You may pass, provided that my companion agrees.
[[Step up to the next guard|Gate Guards 3]]]
(else:)[You step forward and wait as the guard sizes you up. Listening closely, you hear the muffled sound of an earpiece beneath his helmet. An unfamiliar woman's voice says something you cannot quite make out. After a moment, the guard's expression hardens.
"You are not worthy! Surrender now, and submit to your punishment!
[[Follow the guards|Captured Game Over]]
[[Try and Fight|Guards Domain]]](if: $tormentedsoul is true)[You approach the second guard, and watch as the same scene plays out. A deep, familiar voice that you recognize as the Tormentor growls into the earpiece under the guard's helmet, and after a moment, he nods in satisfaction. Lifting his spear from the path, he allows you to pass through the gates to the Golden Temple.
[[Keep walking|Palace of Dominion]]]
(else:)[You approach the second guard, and watch as the same scene plays out. An unfamiliar, growling voice gives off muffled echoes from beneath the guard's earpiece, and he frowns.
"You are not worthy! Surrender now, and submit to your punishment!
[[Follow the guards|Captured Game Over]]
[[Try and Fight|Guards Domain]]](set: $gamestart to false)
The guards take you back to the town square, where the shades of people seem to have been replaced with more extras dressed as villagers. One of the guards opens up the arm and leg holes in the stocks in the center of town, while the other sits you down. The pair of guards take your arms and legs and lock them into the stocks, Your boots are pulled from your feet to make room in the stocks, although they do seem to be slightly padded on the inside to give a slight bit of extra comfort.
That comfort is a cold comfort, however, as townsfolk begin to approach carrying several heavy-looking buckets. You aren't sure what's going on until suddenly you feel your entire world go dark.
An entire bucket of thick, sticky black gunge is dumped unceremoniously over your head as the townsfolk laugh and cheer at your expense.
Bucket upon bucket of the thick, black slop is thrown over you, completely covering you until the second wave of buckets arrive.
Several buckets full of feathers are tossed over you in a coat as the town's laughter becomes more wild and abandoned. When the feathers finally stop falling, one of the guards brings over a small sign reading "UNWORTHY", while the other brings a large dunce cap with an elastic hat band which reads "FAILURE" down the side. One guard slings the sign around your neck, while the other pulls the hat band and snaps it under your chin. A woman in robes matching the townsfolk comes up to you holding an old-timey camera, bringing it right up to your face as you turn beat-red beneath your layer of gunge and feathers. You try to turn your face away, only for the guards to hold your face forward and pose mockingly with you as the woman flashes the camera several times, cementing your humilation in cellulose.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]The Golden Temple gleams in the artifical midday sun, lighting the entire temple in a gloaming, shimmering light. A massive set of double doors leading to the throne room sits at the top of a small flight of stairs. Tucked away to the side, you see a small room jutting out on the west wing.
[[Enter the Throne Room|Domme's Domain]]
[[Check the side room|Palace Library]]
[[Leave the palace|Passing the guards]]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"Dommy", (dm:
"name", "The Dominating One",
"they", "she",
"them", "her",
"their", "hers",
"health", 20,
"maxHealth", 20,
"attack", 3,
"pattern", "AAPPGAPGAPGA",
"attackPose", "The Dominating One's movements are impossible to read.",
"attackText", "The Dominating One quickly thrusts!",
"parryPose", "The Dominating One's movements are impossible to read.",
"parryText", "The Dominating One parries at the last moment!",
"grapplePose", "The Dominating One's movements are impossible to read.",
"grappleText", "The Dominating One tries to grab your arm!",
"healthText", (a:
"The Dominating One approaches you with her arms outstretched in challenge.",
"A single black hair hangs in the middle of the Dominating One's face",
"The Dominating One has worked up a sweat.",
"The Dominating One's face has gotten serious.",
"The Dominating One clenches her teeth.",
"winningText", (a:
'"You will look marvelous on my trophy wall!" The Dominating One cries.',
'The Dominating One effortlessly takes the upper hand.',
"losingText", (a:
'The Dominating One looks at you in surprise',
'The Dominating One is looking slightly askew.',
"loseText", 'The Dominating One is knocked back to the side of her throne.',
(if:$Dommy is false)[You throw wide the doors of the throne room, looking up to see a black-haired woman sitting on the throne. Her outfit is nearly immaculately white, and lined with gold trim on nearly every seam. The only exceptions are her black riding coat, matching her black hair, and the red cavalier's hat she wears. As you enter, she looks at you with silent, wordless contempt...
(link:"The Dominating One rises from her seat to challenge you!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Dommy, "Dommy Win Room", "Dommy Lose Room")]]
(else:)[The throne room is quiet. (if: $Legarde is true)[Le'Goo-ed is almost vibrating in anticipation.]]
[[Approach the throne|Throne of Ascension]]]You nod assertively to the guards, and they let you leave the palace.
[[Return to the city|City Center]]You stand before the Throne of Ascension. Legarde smiles.
"Wonderful job, friend. There's nothing standing in our way now. All you have to do is take a seat on the throne, and the way to the treasure will open for us!"
[[Sit on the throne|The Green Place Bad End]]
[[Refuse your destiny|Legoo'd's Domain]](set: $gamestart to false)
You sit on the throne, shifting in the seat to get yourself comfortable. As you settle in, you feel the seat of the throne sink down slightly with a heavy clunk. You look to Le'Goo-ed to see if that was enough, and find that his smile seems...strange.
"Ha ha ha ha ha..." he chuckles to himself, before breaking out into a fit of frightening laughter. His peals of laughter echo across the empty throne room, and before you can do anything to react, the seat of the throne slides and shifts back throwing you off-balance!
"I'll tell no lie, friend." Le'Goo-ed says with another sinister chuckle. "There treasure is here, but unfortunately, you won't be here to find it. I needed someone else I could sacrifice before the throne would move to reveal the treasure, and friend, you've played that part to perfection!" Soon, the seat shunts you backwards further, and you begin to slip back along the overturned back of the throne towards a suden green light rising up from the floor...
You are suddenly submerged in a layer of thick, viscious green gunge that covers you completely. All around you, the room is lit with lime green lights, just just above, you can see the hole you fell though, with Le'Goo-ed still laughing as he looks down at your misfortune...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"Betrayer", (dm:
"name", "Captain Le'Goo-ed",
"they", "he",
"them", "him",
"their", "his",
"health", 25,
"maxHealth", 25,
"attack", 4,
"pattern", "PPPPAGPAAPG",
"attackPose", "Le'Goo-ed stands before you with sword held wide.",
"attackText", "Le'Goo-ed swings with precision!",
"parryPose", "Le'Goo-ed stands before you with sword held wide...",
"parryText", "Le'Goo'ed parries your blow!",
"grapplePose", "Le'Goo-ed's body shifts.",
"grappleText", "Le'Goo-ed tries to push you back!",
"healthText", (a:
"Le'Goo-ed is waiting for you.",
"Le'Go-ed is getting impatient.",
"Le'Go-ed is getting frustrated.",
"Le'Goo-ed is getting angry.",
"Le'Goo-ed is at his limit.",
"winningText", (a:
'You take a telling blow from the Captain.',
"Le'Goo-ed pushes you closer towards the throne.",
"losingText", (a:
'You manage to strike a hit against the Captain.',
"You jostle Le'Goo-ed closer to the throne.",
"loseText", 'With a final strike, you push the Captain over onto the throne.',
(if:$Betrayer is false)[Le'Goo-ed's expression changes as you refuse to sit on the throne. It's subtle, at first, as he looks you over. "What do you mean? We came all this way. We've faced so many trials and enemies together. Why would you not want to seize greatness now?!" His expression, changing to something more resembling anger and contempt, seems to give you all the reason you need.
"AFTER ALL THE WORK I DID LEADING YOU HERE, YOU WOULD DENY ME NOW?!" the man shouts, drawing a boffer sword from his belt. It seems that he wasn't as helpless as he claimed. "IF YOU WON'T CLAIM YOUR SEAT," he bellows. "I'LL JUST HAVE TO MAKE YOU!"
(link:"Captain Le'Goo-ed Lunges at You!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Betrayer, "Betrayer Win Room", "Betrayer Lose Room")]]
_allOpponents to (dm:
"Tormentor", (dm:
"name", "The Tormentor",
"they", "he",
"them", "him",
"their", "his",
"health", 18,
"maxHealth", 18,
"attack", 3,
"pattern", "GAAGGPAAGP",
"attackPose", 'The Tormentor readies his chains...',
"attackText", "The Tormentor lashes his chain forward!",
"parryPose", 'The Tormentor tightens his chains...',
"parryText", "The Tormentor tries to snare your attack!",
"grapplePose", 'The Tormentor flexes.',
"grappleText", "The Tormentor grabs at you!",
"healthText", (a:
"The Tormentor approaches with menacing intent...",
"The Tormentor revels in the thrill of battle.",
"The Tormentor's mask is a blank slate.",
"The Tormentor is beginning to lose control of himself.",
"The Tormentor is looking impressed.",
"winningText", (a:
'The Tormentor wraps his fists with chain and tightens.',
'"Is that all you can do?" The Tormentor cries.',
"losingText", (a:
'The Tormentor grunts with exertion',
'"You have not won yet!" The Tormentor taunts',
"loseText", '"Enough!" The Tormentor shouts.',
(if: $Tormentor is false)[As you step into the temple of Torment, the first thing you notice is the massive pool of green gunge sitting in the center of the room, with a large gyroscopic wheel suspended above it. Before you can get much of a look at it, however, you're interrupted by a deep, growling shout from your side.
You turn and see a muscular masked man, bedecked in a red leather outfit that looks like something halfway between a luchador and the goalie for a local kink dungeon's casual hockey team. In his hands, he holds some plush chains, which he swings in wide, helicoptor arcs above his head like a flail...
(if: $mind is >1)[[[Cast a spell to ward him away|Tormentor Spell]]]
(link:"The Tormentor plans to torment you!")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Tormentor, "Tormentor Win Room", "Tormentor Lose Room")]]
(else:)[The Tormentor relaxes in his throne, reading a book of poetry.
"Have you read this one?" he growls, raising the book somewhat. "Chambara's //Songs of Love and Torment//. A classic! Call me a basic bitch, but 'Chained Heart' is my favorite!"
[[Leave the temple|Tower of Torment Entrance]]]You stand in the library's main chamber, surrounded by bookshelves and scroll racks. A small side room lies off to the side containing what looks like more books and a ritual space, while a bespectacled woman sits at a small desk, flipping through the pages of a book.
[[Approach the reference desk|Reference Desk]]
(if: $book5 is false)[[[Check the bookshelves|Library Bookshelves]]]
[[Duck into the side room|Library Magic Circle]]
[[Leave the library|Library Entrance]]Le'Goo-ed looks you over as you turn to him.
"What, you're looking for my advice? Well, I //would// say we should go straight for the Golden Temple, seize the throne, and fulfill our destinies. However, I'm to understand that there are guards in the way that likely won't let us pass. They'll most likely want proof of our successes against the Soul of Enlightenment and the Soul of Torment, so you'll want to make sure you're good enough, first.
[[I see...|City Center]](set: $gamestart to false)
You feel your foot begin to slip from the ledge, but it's too late to do anything to stop it. You feel suddenly weightless as you take a tumble down into the river of slime below.
As you surface from the muck, you begin to feel the current of the river of runny, sticky gunge carrying you along into a small network of caves. You go along with the flow, simply too tired to do anything other than letting the current carry you. Eventually, the river floor becomes close enough that you can touch the bottom, and successfully climb out into a small room at the river's end. The room is well lit, but sparsely decorated. Only a sign reading "LOSER'S LOUNGE' can be seen, along with a few cameras documenting your utterly undignified exit from the river of slime. A small clock reading "Time Until Stage Crew Arrives" slowly ticks down on the wall. It looks like you're going to be here for a little while...
BAD END ENDING O: HOW EMBARRASSING!(if: $gamestart is true)[
''Body'' $body
(if: $body<$startingbody)[(set: $body to $startingbody)You eat the meat pie, and feel some of your stamina returning.]
(else:)[You aren't feeling hungry right now.]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s 2ndlast){(if: $cawcounter is <3)[(set: $cawcounter to 3)]
(else:)[(set: $cawcounter to it+1)]
(set: $body to $startingbody)}
You take a moment and catch your breath, resting on the bed as the eyes of the stone crow leer down at you. After a moment, you're feeling well-rested, but something about this place sends a chill down your spine...
[[Return|Crow Bedroom]](if: $chalk is >0)[You stand over the circle, deciding on which sigil to draw.
[[Draw the sigil of All-Mer|City Blood Portal]]
(if: $bookofenlightenment is true)[[[Draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger|City Save Point]]]]
(else:)[You fish around in your bag for a moment, before discovering that you don't have any chalk to draw a sigil with.]
[[Leave the circle alone|Library Magic Circle]]{(set: $caveloot to true)
(set: $chalk to it+1)
(set: $luckycoin to true)}
Checking through the pockets of the poor (or lucky?) adventurer who was here before you, you find a spare piece of chalk, as well as a two-headed gold coin. You pocket the items for yourself and go on your way.
[[Return|Cave Mommy's Domain]]{
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false))
(set: $chest3 to true)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)
(if: $treasure is true)[You open the chest and find a bottle inside reading "Drink Me". You take a swig of the contents of the bottle, and feel somewhat more invigorated!
(set: $startingbody to it+1)]
(else:)[You open the box, only to be met with crushing disappointment that this box was *also* picked clean.]
[[Resume your quest|Thicket Secret Room]](set: $meatpie to true)
You take a meat pie from the table and stow it in your bag. It should be a nice snack if you're hungry later.
[[Resume your quest|Kitchen]]{(if: visit is 1)[(set: $body to $startingbody)
You eat some of the food that's been left out, figuring that if whatever trap this food will spring on you doesn't knock you out of the game, being too hungry to dodge another trap just might. To your surprise, you don't sense anything wrong with the food as you eat, and soon, your energy is restored!]
(else:)[{(set: $body to $startingbody)
(set: $cawcounter to it+1)}
You eat more of the food that's been left out, thankful for an opportunity to rest and take a breather. As you chew, however, you feel off, as though someone (other than the audience, of course) is watching you...]}
[[Resume your quest|Kitchen]]"It's simple, old sport." the cat replies. "Somewhere in this dungeon is an old, peculiar doll. Bring it to me, and I'll reward you handsomely for it."
[[I'll see what I can do...|Pocketcat]]"Well, my friend, I certainly do. But only if the price is right, you see..."
(if: $doll is true)[I see, however, that you know just how to please an old cat like me. Tell you what? You hand over that doll to me, and I'll give you something really good in exchange. How does that sound?"
[[Buy a Crow Mauler Soul|PC Strength Up]]
[[Buy a White Angel Soul|PC Agility Up]]
[[Buy a Sorcerer's Stone|PC Intelligence Up]]
[[Buy an Iron Soul|PC Stamina Up]]
[[Buy some helpful advice|PC Advice Get]]
[[Not a chance!|PC Rejection]]]
[[I don't follow...|Pocketcat Advice]](if: $drawers1 is false)[The papers on the desk are, as they first appear, useless. However, one of the desk drawers is suspiciously unlocked...
[[Open the drawer|Stamina Potion 1]]
[[Leave it be|Solas' Domain]]]
(else:)[Having already checked the drawers, there's not much else of interest here.
[[Resume your quest|Solas' Domain]]]{(set: $drawers1 to true)
(set: $startingbody to it+1)
(set: $strength to it+1)}
Inside the drawer, you find a small phial labeled "Stamina Potion: For those victims who tap out too early..." Figuring that some extra stamina can't go amiss, you take a swig of the potion, and find yourself invigorated!
[[Resume your quest|Solas' Domain]](set: $doll to false)
(set: $strength to it+1)
"Ah, a fine choice." the man in the cat head responds. He takes the doll from your greedily, and hands you a black stone in exchange. You aren't sure why, but you feel a little stronger carrying it around.
[[Pleasure doing business with you...|Pocketcat]](set: $agility to it+1)
"Ah, a fine choice." the man in the cat head responds. He takes the doll from your greedily, and hands you a white stone in exchange. You aren't sure why, but you feel a little lighter on your feet carrying it around.
[[Pleasure doing business with you...|Pocketcat]](set: $intelligence to it+1)
"Ah, a fine choice." the man in the cat head responds. He takes the doll from your greedily, and hands you a ruby ring in exchange. You aren't sure why, but your wits feel a little sharper while you're wearing it.
[[Pleasure doing business with you...|Pocketcat]]{(set: $doll to false)
(set: $startingbody to it+1)
(set: $body to it+1)}
"Ah, a fine choice." the man in the cat head responds. He takes the doll from your greedily, and hands you a gray stone in exchange. You aren't sure why, but you feel a little more resilient carrying it around.
[[Pleasure doing business with you...|Pocketcat]](set: $doll to false)
(set: $ahelpfultip to true)
"Ah, a most excellent choice." the man in the cat head responds. He takes the doll from your greedily, and holds it in his hands as he speaks.
"You know the chasm on the north side of the village? Oh ho, it isn't actually a chasm at all! If you jump into it, there's a black net just out of sight that will catch you! All you have to do is make a leap of faith, and you'll be rewarded with a powerful secret! One I save for only the best of my best friends!"
[[Pleasure doing business with you...|Pocketcat]]"Oh the sweet sting of rejection!" the cat cries, holding one arm dramatically up to his comically oversized face. "Well, if you're ever in need of some quality goods or tips, feel free to seek me out!
[[Ok, I guess...|Village Center]]As you approach the reference desk, the librarian looks up from her book and greets you warmly.
"Hello! I take it that you're here to sign up for today's event?"
[[What event is that?|Trivia Rules]]
[[Yeah, I'm here to sign up|Trivia Signup]]
[[No, just looking around|Library of Enlightenment]]
(set: $treasure to (either:true,false,false))
(set: $book5 to true)
(if: $treasure is true)[You luck out while searching the bookshelves. One of the books on the shelf is an old mock-up of a legendary Book of Enlightenment. Giving it a quick skim details the methods of drawing the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger, and its preservative effects in this version of the dungeon.
(set: $bookofenlightenment to true)]
(else:)[You search the bookshelf and find only prop books and empty shelves.]
[[Resume your quest|Library of Enlightenment]]A large chalk circle is drawn on the ground of this chamber.
{(if: $CityAllMer is true)[The simple cross of All-Mer has been drawn in the center of the circle. A door is open in the back of the room; the "Blood Portal" you opened with the spell.
[[Enter the door|Blood Portal Room]]]
(if: $CityGoFaH is true)[The etched symbol of the God of Fear and Hunger has been drawn in the center of the circle. A large effigy of the dark god has sprung up from the center of the circle.]}
(else-if: $magic is true)[You could probably draw the sigil of one of the Ascended Gods here and invoke their magic, if you have any chalk.
[[Draw a sigil|City Sigil]]]
[[Leave it alone|Library of Enlightenment]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $CityAllMer to true)
(set: $CityPortal to true)
You draw the simple cross-like sigil of All-Mer. As you finish the last of the details, you hear the sound of stone sliding on stone as a red light fills the room. On the back wall of the chamber, you see that a door has opened, leading somewhere else in the dungeon. Clearly, it's an attempt by the set designers to evoke the old magics of blood portals.
[[Enter the Blood Portal|Blood Portal Room]]
[[Leave it for now|Library Magic Circle]]{(set: $chalk to it-1)
(set: $CityGoFaH to true)
(save-game: "Slot A", "City Circle")}
You draw the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger in the circle. Shortly after you do, a trapdoor opens in the floor behind the circle, and a statue which you recognise as the effigy of the God of Fear and Hunger rises from it. You feel oddly at peace.
[[Return|Library Magic Circle]](set: $Villagers to true)
The last of the villagers flee from you, leaving you and the cube in peace. With a sigh of relief, you put the cube in your bag and continue your quest.
[[Return|Stone Temple]] (set: $gamestart to false)
You try to fight off the villagers, but it's simply no use. There's just too many of them for you to face alone. You're completely swarmed, and as the villagers mob you, they grab you by your hands and legs, carrying you as a group back through the center of town.
Together, the villagers wrestle your hands and neck down into the holes in the stone pillory in the town square, tying it in place with a pair of stones on a string. A crowd is gathering around, and several of the villagers seem to be passing around baskets full of something...
You find out rapidly what that something is, as the first wave of villager begin to take the handouts and throw them directly at your exposed face!
All at once, gunge balloons made up as tomatoes, eggs, and stones pelt into you, covering you with layers of stringy, multi-colored gunge. The villagers all laugh as they enjoy your predicament, throwing more rounds of balloons over your face in waves.
Between salvos, more daring villagers rush forward, hanging a little sign around your neck reading "LOSER", dropping a gunge balloon down the back of your undies before giving your butt a good, wet (text-colour:purple)[SLAP!], or simply running up, biting a balloon, and then spraying it right in your face. All the while, your back and legs ache, your arse is sore and sticky, and you're sure that one of the villagers has (if: $armor is true)[pulled your pants down](else:)[lifted your robes up] at some point, further enhancing your humiliating predicament. The line of villagers waiting to rub yur face in it, literally and figuratively, feels never-ending. It's going to be a while before you can get out of this one...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]{
_allOpponents to (dm:
"Guards", (dm:
"name", "The Guards",
"they", "they",
"them", "them",
"their", "their",
"health", 30,
"maxHealth", 30,
"attack", 4,
"pattern", "AGAPPAGAAPGPA",
"attackPose", 'The guards receive commands through their earpieces...',
"attackText", "The guards attack you from both sides!",
"parryPose", 'The guards receive commands through their earpieces...',
"parryText", "The guards cover one anothers' weak points!",
"grapplePose", 'The guards receive commands through their earpieces...',
"grappleText", "The guards attempt to apprehend you!",
"healthText", (a:
"The guards stand ready to defeat you.",
"The guards smirk, and begin to get serious.",
"The guards revel in the challenge of a powerful foe.",
"The guards' begin to hear shouting in their earpieces.",
"The guards finally begin to waver...",
"winningText", (a:
'"Surrender now!" the guards shout as they strike at you.',
'The guards have you backed into a difficult position.',
"losingText", (a:
'The guards ward themselves against your blows.',
'The guards plan their next move between each other.',
"loseText", 'You strike a telling blow against the guards, forcing them to retreat!',
(if:$Guards is false)[You try to fight back against the guards, and they ready their spears to respond in kind. Given the skill with which they wield the boffer spears, it's clear that they're extremely capable opponents. Looking around for backup, it seems as though Le'Goo-ed has given you the slip when things got ugly. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all...
(link:"I have a bad feeling about this...")[($turnBasedCombat: $playerBaseStats, _allOpponents's Guards, "Guards Win Room", "Guards Lose Room")]]
(set: $Guards to true)
The guards stagger back, shocked that you were able to predict and thwart their combo attacks. They leave the way clear, letting you pass through the city as you will.
[[Move along|Palace of Dominion]]
[[Head back to the city|City Center]]With a twist of their spears, the guards send your weapon flying from your hand and point both of their spears at you. You fall to one knee, unable to face their two-on-one assault.
"This battle is over." The first guard says. "Now surrender, and come with us!"
[[You surrender to the guards|Captured Game Over]]"Oh, it's our daily trivia event, hosted by our head librarian Val. Whoever wins the day's event is granted the Enlightened Soul award! Oh, and of course, they get the honor of pulling the lever to punish the loser in the Brain Drain afterwards, obviously." the librarian adds with a blithe shrug.
"Anyway, the rules are pretty simple. It's a head-to-head best of five competition. Get more questions right than your opponent, and you win! In the case of a tie, though, we just flip a coin."
"So," the librarian says, dropping a bookmark into her book and setting it aside. "Are you signing up for today's event?"
[["Yeah, sign me up."|Trivia Signup]]
[["Let me think about it a bit."|Library of Enlightenment]]"Excellent!" the librarian says. She escorts you through the halls of the library, through several winding stacks and floors. It isn't long before you're completely lost, but it's much longer still before you realize that Le'Goo-ed is no longer following behind you. Before you get a chance to look for him, the librarian whisks you through a new door. You'll just have to find him later....
[[Through the door|Trivia Intro]](set: $Passages to false)
You open the Passages of Ma'habre, and are transported directly to the gates of the golden city by the most powerful magic of all: Jump cuts. When the camera is back on you, you no longer have the mystical book.
[[Onward!|City of the Gods]]
{(set: $playerscore to 0)
(set: $coriscore to 0)}
As you look back for Le'Goo-ed, the librarian guides you through the door. When you turn back to face in front of you again, however, you're stopped by the sudden shock of a wall of perspex directly in front of you. You're immediately thankful for the sudden stop, however, when you look through the acryllic wall.
You seem to be contained entirely within a small, transparent box roughly the size of a phone booth. Above you, you spot a concerning nozzle. More concerning, however, is that the floor beneath you doesn't seem solid either. The floor of the booth is an obvious transparent trapdoor, looking down at the massive pool of grayish-pink gunge churning and bubbling in the pit below.
After the initial shock wears off, you find that you aren't alone here. On the other side of the pit, another adventurer stands in an identical box. Above her box (and presumably above yours as well) are several large tanks, each filled with a thick, sloshing liquid. Between her box and yours, you see a crowd of a live audience beginning to gather and sit in the stands. They seem to be actual audience members mixed in with some of the actors and-wait. Is that Le'Goo-ed?! And does he have //popcorn//?!
Once the audience is in their seats, a woman in a black robe ascends a podium in the center of the arena, raises her hands, and announces to the crowd. While everything outside the booth is somewhat muffled and difficult to hear, the woman's voice is piped in through a sound system tucked into the upper corner of the booth.
"Welcome, welcome, everyone! To tonight's battle of wits! I'm your head librarian Valerie, and we have two adventurers here tonight seeking Enlightenment. But are they brave? Or just plain stupid. We're about to find out over the next five questions! First question, adventurers! Are you ready?"
[[Nod and prepare for the question|Question 1]]
[[Look over your opponent|Cori Description]](set: $trivia1 to (either: 1, 2, 3))
(if: $trivia1 is 1)["The ancient curse of Moonscorching was once known by what name?"
[[Moonblasting|Question 1 Wrong]]
[[Moonlight Cancer|Question 1 Correct]]
[[Moonburn|Question 1 Wrong]]
[[Rher's Wrath|Question 1 Wrong]]]
(if: $trivia1 is 2)["In what year did the last Ascended God, not including Logic, ascend?"
[[1590|Question 1 Correct]]
[[1942|Question 1 Wrong]]
[[0|Question 1 Wrong]]
[[1620|Question 1 Wrong]]]
(if: $trivia1 is 3)["What organization was ultimately determined to be responsible for creating the Machine God, Logic?"
[[The Bremen Military|Question 1 Wrong]]
[[The Sulfur Cult|Question 1 Wrong]]
[[The Europan Alliance|Question 1 Wrong]]
[[Nameless Liberty Underground|Question 1 Correct]]]
While Valerie is talking, you take a moment to size up your opponent.
The other adventurer in the other perspex box seems to be a young woman in her early 20s. Her blonde hair is tied in a tight bun. She wears a set of prop armor, or at least half of one; she wears a breastplate, but only a short skirt and stockings cover her lower body. After a moment, she catches you staring, and begins to size you up with a confident smirk. She definitely thinks she has this in the bag.
"First question, adventurers! Are you ready?" you suddenly hear Valerie call out. It looks like the game is about to begin.
[[Get ready...|Question 1]](set: $corianswer to (either: true, true, false))
"Ooh, I'm sorry, but that's incorrect." Valerie tells you with practiced smile. "Which means that it's our first wrong answer of the game! Let 'em have it!"
Pink slime suddenly pours down from the roof of your booth, coating you in a thick, tacky layer of gloop. The remaining mess continues to drip down slowly on top of your head in a steady tapping pattern above you. Though the sound is muffled from inside the booth, you can still hear the faint echo of the crowd's laughter at your expense.
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"One point to Cori!" Valerie calls. Cori does a small, triumphant hop in her box, stopping only when she feels the jiggle of the trapdoor beneath her feet. Still, she looks at you, brimming with confidence.]
(else:)["Sorry, Cori, but that's incorrect. And you know what //that// means!" Valerie says with a grin. Suddenly, one of the tanks above Cori's booth opens up, dumping a load of thick, pink slime on top of Cori's head. She winces silently in the booth, shocked by the sudden cold. You can just barely make out the audience outside the booth laughing at her misfortune.]}
[[On to Question 2|Question 2]]{(set: $playerscore to it+1)
(set: $corianswer to (either: true, true, false))}
"That's correct!" Valerie announces as she adds a point to your score. You sigh in relief and prepare for the next question.
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"One point to Cori!" Valerie calls. Cori does a small, triumphant hop in her box, stopping only when she feels the jiggle of the trapdoor beneath her feet. Still, she looks at you, brimming with confidence.]
(else:)["Sorry, Cori, but that's incorrect. And you know what //that// means!" Valerie says with a grin. Suddenly, one of the tanks above Cori's booth opens up, dumping a load of thick, pink slime on top of Cori's head. She winces silently in the booth, shocked by the sudden cold. You can just barely make out the audience outside the booth laughing at her misfortune.]}
[[On to question 2|Question 2]](set: $trivia2 to (either: 1, 2, 3))
(if: $trivia2 is 1)["Which of the following tinctures is not taught to intermediate students of alchemy?"
[[Brown vials|Question 2 Correct]]
[[White vials|Question 2 Wrong]]
[[Murky vials|Question 2 Wrong]]
[[Yellow vials|Question 2 Wrong]]]
(if: $trivia2 is 2)["Nosophobia is the fear of what?"
[[Magic and the supernatural|Question 2 Wrong]]
[[Disease and illness|Question 2 Correct]]
[[Ghosts and the undead|Question 2 Wrong]]
[[Foul smells and rot|Question 2 Wrong]]]
(if: $trivia2 is 3)["In what year was first contact made with the land of Vinland?"
[[809|Question 2 Wrong]]
[[1577|Question 2 Wrong]]
[[1009|Question 2 Correct]]
[[1650|Question 2 Wrong]]](set: $corianswer to (either: true, true, false))
"Ooh, I'm sorry, but that's incorrect." Valerie tells you as her hand hovers over another one of the small levers that she uses to release the tanks. You don't quite make out exactly what she says next as she pulls the lever, opening one of the tanks above your head.
The crowd laughs in delight as your world goes green. Thin, runny green slime dribbles down from the tank above you, thoroughly drenching you in green and seeping into every inch of your clothing. Some of the slime has cascaded off of your head and onto the booth in front of you, making seeing out of it a little more difficult.
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"Point to Cori!" Valerie calls. Cori pumps her fist triumphantly in her box, reveling in the thrill of competition.]
(else:)["That's incorrect, Cori. Please enjoy your consolation prize, though!" On cue, a tank above Cori's booth opens up, and down pours a thick layer of white muck that looks suspiciously like melted vanilla ice cream. Considering the shivering Cori is doing in the other booth, you feel like that hunch might be correct.]}
[[On to Question 3|Question 3]]{(set: $playerscore to it+1)
(set: $corianswer to (either: true, true, false))}
"That's correct!" Valerie announces as she adds a point to your score. You sigh in relief and prepare for the next question.
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"Point to Cori!" Valerie calls. Cori pumps her fist triumphantly in her box, reveling in the thrill of competition.]
(else:)["That's incorrect, Cori. Please enjoy your consolation prize, though!" On cue, a tank above Cori's booth opens up, and down pours a thick layer of white muck that looks suspiciously like melted vanilla ice cream. Considering the shivering Cori is doing in the other booth, you feel like that hunch might be correct.]}
[[On to question 3|Question 3]](set: $trivia3 to (either: 1, 2, 3))
(if: $trivia3 is 1)["According to the ancient magical traditions of the Eastern Sanctuaries, what Old God is associated with the tradition of flower magic?"
[[The God of the Depths|Question 3 Wrong]]
[[Sylvian|Question 3 Correct]]
[[Gro-goroth|Question 3 Wrong]]
[[Vinushka|Question 3 Wrong]]]
(if: $trivia3 is 2)["What is the most famous poem of the 9th century collection of poems known as the Poems of Love and Torment?"
[[Chains of Torment|Question 3 Wrong]]
[[The Blackened Heart|Question 3 Wrong]]
[[Love Conquers Pain|Question 3 Wrong]]
[[Chained Heart|Question 3 Correct]]]
(if: $trivia3 is 3)["According to legend, what spell caused the creation of the first vampire?"
[[Blood Golem|Question 3 Wrong]]
[[Necromancy|Question 3 Wrong]]
[[Rebirth of the Beloved|Question 3 Correct]]
[[Heart Flower|Question 3 Wrong]]]{(set: $playerscore to it+1)
(set: $corianswer to (either: true, false))}
"That's correct! Good job, adventurer!" Valerie announces as she adds a point to your score. You hear the polite cheers muffled by the sounds of your box.
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"Point to Cori!" Valerie calls. Cori bobs her head cheerfully, ready to keep going with the next question.]
(else:)["That's incorrect, Cori." Cori's expression drops as Valerie pulls one of the levers at her side. Thick muddy-looking gunge pours down onto Cori's head, arcing off of the cron of her head and splattering the once-clear walls of her box. When the deluge eventually comes to an end, Cori angrily wipes some of the gunge away from the front of her tank so she can see outward again.]}
[[On to question 4|Question 4]](set: $corianswer to (either: true, false))
"Oh, unfortunately, that's wrong. If it's any consolation, though, maybe a sweet treat will lighten your mood!" Valeri pulls one of the levers at her side, and for a moment, nothing happens.
A sudden cold, heavy mass drops down onto your head, slowly spreading over your head and chilling your hair. A large, mostly melted chocolate ice cream cake seems to have been dropped down onto your head, and masses of thick slp begin to plop down heavily onto the floor.
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"Point to Cori!" Valerie calls. Cori bobs her head cheerfully, ready to keep going with the next question.]
(else:)["That's incorrect, Cori." Cori's expression drops as Valerie pulls one of the levers at her side. Thick muddy-looking gunge pours down onto Cori's head, arcing off of the cron of her head and splattering the once-clear walls of her box. When the deluge eventually comes to an end, Cori angrily wipes some of the gunge away from the front of her tank so she can see outward again.]}
[[On to Question 4|Question 4]]
(set: $corianswer to (either: true, false))
"Oh no, that's not correct, I'm afraid! You can see the crowd murmuring in excitement as Valerie reaches her hand over to the lever. You wince slightly as Valerie pulls the lever...
Warm purple slime dribbles down from the tank above directly onto you, before beginning to work its way down the collar of your shirt and into your clothes. It doesn't feel bad, per se, but it's still a profoundly embarrassing feeling to be having in view of a crowded audience...
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"That is correct, congratulations!" Valerie says to Cori. She seems entirely engrossed in concentration right now, unwilling to let anything put her off her game for a moment.]
(else:)["Unfortunately, that's wrong." Valerie says with a chastising glance towards Cori. "Now's not the time to be slipping up! Speaking of slipping, I think this one will do nicely..." Valerie pulls one of the many switches at her podium, showering Cori in a thin layer of runny, slippery-looking yellow slime. Cori's entire body shudders in disgust as she's coated. As she does, flecks of slime fly like rain, striking all across her tank's walls.]}
[[On to Question 5|Question 5]]{(set: $playerscore to it+1)
(set: $corianswer to (either: true, false))}
"Very good! That's correct." Valerie announces as she adds a point to your score. You nod your head, and prepare yourself for the final question...
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)"That is correct, congratulations!" Valerie says to Cori. She seems entirely engrossed in concentration right now, unwilling to let anything put her off her game for a moment.]
(else:)["Unfortunately, that's wrong." Valerie says with a chastising glance towards Cori. "Now's not the time to be slipping up! Speaking of slipping, I think this one will do nicely..." Valerie pulls one of the many switches at her podium, showering Cori in a thin layer of runny, slippery-looking yellow slime. Cori's entire body shudders in disgust as she's coated. As she does, flecks of slime fly like rain, striking all across her tank's walls.]}
[[On to the last question|Question 5]](set: $trivia3 to (either: 1, 2, 3))
(if: $trivia3 is 1)["The Skin Bibles were compiled by which scholar of the occult?"
[[Homer of Abyssonia|Question 4 Correct]]
[[Oscar Rente|Question 4 Wrong]]
[[Donnovan Hugo|Question 4 Wrong]]
[[Enki Ankarian|Question 4 Correct]]]
(if: $trivia3 is 2)["Whom did Rondon side with during the Second Europan War?"
[[The Eastern Alliance|Question 4 Wrong]]
[[The Kingdom of Edo|Question 4 Wrong]]
[[The Bremen Empire|Question 4 Correct]]
[[Vinland|Question 4 Wrong]]]
(if: $trivia3 is 3)["According to legend, mankind was created from the designs of which god?"
[[Sylvian|Question 4 Wrong]]
[[All-mer|Question 4 Wrong]]
[[Rher|Question 4 Wrong]]
[[Vitruvia|Question 4 Correct]]](set: $trivia5 to (either: 1, 2, 3))
(if: $trivia5 is 1)["The god of nature, Vishunka, was originally known by what name?"
[[Ninush|Question 5 Correct]]
[[Valtiel|Question 5 Wrong]]
[[Vivec|Question 5 Wrong]]
[[Rhea|Question 5 Wrong]]]
(if: $trivia5 is 2)["The city of Prehevil is located near which lake?"
[[Lake Sandberk|Question 5 Wrong]]
[[Lake Jezera|Question 5 Wrong]]
[[Lake Nechraniche|Question 5 Wrong]]
[[Lake Verdite|Question 5 Correct]]]
(if: $trivia5 is 3)["According to Middle Eastern spice forging traditions, what effects do red spice have on spellcasting?"
[[Doublecasting a spell|Question 5 Wrong]]
[[Casting a spell reflexively|Question 5 Wrong]]
[[Making the spell faster|Question 5 Correct]]
[[Easing the burden on the caster's mind|Question 5 Wrong]]]{(set: $playerscore to it+1)
(set: $corianswer to (either: true, false, false))}
"Well done! That earns you one last point, and saves you from at least one disgusting fate today. We'll see how long that luck holds up, though!" Valerie teases as she adds a point to your score. With the last question done, there's nothing left to do but wait to see how Cori is able to handle her last question.
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)Cori is intensely still, waiting with anticipation until Valerie looks her way and begins speaking.
"Well done, Cori. That's correct. Way to finish strong!" Cori's body releases all tension as she sighs with relief at having answered correctly. She eagerly waits for the final results.]
(else:)[Cori is intensely still, waiting with anticipation until Valerie looks her way and begins speaking.
"I'm sorry, Cori. That's incorrect. Looks like you've lost your last chance to gain some points. Looks like we're going to have to take out the trash..." Cori's body releases all tension as she collapses into a disappointed slump before perking up in panic as she realizes what's coming next. Valerie pulls one of her levers, and lumpy, brownish-green slop rains down from above onto the poor girl. From the looks of gagging over in the other booth, you can tell from here that it likely neither feels nor smells particularly great.]}
[[Let's see the final results...|Final Results]](set: $corianswer to (either: true, false, false))
"Oh dear, that isn't correct." Valerie says with mock sympathy. "And on the last question too. How tragic! Well, I suppose I can always give you one last reminder of why you shouldn't fail on this show..."
Horrid-smelling, greenish-brown slop rains over you, and clings to your skin as it does. You involuntarily shudder at the sensations, and look down instinctively towards the floor of the gunge tank. Would falling into the slop below you be an improvement at this point? You shake the thought from your head. After all, it's out of your hands now...
{(if: $corianswer is true)[(set: $coriscore to it+1)Cori is intensely still, waiting with anticipation until Valerie looks her way and begins speaking.
"Well done, Cori. That's correct. Way to finish strong!" Cori's body releases all tension as she sighs with relief at having answered correctly. She eagerly waits for the final results.]
(else:)[Cori is intensely still, waiting with anticipation until Valerie looks her way and begins speaking.
"I'm sorry, Cori. That's incorrect. Looks like you've lost your last chance to gain some points. Looks like we're going to have to take out the trash..." Cori's body releases all tension as she collapses into a disappointed slump before perking up in panic as she realizes what's coming next. Valerie pulls one of her levers, and lumpy, brownish-green slop rains down from above onto the poor girl. From the looks of gagging over in the other booth, you can tell from here that it likely neither feels nor smells particularly great.]}
[[Let's see the final results...|Final Results]]{(if: $playerscore > $coriscore)[[[You win!|Trivia Victory]]]
(if: $playerscore < $coriscore)[[[Cori wins!|Trivia Bad End]]]
(if: $playerscore is $coriscore)[[[It's a draw!|Tiebreaker]]]}You sigh with relief as you're escorted out of your booth and handed a towel by the assistant librarians. As soon as you're ready, they escort you over to another door which leads you out onto the podium with Valerie. The audience cheers at your arrival, as you see Cori sulking in her tank, looking down worriedly.
"Congratulations on your victory today." Valerie says with a genuine smile. "You've done well, and I hereby award you with the Enlightened Soul Award for today's event!" she passes a small white stone into your hand, and shakes it firmly afterwards. You're definitely feeling a little more mentally focused now, for sure.
(set: $enlightenedsoul to true)
(set: $intelligence to it+1)
"Now then, for the part we've all been waiting for! The BRAIN DRAIN!" Valerie raises her hands high into the air as the crowd's cheers intensify. There's a sudden rumble and clank, as Cori's booth is pushed away from the wall on a pair of scoffolds, moving it over the center of the swirling pool of brain-colored gunge below.
"Would you like to do the honors?" Valerie asks, sweeping her hand to the side and motioning it over to her podium, where a big red button labeled (text-colour:red)[DUNK] sits front and center.
[[DUNK HER!|Dunk Cori]]
[[Show mercy|Walk away]](set: $gamestart to false)
You slouch in despair as Cori is let out of her tank, leaving you to look down at your inevitable, gooey fate below. After a minute or two of waiting nervously in your perspex prison, Cori emerges once more, more or less cleaned off with a towel around her shoulders, as she's brought up to the podium with Valerie.
The pair speak for a little bit, as Valerie shakes Cori's hand, and hands her a small white stone. Cori dramatically holds her trophy aloft, and you can hear the crowd give a muffled cheer. It's clear that the crowd cheers even louder, however, when Valerie announces something else, raising her hands dramatically to the ceiling.
With an ominous rumble, you stagger in place slightly as you feel yourself move. Your tank is being pushed away from the wall, out into the middle of the swirling pool of pink gunge below. You give a mournful look over in Cori's direction as she's directed over to a large red button in the center of Valerie's podium console. Her eyes meet yours momentarily, as you hear her mouth something (if: $intelligence is >2)[that looks like "better you than me..."] before she pushes the button with a grin.
Suddenly, the floor drops out from underneath you, and your stomach lurches in freefall for just a second before...
You're completely subsumed into the thick, grainy brain-colored slime. From above, you can hear the raucous laughter and cheers from the crowd at your expense, as you slowly swim to an access hatch with your tail between your legs. It's going to be a while before you live this down...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]{(if: $luckycoin is true)["It's a tie! You know what that means, folks, it's time for our time-tested tiebreaker! Leaving it all up to chance!" Valerie draws a gold coin from her pocket as a large computer monitor flickers to life behind her showing a 3D graphic of an identical gold coin. She flicks the coin in her hand dramatically, and the computerized coin behind her begins to spin and twirl as though it were itself flicked. After a few seconds, the coin on the screen comes to a stop.
"HEADS! Sorry, Cori, that means you're today's unlucky loser!" Valerie announces as the crowd cheers.
[[Claim your prizes|Trivia Victory]]]
(else:)[(set: $coinflip to (either: 'heads', 'tails'))
(if: $coinflip is 'heads')["It's a tie! You know what that means, folks, it's time for our time-tested tiebreaker! Leaving it all up to chance!" Valerie draws a gold coin from her pocket as a large computer monitor flickers to life behind her showing a 3D graphic of an identical gold coin. She flicks the coin in her hand dramatically, and the computerized coin behind her begins to spin and twirl as though it were itself flicked. After a few seconds, the coin on the screen comes to a stop.
"HEADS! Sorry, Cori, that means you're today's unlucky loser!" Valerie announces as the crowd cheers.
[[Claim your prizes|Trivia Victory]]]
(if: $coinflip is 'tails')["It's a tie! You know what that means, folks, it's time for our time-tested tiebreaker! Leaving it all up to chance!" Valerie draws a gold coin from her pocket as a large computer monitor flickers to life behind her showing a 3D graphic of an identical gold coin. She flicks the coin in her hand dramatically, and the computerized coin behind her begins to spin and twirl as though it were itself flicked. After a few seconds, the coin on the screen comes to a stop.
"TAILS! Looks like you take the tiebreaker, Cori!" Valerie announces as the crowd cheers.
[[This can't end well...|Trivia Bad End]]]]}You press the button as the crowd cheers. For a moment, everything is still, just before the floor of Cori's gunge tank drops out from under her. In a flash, the poor girl plummets down into the swirling slop below where she sinks with a loud "THLORP"
A moment later, a pink blob in the vague shape of Cori's head breaches the surface of the sludge with a dramatic gasp as her arms flail from side to side. From your position up above, you can just barely make out the shape of her body trudging through the muck towards a small access tunnel out of the view of the cameras.
"Let's give our winner today one more round of applause!" Valerie says to the crowd as they all cheer and clap for you. You scan the seats for Le'Goo-ed and his //godsdamned// popcorn, only to find that he's already left. You make a silent note to track him down again once you're finished here and step outside.
[[Head back to the lobby|Heading back]]You look at Cori's dejected expression from inside her tank, and decide that you simply can't go through with it. Scanning the crowd and seeing that Le'Goo-ed is gone as well, you decide that the best course of action is to probably simply take your winnings and leave now so you can track him down. You kindly refuse Valerie's offer.
"Oh, you're no fun!" Valerie says, before simply slamming down the button herself. With a sudden clack, the floor under Cori's tank falls away, leaving the poor girl to plummet down into the swirling pink slop below.
You take your leave of the auditorium, hoping to track down Le'Goo-ed again before he gets too far away...
[[Head back to the lobby|Heading back]]Fortunately, you aren't left waiting long. As soon as you step out of the auditorium, Le'Goo-ed is there waiting for you.
"Ah good, you did it!" he says with a cheerful smirk. "I had total faith in your success. Shall we be off?"
[[Back to the reference area|Library of Enlightenment]](set: $Legarde to true)[You move over to remove the manacles from Le'Go-ed's wrists and help him to his feet. As he makes a show of rubbing his wrists and stretching his legs, he gives you a nod.
"Let's get going, shall we?"
[[Leave|Gaol Doors]](set: $gamestart to false)
Staring down into the abyss, you find that Pocketcat wasn't lying to you. It's almost impossible to perceive, black nylon on black abyss, but there's definitely a nylon circus net covering the pit, sloped downward towards a small cave right below you. You leap down into the pit, splaying yourself out to be caught by the net. Sure enough, you make a soft landing on the net, rolling down towards the cave. Unfortunately, your torch jostles free in the descent, and goes plummeting into the dark below you...
As you come to a stop at the edge of the cave, you inch forward in darkness, looking for that secret that you'd been promised. As you slide your hand across the wall of the cave to keep your bearings, however, you suddenly feel the hard rock of the cave change to the warm fuzz of...fur?
Before you can do anything, you feel the furball wrap around your arm, pulling your hand behind your back. A devilish laugh rings in your ear, just before you feel something thick and heavy plop down onto your head with a wet //thump//.
Your vision goes completely out as a monstrously thick slime coats your head. Your entire head feels heavy, as though some large container has been stuck on your head. Another, smaller weight pulls down from the back of your neck, although you can't tell fully what it is. The furry hand behind you grabs your other hand, cuffing them together and pushing you forward. The light shifts as you pass through into what feels like another room, where beneath your unwilling mask, you hear the peals of laugher cming from an unseen crowd and the snapping of multiple shudders.
It's only after you've been freed from the dungeon and can watch the episode prrof that you can see yourself being escorted from the dungeons and paraded in front of a laughing crowd; a large plush cat head over your head, dripping with purple slime, and a big sign that says "LAUGH AT ME; I TRUSTED SOMEONE IN THE DUNGEON"
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]{(set: $Tormentor to true)
(set: $tormentedsoul to true)}
The Tormentor flexes his muscles as he steps back, sizing you up. While his face is unreadable benath his Lord Humongous-esque mask, his eyes betray a level of respect. After a moment, he nods to you, and produces a black stone from one of his pockets.
"You are worthy, my friend. Take this as a sign of my respect, o' Tormented Soul!" Taking the stone in your hand, you feel a surge of confidence within your heart.
(set: $strength to it+1)
"If you're ever in the area, feel free to stick around here. We're going to be doing a poetry reading tonight at 7!" As he retreats into the shadows once more, you're left wondering if your time would or wouldn't even be up by then..."
[[Leave for now|Tower of Torment Entrance]](set: $gamestart to false)
"Mwahahahaha! That all you've got?!" The Tormentor shouts as he begins to wrap you in his chains. Against his sheer strength, there's not much you can do to wriggle free as he completely binds you. Holding your new leash in a single hand, he motions to some crew off-stage, and the gyroscope above the wheel of slime begins to descend down into the pool. The Tormentor manhandles you over into the pit, which is much deeper than you'd originally thought. You land down to your waist in thin, runny slime, and are pushed closer to the gyroscope, where you can now see there are several harnesses and restraints.
With the help of several stagehands, The Tormentor rigs you up spread-eagle into the gyroscope, which begins to shift in place ominously. He gives you a playful wet, slimy slap to your cheek as the gyroscope begins to ascend slightly, pulling your up to about knee-height. With one final signal, the brakes on the gyroscope pull free, leaving you spinning in all directions before...
The gyroscope spins you directly face-first into the pool of slime, before pulling you back out with a gooey splash. While you can't move your arms to wipe yourself clean, the centrifugal force of the machine manages to throw a little bit of the thin, tacky slime off of you. At least unti-
Down you go, again and again, into the slop, getting completely covered in a morass of light, but unbelievably tacky green slime. You shudder in disgust as you're drawn out again, while you see The Tormentor mugging to the cameras taunting you in your plight...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $Dommy to true)
The lights fall for a moment as you defeat the Dominating One, and when they rise again, she is gone. You are left alone in the room, staring at the now-empty Throne of Ascension.
(if: $Legarde is true)[Le'Goo-ed motions to the throne. There it is, the Throne of Ascension, ours for the taking! You did most of the work there, friend. Why don't you take the first seat?"
[[Sit on the throne|The Green Place Bad End]]
[[Insist that Le'Goo-ed go first|Legoo'd's Domain]]]
(if: $Legarde is false)[[[Sit on the throne|Empty Throne]]
[[Leave for now|Palace of Dominion]]](set: $gamestart to false)
You clash blades with the Dominating One, only to come up short. She pushes back, knocking your weapon from your hand and sending you tumbling to the floor. She steps over you with a look of contempt and dominance, lifting your chin to face her with the tip of her foam blade.
"Now then, do you yield? Surrender now, and I'll give you a place of honor beneath me. Resist, and I'll make things //much// more unpleasant. So, will you be a good little plaything for me? r do I have to //break// you?"
[["Alright, alright, I surrender."|Ending F]]
[["Never!"|Ending E]]
Game Over
You sit on the throne. It's reasonably comfortable, but nothing seems to happen. Perhaps there's some missing piece?
[[Leave for now|Palace of Dominion]]Your assault manages to drive Le'Goo'ed back, and he finds himself slipping for a moment. He manages to catch his balance just in time to lose it again, spinning and falling and managing to catch himself in the seat of the throne. His eyes open wide in panic as the throne kicks back, sending him tumbling backwards through a green-lit hole in the back of the wall and floor. After a moment, you hear the sound of a small, slightly distant (size: 0.5)[(text-colour:lime)[SPLAT!]] in the room below.
And then the throne room is quiet. It's just you left here. The man you were sent to rescue just tumbled out of your hands and down into a messy exit from the show below. And as richly deserved as it likely was, you're now left with a new problem. With Le'Goo-ed gone, how exactly will you complete the quest? Le'Goo-ed had said something about a great treasure, but it doesn't look like there was anything here except for the room full of glowing green gunge.
(if: $soulanchor is true)[[[Wait, what's that?|Secret Compartment]]]
(else:)[[[I guess I just leave?|Paraded Bad End]]](set: $gamestart to false)
Your clash with Le'Goo-ed is short, and wildly unsuccessful. He's simply too skilled with a blade for you to manage. With an effortless parry, he sends you staggering back across the room, landing on a thump on the seat of the throne.
"I'm srry it had to be this way, friend. I truly wish that you had just accepted your destiny, but one of us must be sacrified before the throne wil give up its treasures, and it certainly will not be me..."
Le'Goo-ed watches solemnly as the seat tips back, sending you ass over teakettle down towards a glowing green trapdoor that has opened in the wall and floor behind the throne.
You are suddenly submerged in a layer of thick, viscious green gunge that covers you completely. All around you, the room is lit with lime green lights, just just above, you can see the hole you fell though, along with Le-Goo'ed searching around for some sign of the treasure above. Just before the stagehands pull you out to spend the rest of the run time in the loser's area, your last sight of the dungeon is the treacherous Le'Goo-ed, bathed in the yellow light of the room above.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]You see the light of the outside ahead of you as you make a break for the exit. However, just as you're about to step outside, the floor gives way beneath you!
(if: $Legarde is false)[[[Uh oh...|GameOver1]]]
(if: $Legarde is true)[[["Captain, watch out!|GameOver2]]](set: $body to it-6)
(if: $body > 0)[You hurl yourself clear of the falling pit trap just as the floor opens up beneath you, landing clear on the other side. Shortly after you land, you hear the distinct //click// of the trapdoor resetting. You'll need to be more careful in the future.
[[Move along|Basement 1]]]
(if: $body <=0)[You try and hurl yourself clear, but you don't quite make it. You feel yourself falling into the pit below...]
[[Uh oh...|But What About Second Pit Trap]](set: $gamestart to false)
Your body enters free fall as you plunge into the pit below.
Your fall is broken by a thick pool of gunge at the bottom of the pit. By the time you surface and get your bearings, the trapdoor above has once again snapped shut, leaving you in the darkness. The stagehands will be around to fish you out eventually, but it would seem that your quest is surely at an end. There is nothing to do but wallow in the sludge and wait as it seeps thoroughly into your clothes and hair.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]This small library is filled with ancient-looking books and racks of scrolls.
[[Check the bookshelves|Palace Bookshelves]]
[[Check the scroll racks|Palace Scroll Rack]]
[[Leave|Palace of Dominion]]You check the bookshelves in the library, but none of the books seem to be anything more than minor props.
[[Return|Palace Library]](set: $secret3 to (either: true, false))
You give the scrolls on the rack a look. Most of them are either glued shut as props, or otherwide just empty pages of aged paper. (if: $secret3 is true)[One scroll does catch your interest, however. Rather than being blank, it contains only one phrase: O LORD]
[[Return|Palace Library]]"Hey there, adventurer!" the woman says, looking up from her laptop. "Congrats on making it this far!"
[[Who are you|Who Am I]]
[[What's with the getup?|Marina Costume]]
[[What are you doing here?|Mission Statement]]
[[What's with the book|Book Explanation]]
[[What's with the scroll|Scroll Explanation]]
(if: $soulanchor is false)[[[Got any hints?|An Actually Helpful Tip]]]
[[I'm good|Crow Chamber]]You find a book titled "Eschatology". Read it?
[[Read the book|List of Endings]]
[[Leave it alone|Crow Chamber]]There's an empty scroll here with a pot of ink and a quill sitting nearby. If you wanted, you could write something on it.
[[Write on the scroll|Enter Text]]
[[Leave it alone|Crow Chamber]]Brigid sits completely immobile in the summoned restaints, completely at your mercy. (if: $Bpied is true)[Bits of pie filling drip down from Brigid's beet-red face onto her chest.] (if: $Bgagged is true)[Brigid mumbles angrily into her gag, glaring at you in annoyance.](if: $slimed is true)[She's covered in a thick layer of grainy, oatmeal-textured slime, groaning in disgust.](if: $Bstripped is true)[Her blouse is ripped open, exposing her creamy chest and black bra beneath.]
[[Pie her|Pie Bri]]
[[Slime her|Slime Bri]]
[[Laugh at her|Embarrass Bri]]
(if: $Bgagged is false)[[Gag her|Gag Bri]]
(if: $Bstripped is false)[[[Rip her blouse open|Strip Bri]]]
[[Rat her out to Solas|Capture Bri]]
[[That's enough for now|Crow Chamber]]ENDING Z: WELCOME TO THE DUNGEON
ENDING T: TORTURER? I BARELY KNOW 'ER! (versions 1 and 2)
[[Return|Crow Chamber]]{(if: visit is 1)[(set: $firstverse to (prompt: "first verse", ""))
(set: $secondverse to (prompt: "second verse", ""))
(set: $thirdverse to (prompt: "third verse", ""))]
(if: $firstverse is 'O LORD')[(set: $grant to true)]
(if: $secondverse is 'GIVE')[(set: $me to true)]
(if: $thirdverse is 'REVENGE')[(set: $revenge to true)]
(set: $AllMerAbides to $grant and $me and $revenge)}
(if: $AllMerAbides is true)[(set: $Brigid to true)["Hey, wh-what are you doing?!"]]
[[Return to the study|Crow Chamber]]"Oh, I'm Brigid, the author! Pleased to meet you, if we haven't already!"
[[Return|Dialogue Options]]"Oh, I'm always in these." the woman says, adjusting her glasses. "The first time I made one of these Senshi games, I added myself as a secret hidden character so I could dole out Achievements, mostly because Twine is bad at letting you carry select data from one playthrough to another. After that, sneaking myself into somewhere tough to get into has become somewhat of a running gag in these games, haha!"
[[Return|Dialogue Options]] "Oh, the book? That's the Book of Eschatology. It lists all of the endings available in this game, rated from the lowest score (Ending Z) up to the highest score (Ending S). It's got the ending names, so you'll be able to maybe suss out how to get any given ending from what it's called, but otherwise you'll be getting no hints from me! Explore around and try and find them all!"
[[Return|Dialogue Options]] "Oh, that's an Empty Scroll. It's a remarkably rare item, so don't muck with it if you don't know what you're doing, please."
[[Return|Dialogue Options]] (set: $soulanchor to true)
"Hints?" the woman asks with a chuckle. "Other than 'trust nobody and don't Get Got'? Well, I suppose I could give some useful information to someone who'se went out of their way to make it here //and// made it past my FAFO door boss." Brigid opens one of the drawers of her writing desk and hands you a small, strangely-shaped amulet.
"That thing's a Spirit Anchor. I'm not sure //exactly// what it does, but I'm sure it will help you if you're completely and totally stuck with no way forward. That's all the help you're going to get, though. These aren't the Dungeons of Here to and Make Friends, after all!"
[[Return|Dialogue Options]]"Oh, this? Well, the gift recipiant had asked for some Termina characters as potential options in the story as well, and I wasn't sure how best to do that and keep the original story in as well. I ended up with this "F&H 2.5" setting, but that meant that //everyone// in both games was consigned to history. So I decided to cosplay my personal Termina fave, Marina, in order to at least sneak a little of that in here in my secret semi-canon hideaway.
[[Return|Dialogue Options]] Written and coded by: BrigidofDerry
Based on the works and characters of Miro Haverninen
**Iron Kakespeare** courtesy of Iron K
**Miles** courtesy of Zanzibar
**Mallory** courtesy of WickedAvatar
**Sonia** courtesy of WetandJesse
**Saph** courtesy of Sapphire
**Grace** courtesy of Grace
**Aura** courtesy of Vissau
**Cori** courtesy of Jouette
Hosting also courtesy of Jouette!
[[Return|Title Page]](set: $pietype to (either: 1,2,3))
You take a random pie off of the cart, hefting it into your hand. Brigid looks at you with a pathetic, pleading look, but it's no good. You lift the pie and ram it right into her face!
{(if: $pietype is 1)[(text-colour:#fcc2d7)[SPLAT!]
The pie explodes over Brigid's face, coating her in a thick layer of light pink cream and strawberry preserves. Little bits of sliced strawberries and flakes of crust dribble down from her nose and cheeks as she tries to shake loose the goo...]
(if: $pietype is 2)[(text-colour:#82420d)[SPLAT!]
Brigid's face disappears in an explosion of chocolate and cream as you bury her face beneath a thick and gooey chocolate pudding pie. When the dust clears, Brigid is left groaning in disgust as she tries in vain to flick little bits of pastry off of her cheek with her bound hand...]
(if: $pietype is 3)[(text-colour:navy)[SPLAT!]
Brigid's protestaions are cut off as her face collides with a large pie that sprays cream and blueberries all over her face, chest, and the back wall of the chamber. Blueberries fall in clumps onto her lap, staining her pink skirt with a deep blue juice.]}
[[Nice!|Sweet Revenge]](set: $slimetype to (either: 1,2))
You heft one of the buckets of gunge off of the carts, and lift it over Bri's head as she (if: $Bgagged is false)[pleads with you and begs you to put it back down.](else:)[mumbles some pathetic, incoherent plea into her gag.]
{(if: $slimetype is 1)[You pour the slime over her head and body, coating Brigid in a layer of thin, runny, yellow-green gunge. The gunge looks slippery to the touch, and coats her like a thin, slick film. She moans in disgust and jiggles in the stocks, completely unable to get free or wipe her face clean of the disgusting goo.]
(if: $slimetype is 2)[You pour the slime over her head and body, knocking her wig to the floor from the weight of the grainy, chunky green slop. Her long, hip-length black hair tumbles towards the floor in a thick braid. Her natural hair isn't spared from the gunge either, as her black hair goes green and lumpy as you finish pouring the bucket over her head and face.]
[[Nice|Sweet Revenge]](set: $Bgagged to true)
You find a large, red ball gag with black leather straps on one of the carts, and decide that this will do nicely to silence your captive's constant complaining.
"H-hey, what do you plan on doing with th-MPPPPH!" Brigid shouts as you jam the gag int her mouth. She struggles slightly, but there's nothing she can realistically do to stop you from fastening the leather buckles behind the base of her head and locking the gag in with a small provided padlock. Turning back to admire your handiwork, Brigid glares at you angrily, a small bit of drool beginning to seap from the side of her mouth as her mouth is stuffed to capacity with the thick gag.
[[Much better!|Sweet Revenge]]A wicked little thought crosses your mind. What would she really be able to do if you brought that torturer Solas over here? You're certain that he would have plenty of fun tools and toys to use on her. It would just be as simple as taking a quick jaunt over to his chambers and going to get him. Trouble is, he would probably take her with him, and she'd likely be out of your hands at that point.
`(Caution: Turning Brigid in will close the Crow Chamber for the rest of the run. Continue?)`
[[Turn Her In|Solas Summoned]]
[[No, she hasn't suffered enough yet...|Sweet Revenge]](set: $Bstripped to true)
You glance down at Brigid's white buttned blouse, and determine that that simply has got to go. {(if: $Bgagged is true)[Brigid struggles a little in her bonds as you approach, shouting muffled swears into her gag, as you tear open the front of her blouse.](else:)[Brigid struggles a little in her bonds as you approach, yelling "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" as you tear open the front of her blouse.]}
Brigid's breathing becomes heavy as she stares daggers at you, although her milky chest and black C-cup bra are exposed for you to ogle at your leisure.
[[Much better|Sweet Revenge]]{(set: $Brigidcaptured to true)
(set: $Solas to true)
(set: $CrowKey to false)}
You return to the room with Solas in tow, where he cackles with delight at the hostess' plight.
"Kjeh kjeh kjeh! Well dne, well done! Ooh, she'll make a //fine// addition to the collection. And according to her waivers, she signed up for the //advanced// punishments! Oh, dearie, you really thought nobody was going to find you and capture yoou in here, now did you! We're going to have //so much fun together!"
With an expert hand, Solas opens the stocks, unhooks the pillory from the restraint system, and helps Brigid to her feet. As he escorts her from the room, he takes the Crow Key from your possession.
"I'll hang on to this and lock up once I'm through with her. Feel free to swing by the gaol and catch a look at some of the pictures once I'm done. I'm sure she'll be a sight, kjeh!"
With that, Solas exits the room with Brigid in tow, shooing you out of the Crow Chamber as he does. You're left in the basement, a shiver running down your spine as you imagine just what he plans on doing with her. Better her than you though, right?
[[Return|Basement 1]]You point and laugh at Brigid's plight. (either: "She turns away from your gaze with a look of embarrassment.", "Her face turns red and she looks down flushed with shame.", "She gives a look at you that can only be adequetely described as 'bottom emoji'.","She growls in frustration and tests her restraints.")
[[That's enough for now|Sweet Revenge]]Another series of pictures have been hung up, relatively recently. Being given the opportunity to torture the director herself for a little while seems to have made old Solas go a little overboard. Instead of one punishment, it looks like Solas subjected her to all of them.
In the first picture, Brigid is on the rack, covered in different colors of gunge. Her top has been torn open, her tights are ravaged, and a pair of clamps can be seen underneath the layer of slop covering her boobs. Solas stands delighted near her head, holding a can of whipped cream that he's spraying all over her helpless face.
In the second, Brigid is in the pillory, completely topless and covered with pie fillings. Her breasts peek down from the bottom of the pillory, held down by a pair of clamps holding a sign that reads "Pillory Princess". Solas stands behind her, the picture taken just as pie filling erupts from behind her as he slams a pie straight into her rear.
In the third picture, the dunking cage has just risen out of the muddy pit below, carrying with it a clearly unhappy Brigid soaked to the bone in runny, sloppy mud. Solas seems more than happy to dunk her again, seeing as he already looks to be pulling the lever back down...
In the final picture, Brigid is in the Pie-Ron Chair, once again topless and covered with pies, slime, and just about everything Solas had left in the dungeon. Her gag has been put back in, and a sign around her neck reads "Attention Slut".
[[Return|Wall of Shame]](set: $secret2 to (either: true, false, false))
You give the casks a once-over, certain that something this conspicuous would have something to hide. (if: $secret2 is true)[Your faith rewards you as you find a small scrap of tattered parchment which reads simply REVENGE.](else:)[Your search turns up nothing out of the ordinary, however.]
[[Return|Basement Hallway]]Four potions sit on the desk, each carefully labeled. will you drink any of them?
(if: $NosStr is false)[[[The one labeled "Strength"|Strength Potion]]]
(if: $NosAgl is false)[[[The one labeled "Agility"|Agility Potion]]]
(if: $NosInt is false)[[[The one labeled "Mind"|Intelligence Potion]]]
(if: $NosBody is false)[[[The one labeled "Body"|Body Potion]]]
[[Don't drink and delve|Nosramus' Study]](set: $secret1 to (either: true, false))
While the bookshelves are jammed with thick layers of books and scrolls, practically none of them seem actually worthwhile. (if: $secret1 is true)[One scroll does catch your interest, however. Rather than being blank, it contains only one phrase: GIVE] (else:)[(set: $chalk to it+1) You do find a small box with sticks of chalk inside tucked away in the back of one of the shelves.]
[[Return|Nosramus' Study]]The bed looks like it's just a box covered in a thin layer of straw. It doesn't look like it would actually be any good for resting on.
[[Return|Nosramus' Study]]{(set: $NosStr to true)
(set: $strength to it+1)}
You drink the potion of strength, and while you don't know if it did anything, you do feel a little more confident in your muscle...
[[Return|Potions]]{(set: $NosAgl to true)
(set: $agility to it+1)}
You drink the potion of agility, and while you don't know if it did anything, you do feel a little more confident in your reflexes...
[[Return|Potions]]{(set: $NosInt to true)
(set: $intelligence to it+1)}
You drink the potion of mind, and while you don't know if it did anything, you do feel a little more confident in your intellect and perception...
[[Return|Potions]]{(set: $NosBody to true)
(set: $startingbody to it+1)
(set: $body to it+1)}
You drink the potion of body, feeling immediately more energized than you were before.
[[Return|Potions]](set: $gamestart to false)
You try and reach for Le'Goo-ed's hand as you fall into the pit, but you only succeed in carrying him with you down into the darkness below...
You crash down into a thick pool of slime at the bottom of the pit. The walls of the pit, lined with slime, seem to slippery to even consider climbing out. Le'Goo-ed groans in pain and annoyance as he lifts himself out of the muck and throws a glob of slime angrily into your face.
"Nice going, //hero//." he says with a sardonic glare. "Now we're stuck here until the end of the run..."
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $gamestart to false)
"Very good, pet." The Dominating One sneers as she shuffles you onto your knees. She produces a golden collar from somewhere on her person, and fastens it around your throat, connecting it to a golden chain.
"Now, come along, over to my throne. And don't you even //think// of standing up! Hands and knees only. Quickly!" she shouts, dragging you over to the throne with a tug on your leash. You follow obediently, grunting slightly when she sits down upon her throne and puts her feet up on your back.
"Very good, pet. Now, you are to stay like this until the end of the today's filming, understood? I'm certain you'll make quite the conversation piece when the next contestant comes in to lose to me as well."
And so, you stay, knees and back aching, under the Dominating One's boots. Worse still, whenever she gets bored, she has one of the stagehands fetch her a cake, which they place just below your waiting face. Then, at her whim, you feel the boot on the back of your head pressing down, sending you faceplanting into the cake with a heavy (text-colour:cyan)[SPLAT!]
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $gamestart to false)
You try and wriggle out of the way of the Dominating One to reclaim your weapon, but turning your back on her was a huge mistake. You feel the pressure of her boot on the small of your back as you turn, and you're knocked to the ground before being straddled from behind.
"So, we're to do this the hard way..." she spits in her thick Midlands Rondonian accent. Wrestling your hands behind your back, she locks your arms into cuffs before dragging you with surprising speed and strength over to her throne. With the push of a button, a small chamber opens up right at the foot of the throne, before she pushes you down into it.
Your feet touch down on a surprisingly soft and pleasant foam mat, although that's a slim bit of comfort as the hatch closes back up, locking your neck in place at the foot of the throne. The chamber below offers no real way to move, even if yur hands weren't cuffed behind your back, and the tight gasket of the lunette holding you in place makes movement all but impossible. The Dominating One sits upon her throne, looming above you, and kicks the tip of your chin upward to look at her with the very tip of her leather boot.
"I hope you enjoy your new accomodations, because you'll be there as my footstool until the end of today's filming. And for your insolence, I'll be certain to make your stay extra miserable..." With the push of a button concealed in the armrest of the throne, you hear a heavy whoosh below you, and the sudden cold splatter of thick, heavy slime filling up the container you're trapped in. It isn't long before you're nearly up to your neck in sticky slop, all while the Dominating One watches your discomfort with a predatory grin. Once the compartment is filled, she snaps her fingers and a stagehand brings over a tall bucket. Balancing the bucket on her armrest, she looks back down to you.
"Do you see the problem here?" she asks glibly, before immediately cutting off any response you attempt to give. "You don't match the decor, pet. Let's fix that, shall we?"
The Dominating One upends the bucket on top of you, dunking your entire head into a bucket full of warm, incredibly sticky nacho cheese. A hollow "clunk" hits the top of the bucket shortly after, as you feel the weight of the Dominating One's heels settling in on top of the bucket. All you can do is wait, churn in your disgusting spot, and hope that Le'Goo-ed actually decides to come back to try and rescue you.
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $gamestart to false)
You return to the entrance of the dungeon empty-handed, where the stage manager looks to you bemusedly.
"Where's Le'Goo'ed?" she asks, craning her head to see if he's following behind you. After a quick look yourself to make sure that you aren't about to catch a slime-covered bear hug from behind, You look back to the stage manager with a sheepish grin.
"Let me guess." she says, head in her hand. "He tried to betray you in the Golden Temple."
"..." Your silence speaks volumes.
"And then he actually lost to you in a sword fight, and that overdramatic primadonna fell into the throne."
"Logic, I swear he plans these things." The stage manager pulls her head from her hands and looks at you directly. "Well, I'll tell you straight; Le'Goo-ed's actor //is// instructed to try and lie to you to get you to go to the lost city and try and sacrifice you. If you //win//, though, he's supposed to surrender and come back here with you. But, prissy little bitch that he is, decided to try fucking you over instead. So, uh, good news is, we do have an ending sequence planned for if the contestant makes it back empty-handed and without Le'Goo-ed. Bad news is, you're probably not going to like it... Anyway, I'll have the props boys get you all gussied up and ready to go. Enjoy the ride, I guess?"
Before you know it, two stagehands from the props department have managed to get you rigged up in a box tie, hands behind your back, and stationed up on the saddle of a decorative wooden horse. Finally, they rig a sign around your neck reading "FAILURE" and send you riding on the horse out into the soundstage again, along with two actors leading the horse. While both of them are dressed as guards, they both seem to be wearing some //suspiciously// out-of-period transparent plastic rain ponchos...
The actors lead you into a soundstage dressed up to look like a medieval street, complete with plenty of extras to heckle you as you ride past. As the crowd begin to gather along the sides of the street, one of your escorts begins to speak.
From the crowd, passers-by pelt you with pies, cakes, and gunge balloons, each striking while you have no way to resist or defend yourself. By the time you've made it through the square, you're sopping wet, dripping with pie crust, fillings, and toppings, and slime has seeped into every crevice of your clothing. The ropes around your forearms hug you close, keeping you from wiping any of it away. At the very least, it seems like it's over once you leave the square. At least, until you see that the horse is leading you to a pillory set up just outside the studio, where a crowd of tourists, audience members, and onlookers stand behind rope queues. When you see the stage crew passing around pies and gunge balloons to the crowd, you know your humilation is far from over...
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)](set: $gamestart to false)
Just below the throne, where the seat had fallen back to dump Le'Goo-ed into the goo, you notice a small, extremely hard-to-spot indent in the ground in a strange but recognizable shape. You swear you've seen it somewhere before...
That's it! The spirit anchor that Brigid gave you back in the Crow Chamber! Fishing around in your bag, you pull out the spirit anchor and slot it into the slot underneath the throne, where it fits perfectly. A small compartment opens up below, where an ancient crown sits in a plush box. You retreive the crown, smiling to have at last have something to bring back to the stage manager.
You return to the entrance of the dungeon, crown proudly on your head, where the stage manager looks to you bemusedly.
"Where's Le'Goo'ed?" she asks, craning her head to see if he's following behind you. After a quick look yourself to make sure that you aren't about to catch a slime-covered bear hug from behind, You look back to the stage manager with a sheepish grin.
"Let me guess." she says, head in her hand. "He tried to betray you in the Golden Temple."
"..." Your silence speaks volumes.
"And then he actually lost to you in a sword fight, and that overdramatic primadonna fell into the throne."
"Logic, I swear he plans these things." The stage manager pulls her head from her hands and looks at you directly. "Well, I'll tell you straight; Le'Goo-ed's actor //is// instructed to try and lie to you to get you to go to the lost city and try and sacrifice you. If you //win//, though, he's supposed to surrender and come back here with you. But, prissy little bitch that he is, decided to try fucking you over instead. But, hero that you are, it looks like you managed to give him a taste of his own medicine //AND// come back with the artefact that the director put in there to stop Le'Goo-ed if he tried this shit with another contestant again. Well done, well done! We'll be able to put in an endcap about how your character manages to sell the crown and live out a life of luxury beyond your wildest dreams, while the real you will be winning that grand prize vacation and cash reward. Take 15 to get yourself cleaned up and rested, and we'll shoot the ending. And congrats on making it out! You're the first one to do it in a while!"
Game Over
(click: "Game Over")[(restart:)]''Inventory''
(if: $weapon is 'sword')[You have a sword]
(if: $armor is true)[You are wearing armor]
(if: $lockpick is true)[You have a set of lockpicks]
(if: $torch is true)[You have a torch]
(if: $doll is true)[You have a tattered doll]
(if: $luckycoin is true)[You have a lucky coin]
(if: $magic is true)[You have a book of "magic spells"]
(if: $waterwalk is true)[You have the spell for walking on water]
(if: $bookofenlightenment is true)[You have the spell for inscribing the sigil of the God of Fear and Hunger]
(if: $Passages is true)[You have a copy of the [[Passages of Ma'habre]]]
You have $chalk piece(s) of chalk
You have $rope coil(s) of rope
(if: $meatpie is true)[You have a [[Meat Pie]]]
(if: $mockupbook is true)[You have a fake book titled "Advanced Lockpicking"]
(if: $cube is true)[You have the Cube of the Depths]
(if: $PrisonKey is true)[You have a set of prison keys]
(if: $CrowKey is true)[You have a key with a crow emblem on it]
(if: $Legarde is true)[Le'Goo-ed is accompanying you]
(if: $soulanchor is true)[You're carrying Brigid's spirit anchor]
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)You have modeled yourself after the legendary outlander Ragnvaldr, said to have become the god of ultra-violence as a terror to all those who dwell in the deep. Your powerful blows strike enemies asunder, and your hardy stamina holds strong in endurance challenges. The props department has given you a blade to cut your way through the darkness, though not much more than that.
Does this sound like you?
[[Yes, I crave the challenge of battle!.|Rag Loading Screen]]
[[No, I don't really think so...|Start Screen]]{
(set: $gamestart to true)
(set: $speed to 2)
(set: $strength to 3)
(set: $intelligence to 1)
(set: $body to 8)
(set: $startingbody to 8)
(set: $luck to 2)
(set: $weapon to 'sword')
(set: $armor to false)
(set: $lockpick to false)
(set: $torch to true)
(set: $doll to false)
(set: $luckycoin to false)
(set: $meatpie to false)
(set: $magic to false)
(set: $waterwalk to false)
(set: $bookofenlightenment to false)
(set: $Passages to false)
(set: $chalk to 0)
(set: $rope to 0)
(set: $mockupbook to false)
(set: $cube to false)
(set: $PrisonKey to false)
(set: $CrowKey to false)
(set: $ahelpfultip to false)
(set: $Legarde to false)
(set: $soulanchor to false)
(set: $NosStr to false)
(set: $NosAgl to false)
(set: $NosInt to false)
(set: $NosBody to false)
(set: $playerBaseStats to (dm:
"name", "Ragnvaldr",
"attack", 4,
"health", 7,
"maxHealth", 7,
"attackText", "You swing wildly at your foe!",
"parryText", "You drive their attack aside!",
"grappleText", "You grapple with your enemy!",
"healthText", (a:
"You are pristine.",
"Your furs are a little speckled with mess.",
"You're starting to look a bit dissheveled.",
"Your furs are sodden and sticky.",
"You feel like you'll never be clean again...",
"loseText", "You fight with strength and bravery, but it is not enough. You fall to your knee, defeated.",
A middle-aged woman approaches you just before you enter the dungeon. She's a short, plump blonde with a nametag reading "C. Sauer - Stage Manager". She holds a clipboard in one hand, and gestures to you with the pen held in the other.
"Outlander! You ready to get going? You've been told the rules, right? Just get in, find where 'Le-Goo-ed' is being kept, and bring him back to the entrance once you've found him. If you wind up, uh, stuck anywhere you can't get out of, don't worry. The stage crew will be around to pick you up, but since there might be other adventurers running around the dungeons and we don't want to mess up any shots, you might be stuck there for a little bit. Good luck, and have fun out there!"
[[Enter the Dungeon|Entrance]]{(set: $IronK to true)
(set: $mind to it-1)}
You throw your hands out in front of you, and recite some of the magic words kept in the book of spells. The mechanical menace before you slows to a halt, before it stops completely, shutting down.
[[Return|Iron K's Domain]]{(set: $GreenMage to true)
(set: $mind to it-1)
You chant along with the Green Mage, mirroring her movements and words. In a flash, a spray of slime erupts from the walls and targets her!
The Green Mage is knocked back from the slime, retreating from the spray. You seem to have gotten the best of her, and the caves fall silent.
[[Return|Green Mage's Domain]] {(set: $mind to it-2)
(set: $Tormentor to true)
(set: $tormentedsoul to true)}
Not falling to panic, you recite words of power from your spellbook. As the Tormentor nears, your pace picks up, settling into a rhythm as the cadence of the words becomes more clear to you. The Tormentor swoons to the sound, staggering backwards and falling into the lake of slime behind you!
After a moment, the Tormentor emerges, dripping slime from the pool. As he gets to his feet, he gives out a hardy laugh!
"HA HA HA! What wonderful prosody! And fantastic form! Truly, you should give poetry reading a try! In any case, feel free to wander around, and know that, even though you haven't bested me in combat, I'd still vouch for your mettle under duress any day!"
[[Return|Tormentor's Domain]]