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The Messy Tournament - Chapter 9: The alphabet game

Written by WLG — 2022 — from UMD.net

After the physical challenge this morning, we were all hoping that the second challenge of the day would be a bit calmer.

We met in the garden and were welcomed by Lila and Peter.

"Good afternoon ladies!

The second challenge of the day will be more cerebral than physical!" started Peter.
"We have seen you have made a great challenge this morning, then we decided to go easy with you this afternoon, the challengers will be able to rest on a chair during the whole challenge".

"Of course, it will not be the only thing that will happen, isn't it Lila?"
"Of course! But before explaining the game, let's appoint who will be our lucky challengers!"

In front of them were three bowls with two papers in each, and they started their random draw.

"For Australia, Melissa will join us, please take a seat!"

"For US, Maria will be the challenger!"

"And finally... for the UK..." Rachel and I were looking at each other, hoping our partner's name would be drawn!

"It will be Emma!"

Damned, it was the second consecutive solo challenge where I had to be messed up. Anyway, it was also one of the reasons why I came!

Maria, Melissa and I were seated in a row in front of big tables covered with a drape.
"OK ladies, this challenge is quite easy. Below the drape is a big variety of mess. This game will be in multiple rounds for each round, a random letter will be drawn, and you will have 10 seconds to find something on the table which starts with this letter and write it on your tablet.

After 10 seconds, each of you will tell us what you have found. Easy, isn't it?"
"To score, you will have to find something that your opponents didn't write. If you are the only one with this mess, you score one point and the mess will be put on the trolley next to you to know how many points you scored. If somebody else wrote the same mess, then you and the other person will receive the mess from her. Should we start?"
Lila and Peter removed the drape from the tables, there were so many kinds of stuff there! Some were in transparent buckets, in bowls, just put on the table... I would have said there were maybe 50 or 60 types of mess.

"Let's start with the first letter and it's... a K!"

I looked at the table, what kind of mess was starting with a K? Kiwi? There was none there... K...K... Suddenly, I saw a bottle with a "K" ingredient and I immediately wrote it on the tablet.

"Ladies, turn your tablets!" Peter and Lila had big smiles on their faces...
We all looked at each other's tablets to discover that everyone had written the same thing: 'ketchup'.

"We are going to ask for the help of your partners. Rachel, Jane and Taylor, please take one bottle of ketchup each and empty it on your partners!"

Of course, our partners had a great time by covering us with stripes of red tomato ketchup. When the bottle was empty, it was time for the second letter: T.
It was a bit harder but each of us managed to get a different ingredient. Treacle for me, tuna for Maria and tabbouleh for Melissa. We had now one point each.

"Next round: N."
This time I didn't have a chance, I saw nacho cheese cans on the table a bit hidden behind other stuff, I thought the others would not have seen it. Unfortunately, Maria saw it too while Melissa get a point with some noodles.

"You know what it means... Taylor, Rachel... Please empty these cans on your partners!" said happily Lila.

Maria and I were covered with a heavy can of thick nacho cheese by our partners. We immediately turned from red to orange.

"Next is P. Don't look after pies, there are any!"

Everyone found something different, paint for me, pet food for Maria and some pasta hoops for Melissa.

"Pet food? Really?" I said to Maria.
"Well... Yes, it was on the table and if I avoid it then it was a good choice!"

"We are in the middle of the game, for the moment Melissa has three points and Emma and Maria have two. There are still four letters, everything is still possible! Let's see what you find with M."

I saw a bucket of mud behind the table, I wanted to avoid it but the only other choice was a bottle of mustard... I was pretty sure at least one other girl would choose the mustard... And I was right. Both Maria and Melissa chose the mustard which was soon emptied over her by their partner.

The next letter was 'C', once again I was lucky enough to choose something the other didn't find. My custard can won while, once again too, Melissa and Maria chose the same ingredient which was chocolate syrup. Taylor and Jane soon covered the two girls in the black syrup, contrasting with the yellow mustard.

"Two last letters," said Lila.

"Now, Emma is ahead with four points, Melissa has three and Maria two. Everything is still possible!
Now, find something with an S"
At the end of the countdown, I had chosen the sawdust, Maria some syrup and Melissa's spaghetti. We all scored one point.
"Final letter. Whatever will happen, Melissa, you will not win this game but you can still avoid third place. Emma, if you score, you win! The final letter if H."
There were not many words starting with H, the only choice was honey but it was so obvious... Anyway, I had to choose something.

"OK ladies, show us what you choose!"
I briefly had a look at Melissa and Maria, what I read pleased me. They both saw a pile of hay next to the table, they surely thought they were the only ones to see it as the honey was clearly visible. However, they both had the same idea.
Taylor and Jane went to the pile and brought two handfuls of hay each.
They applied it to their partner's body. Lila came back with more which she dumped over Melissa and Maria's heads.

"Don't forget a nice crown!" she said with an evil smile.

"Congratulation Emma, you have won this game! Melissa, unfortunately for your team, you finished third.

There is a little something to finish this game, as you have seen next to you have been brought the ingredient you requested and which have not been dumped on you... I will ask you to empty all of them in the bucket next to you."
We had a look at each other, we knew what would certainly be the next step of this preparation.

Maria's bucket was the grossest with pet food, tuna and syrup. She was clearly unhappy about her choices now. Mine was the most filled with some mud, treacle, paint and all the other ingredients I got right. Melissa was emptying cans of various types of pasta in hers.

"You certainly understood what would happen, next ladies... Maria, and Melissa, I will request you to empty these buckets over your own head. Emma, please wait..."
I was quite unsure if I had to be happy about the fact I hadn't to empty mine yet but meanwhile Maria and Melissa covers themselves in the messy mix. Maria was clearly the less lucky of the group her vile gunge was slowly covering her head, a big mass of tuna and pet food dropping from her face on her breasts. On the other side, Melissa was now completely red thanks to the tomato sauce from her spaghetti and pasta hoops. Many kinds of pasta and noodles still clung to her long hair.
"Perfect. Now Emma, your turn... But as you won, you will use your own bucket over the loser of this game: Maria."

"Well... At least it would not be worst than my actual disgusting state!" she answered wiping the messy paste from her face.

I moved over to Maria and started to empty my messy bucket over the poor girl.
From my point of view, it was funny to see that each ingredient was still existing as a layer in my messy bucket. Layer after layer, I slowly covered Maria with all the mess I had put inside. This time, Maria was properly trashed, as a reward for her winning this morning.

When the last drop of mess was added over the messy blob Maria's body has become, Lila and Peter gave the final result.
"Then, for this game, the UK is first, Australia second and US last. Come back in two hours for the third day's final result ladies. By that time, do not hesitate to have a warm shower with water only this time!"
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