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The Messy Tournament - Chapter 21: Epilogue

Written by WLG — 2022 — from UMD.net

Two months since the end of the Tournament.

This past year has been incredible. From my application to the Mansion to the tournament with Rachel, coming back to my normal and 'clean' life had a taste of sadness.

I received a message from Rachel a few weeks after the tournament. Her boyfriend and she joined the Mansion for a new season.

She was happy to say that the last girl who came was one of the girls who participated in the medieval fair. I remembered that some people from the audience had to be pied and this girl was one of them.

"John and the others always try to find new people who can enjoy a week at the Mansion," she said. "She was a local girl and really enjoyed the experience. Lisa told me she really enjoyed the time with her but you are still very favourite! Talking about Lisa, she asked me if you would like to come next month to have dinner with the others. I really hope you will come, I have so many things to discuss with you."

"Of course, I will!"

Coming back to the Mansion and seeing all the people from there was always a pleasure. Even if it was only for dinner, it would be better than nothing.

One month later, I was back where everything began. I was welcomed by Rachel and her boyfriend.

"Hi, Emma! Welcome back! Let me introduce Daniel. He is my boyfriend. Don't worry, you will not have to call him Lord!"

We went into the Mansion, all were there to welcome me. Nothing had really changed since I left.
In a corridor, I saw a colourful canvas on the wall.

"Do you remember it? It was your last challenge with us," said John.

"You know where your room is!"

I spent the day with the other girls, visiting the area and doing some shopping. We even bought some clothes including a shirt, trousers and nice underwear.

"Buy them, it would be our welcome gift and you will wear them for dinner tonight," said Lisa.
We had a great day all together.

It was finally the evening and time for dinner. I took time to make up and do my hair before dressing in the great clothes the others bought for me. Then, I went into the dining room.
Everybody arrived more or less at the same time. John Robinson stood up with a cup and started his speech.

"Good evening everyone. All of us are extremely pleased to welcome Emma once again. Emma has been an amazing guest and did her best to represent our Mansion at the annual Tournament with Rachel. Unfortunately, they didn't manage to win.

We know that their third place was also meaning they would have to do three messy challenges from the two finalists. We have seen them and it was an appropriate forfeit... For the tournament!
Rachel was spared from any additional forfeit because of her role as a Lady at our Mansion. But you, Emma, will not avoid your local forfeit. "

I wasn't able to add anything, as a bag was put on my head, my hands were firmly grabbed behind my back and I was asked to walk to another place...

We walked for a few minutes, we were surely going into one of the Mansion's shacks. During this walk, I was thinking about what kind of forfeit they were able to create for me. My heart was beating so fast. It had been a long time since I had experienced such a feeling. We finally arrived where the bag on my head was removed. All the Lords and Ladies, including Rachel and Daniel, were there.

"We decided your visit will also be your final forfeit here at the Mansion. You had been a great guest but everything had to end one day. Then, as your final lesson, we gave each couple the choice of what they would like to do with you. Three choices per couple. Be prepared, that will be a lot of mess!"

"First, let's remove your clothes and strip to your underwear." I removed my new clothes and folded them to prevent trashing them.

"Good, then put them in here." John was pointing to a bucket next to him. When I approached, I saw that the bucket was filled with very messy kitchen slop. Sauce, beans, spaghetti, eggs... The content was absolutely disgusting and smelly. "Don't put them on the surface, plunge them in the mess."

I said goodbye to my nice clothes and dipped them in the mess several times. My shirt, trousers, socks and shoes. Everything was immersed in the slop. John asked me to show him the result.
I removed them from the slop to show everybody how well my clothes were trashed now.

"Good... Let them in the slop for a moment, they will be even more stinky."

I dipped them again deep in the slop and came back to the centre of the room.

"Now, your final lesson will start. Each couple will give you their final treatment. We have brought you a mirror there, we wanted you to see your own degradation until you will be able to see something. But don't worry, we will also record everything for you. I think the Barton are the first."
As far as I remembered, Lady Barton was loving to trash my hair.

"Hi honey, did my hair treatment miss you? I have to admit I've asked the other to start tonight. I wanted to trash your pristine hair myself. Moreover, Rachel told us you had been used to extreme shampoo during the tournament, I had to find the best ingredients for you to remember who is the ultimate messy hairdresser."

Her husband brought five little buckets and put them next to us.

"Here is what I've planned: lard, flour and coffee dregs to begin with and then glue and seeds to complete your look."

After two months of abstinence, I will finally live another messy experience. I was trying to hide my excitement.

The Barton's ordered me to hold the buckets for them, I was able to see the messy content before being used on me. Handful after handful, the buckets were becoming lighter and my head heavier.
I was seeing Lady Barton in the mirror, she was concentrating on her work to be sure to not spare any hair.

When my hair was a heavy black-and-white mess, Lord Barton asked me to lean for the glue and seeds coating.

They were pouring the liquid on my messy hair while thousands of seeds were dusted into the mop my hair already was.

"Not a bad start!" she said while patting me on the head with squishy sounds. Lady Barton came back with several cans and she gave some to her husband.

Lord Barton took two cans of spaghetti and emptied them in my bra. Lady Barton had two bottles of caramel she emptied into the front and back of my panties.

"We are done here!" the Barton's were proud of their treatment.

After another look in the mirror, the Barton's had done a great job. Except for my hair, I was looking mostly clean, some spaghetti was visible overflowing my bra and caramel between my legs but the other parts of my body were still untouched and ready to be trashed by someone else.
"However, before you go, take this box and ask others to write something on you."

Lord Barton gave me a clear box full of various things. There were multiple makeup tools in this box: colourful pens, lipsticks... Everything the audience needed.

I went to all of them, one group after the other, and asked them to use these tools on me.
As my skin was still clean, there were plenty of places for them to draw, write or just smear the makeup on me. Lisa and Rachel became partners to paint my boobs in two different colours, one for each side.

Rachel was playing with my messy hair, digging small holes with her fingers, while Daniel and Lord O'Neill were writing on me.

"I know you love having that kind of messy shampoo, I'm sure you are already loving this evening!"

At that moment, I would have prefered having my face painted to hide the fact that I was turning red because of what Rachel said.

When I was looking like a giant crossword, I brought back the box to the Barton before moving to the Robinson.

"Shall you start with Emma?" asked John Robinson to his wife.

"Yes, I would not have been able to wait any longer.

Do you remember your lessons, Emma? Then let's do your encasement."

John brought back a bucket full of warmed-up marshmallow stuff. The Robinson meticulously covered my legs and arms in the white stuff, then they did my front and back.

"It's getting colder, isn't it? Emma, you can put your clothes back, they are waiting for you in the bucket you put them on.

I don't know if 'clothes' was still an appropriate word for what was remaining of my poor shirt and trousers. The pieces of tissues I removed from the bucket were saturated in the stinky mess. I also had to put my socks back and plunge them into my shoes which were also filled with that muck.

It was a strange feeling, my face was still untouched but I was already covered with layers of mess, including a messy mop of hair. It was funny to periodically glance at my reflection in the mirror to see how messy I was.

"It is missing colour here!" said John approaching with two metallic cans.

There was no doubt that John Robinson would use paint tonight. He gave one can to his wife who was behind me, he asked to kneel between them and look up in his direction. Their next move was a simultaneous pour: him on my face and cleavage and her on the top of my head and hair.
"That's always better with a layer of paint," he said. A rapid glance at my reflection let me discover that I was now looking like a yellow and blue messy statue.

"As you have found your clothes again, could you please make some place for that?"

Lady Robinson was above me with a huge bowl filled with porridge she emptied into my back and my trousers.

"I'm sure you're feeling better now!" she laughed.

Next were the Ledger's. As I was expecting, Lady Ledger wanted me to clean her feet she had dipped in custard. She did that several times while her husband was covering my back with honey and chocolate syrup. When she had enough, she took herself one bottle of chocolate syrup she emptied it into my panties until she was able to see chocolate overflowing my ankles.

Rachel and Daniel were the next couple. I spent one full week with her during the tournament, she knew me and what I was liking the most... But also what I didn't like.

"Well well... Poor Emma, you always find a way to be trashed, isn't it? I would have loved to use some of the extreme mess I received during the tournament like nail and boot polish..."

Damn, she was right, I remembered the extremely messy humiliation she received from Jane and Melissa. I also remember the time it took for her to get her hair clean after that

"... but I think you already had the hair treatment you deserve. Then, Daniel and I choose that!"
She pointed to some buckets behind them.

"First, a smelly shower."

They each took one bucket and poured them on each side of my head.

"Can you smell it? It's barbecue sauce and mustard."

Even if I was already trashed, I was able to smell the strong savoury ingredients which were poured on me.

"Then, Daniel suggested we use a dozen eggs for you, I immediately corrected that we had to use a dozen EACH!"

24 eggs were then used on me, everywhere it was possible. Some we put in my panties, on my bra, in my trousers... Of course, many smashed on my head and smeared on me.
"Finally, I knew we would not be able to go in the pig pen you like too much... Then I brought a bucket of mud from there. It will be too small for you to be dunked in but it should be large enough for your head. Between each dunk, show us your face and how disgusting you are by spitting some mud."

Rachel was clearly deserving her job as a Lady here. I obey her and put my head over the bucket.

"How many times should I do that Rachel?"

"I was expecting just one... But do it three times then. I will add one because you asked for it and one because you didn't call me 'Lady'!"

"Sorry Lad..." I didn't have time to end, I felt that my head was pushed into the bucket.

To please my audience, I pushed my head as deep as I could, not forgetting to get some mud in my mouth.

I resurfaced, blinded by the mud and slowly spit some mud before doing it two more times. The granular taste of the mud on my teeth was not what I preferred but I was loving the fact every part of me would not be spared by the filth.

The McKay's took the place of Rachel and Daniel, as I was expecting, Lord McKay had prepared his famous gunge recipe. One after the other, each bucket of colourful gunge was splashed on my face. After two, Lady McKay asked me to remove my shoes and step in buckets. Then, I had to fill my shoes in the gunge and empty them over my head two or three times.

On the opposite side of the room, I saw Lisa, impatient to be able to play too.

Finally, Lady McKay arrived with a bucket filled with melted but still cold ice cream. The full bucket was empty in my cleavage and trousers. Even with a thick coating of mess, this last layer was still freezing.

Five couples, one remaining. Last but not least, the O'Neill's arrived with some material too.
"Before taking care of you, come here in front of the mirror to admire yourself."

Lisa was standing behind me while I was able to take time to discover my actual state of messiness.

"What a journey! Isn't it? You were shy and inexperienced the first time you came here. Now, look at you..."

She was turning around me, collecting a bit of the mess which was flowing from me and splashing small quantities on me.

"You are an expert now, not fearing any mess. I'm sure you were hoping for a messy evening, isn't it? Then, don't waste any time with contemplation and let's finish the work!"

I was brought back to the centre of the room, Lord O'Neill had prepared the mess for their show.

"I wanted to remind you of some great souvenirs from your visit here. First, remove your dirty clothes and underwear."

I proceeded, and large amounts of mess overflowed from everywhere.

Now naked and covered in mess, I was waiting for what the O'Neill had prepared for me.
"First, let's dress you again. Honey, do her bra while I will do new knickers with that..."

A large bucket of thick grease was next to me. They both stopped their hands on the buckets and started to recreate my underwear with the black grease.

They were applying thick layers of it, contrasting with the remaining marshmallow stuff that was covering the rest of my body. Lisa was also stimulating me at the same time.

"If you don't know what to do with your hands, dig them in this grease and take the opportunity to mess yourself, you will already need a long shower anyway... Don't be shy, you will not have this chance every day! And don't pretend you are not dying to do it! "

I realized that after all the experience I had with grease, I always had been covered by somebody else. This would be the best moment to give myself the extreme coatings I was enjoying so much.
I dug my hands into the mess and took two big handfuls of it. I was looking at my hands, a bit hesitant.

"I see you need a little help..." said Lisa. She took my hands in hers and slowly pressed them on my face.

This was the little push I needed. I slowly smeared my own face with this dark stuff which had been applied on me several times already... But this time, it was different, I was covering myself.
I returned to the bucket and took two more handfuls even bigger than before... This time I was planning to give myself the messy shampoo of my life. I splashed the messy ingredient on the top of my head and started to apply a thick layer on my already destroyed locks.

I was combing my hair with my messy fingers, feeling the little seeds encased in my hair and adding more mess there.

Stimulated by Lisa's touch, I went back three, four, five times... Maybe more in the bucket to cover my head more and more up to my neck and shoulders.

I was not feeling my own skin or hair in the mess I had done, just a slippery sensation of a pleasant massage.

"I knew this was your thing." she laughed.

I was living my favourite moment, the sensory deprivation was arousing.

"Let's give you your two last surprises. First, it was impossible to leave without using molasses one last time... "

I was still focused on my own pleasure while I felt the heavy liquid pour on me. It totally engulfed me from head to toe.

"And we would not be able to give your tour final forfeit without pies! MANY pies!"

Lord O'Neill was carrying two trolleys overloaded with pies. There were so many colours and so many of them! I was not able to count but there were at least thirty or forty pies per trolley.

"We had the right to use three ingredients tonight but we didn't say if there was a quantity limit! I think we will share with others, isn't it Lisa?"

"Yes! Everybody come here and be ready to give Emma the pie barrage she deserves!"
I was installed in front of a wall, 12 people in front of me with pies in their hands and another trolley still fully covered with pies too. I had no chance to escape.

"Everybody is ready, let's do that in a row until we empty the first trolley. John, please start!"

SPLASH! The first pie immediately exploded in my face. After that, it had been an uninterrupted succession of pies for two or three minutes.

As soon as a pie crust was falling, another one was smashed on me, my body, face, boobs or any other part of me.

Even during my first day at the Mansion, I never received so many pies.

When the barrage stopped, I was standing in a pool of multi-coloured mess.

"Bring on the second trolley, we still have two or three pies each. You can throw them if you want or you can approach and use any other method!"

For the next few minutes, another messy barrage happened but this time I was also receiving them in different ways: gooey head sandwiches, pie hats, boobs pie... I was also asked to self-pie a few times.

After about thirty new pies, covered head to toe with cream and crusts, it seemed to be finished.
I wiped my eyes clean and saw everybody around me cheering.

"Congratulations Emma, you've done an amazing job as usual," said John Robinson.

"It is unanimous, you have been an extremely amazing guest and for that, we would like to propose to you a deal..."

Lady Robinson continued "We will not ask you to join us as a Lady, we think it will not suit you well. You are more a receiver than a giver. What we propose instead is to be the caretaker of the Mansion."

"The caretaker?"

"Yes, as you know there are many things to do here, the Messy weeks of course but also preparing the medieval fair, finding new people as guests and also taking care of the production of molasses which is our main income to afford everything we need here.

Of course, you will be paid for everything and you will also have a nice villa next to the Mansion. What do you think about this offer? "

"Well, I already have a job... "

"But you told me it was boring..." answered Rachel.

"That's right..."

"Moreover, you will take care of the guests who will come there for a week, you will be able to take these guests under your wings."

I wasn't able to realize, they were offering me a job in a dream place.

"Oh... And did I forget to mention that you would be able to test the challenges if you want? I'm sure you will always find somebody who will be pleased to play with you anytime."

This was the ultimate argument

"How can I refuse such an offer, I will be pleased to join you all!"

Everybody applauded, they were really happy that I was joining them.

"That's wonderful news! We are so happy you accepted our offer. We will let you have a nice shower and we will discuss that tomorrow morning.

While all were leaving, Rachel and Lisa came to me.

"I'm so happy you will be one of us!" Lisa embraced me even if I still was covered in mess. Rachel followed her and did exactly the same.

"Did you enjoy this evening Emma?" asked Rachel.

"That was amazing, thank you... But, tell me, Lisa, is the pig pen still there?"

"Yes, why this question?" she answered with a big smile.

"It has been so long since I haven't been there, I would love to celebrate my new job there. Don't you plan any initiation for your new coworkers?"

"You are so naughty Emma... I love that!" said Lisa.

The three of us took the direction of the pig pen to end the messy evening together.
When we arrived, the place was messy as I expected.

"I will let you do whatever you want if you promise to join me after that," I said.

"That sounds fair." Answered Lisa.

Facing the messier areas of the pig pen, they attached my hands on my back and my ankles together.

My reunion with this place started with an appropriate throw in the deep part.

"Welcome home!" said Lisa.

"Alright messy worm, do a full tour of the area while your mistresses discuss your fate..."

It took me several minutes to crawl in the mud all around the pen. When I was back in front of them, my front fully encased in mud, they approached next to me and released me. As I was expecting, these two had many ideas for my initiation...Mud pies, head dunkings, mouth-filling,... Everything which was possible to do was done multiple times that night.

Soon, all the mess from the evening disappeared below a thick mud layer.

After a moment, I was authorized to get my own back. We did some mud wrestling with forfeits for the loser. After a few rounds, none of us was not encased in a thick layer of mud.

I didn't know how long we spent there but it was late in the middle of the night when we decided to end this messy event.

We all went to the shower where they helped me to remove the extra layers of mess which had been applied to me before the mud.


It already has been one year since I joined the mansion and it has been an incredible year!
Where to start?

Of course, as promised, I was taking care of the guests who were coming for the messy week. Lords and Ladies also included "the caretaker challenge" where I have to compete with the guest during their week. I was also able to be part of the final exams on the last day. Even though I was not able to take part in all challenges, I was always authorized to be in the control room where all the videos were taken.

When there were no guests in the Mansion, I was also often testing the challenges myself. It was great to be able to experience the challenges again. Everybody was acting as if I was the guest to have the best feedback possible.

Apart from the guests and challenges, I was still in touch with other people I met during the last months.

A few weeks after I joined the Mansion, Taylor and Maria sent me a message to tell me they were planning to keep their word about Michelle. As I asked them, they planned an online humiliation like the one I had to do based on her idea. Of course, that day, I was among the ones who were requesting the more extreme mess for her.

After her session, she sent me some messages telling me it was fair revenge. Since that time, we often challenge each other publicly and have to publish photos or videos about our forfeit. Of course, we didn't forget Dina and included her in our regular challenges too. She even invited us to visit Australia soon, we definitely have to go!

Finally, living close to the Mansion had of course many advantages... From the messy point of view!

First, I discussed more with the others like Claire 'Lady' Barton. We discovered that our messy fetishes were very compatible, she was loving to trash another girl's hair and I was loving to be trashed this way... It was of course obvious we had to spend time together.

Every month, we scheduled half a day together where she was able to do her worst on me like the day she broke a thousand eggs on me before using a hair perm machine to cook them directly on me before engulfing me in several buckets of various sauces... She was creative enough to renew her treatment every month. This has become my favourite meeting at the Mansion.

For my birthday, I also had an unforgettable session with the others. I had the choice of the mess I wanted to use, of course, I requested only the messiest!

The Messy Mansion changed my life forever, not only because I was able to fully embrace my fetish but also by meeting wonderful people who soon became my new family.
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