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The Messy Mansion - Chapter 38: Dinna's challenge

Written by WLG — 2022 — from UMD.net

We all arrived in the shack which was in the dark.
"Lisa, are you sure we are supposed to go here?" asked Dinna?
"Yes! Go inside, the showers are after this curtain..."
When Dinna moved the curtain we discovered that all the Lords and Ladies were waiting there.
"What the..." said Dinna.
"Surmise Dinna! It was not fair that your friends would be messy and not you... My exam also includes a second challenge and you will be the one who will do it!"
"Yes!" said Michelle. "Can't wait to see you trashed as you have done to us!"

Michelle and I sat not far from the other still covered with the mess from the former challenge.
"Let me explain your challenge: you will have 10 minutes to find various types of mess. You will have to find one mess per letter in the alphabet. It means you will have to bring back 26 different messes. Of course, each mess will be used on you!"
"It may be better to not bring them back then..." answered Dinna nervously
"Don't worry, I thought about this eventuality. For each letter you will miss, we will add one minute on the counter. At the end of the challenge this counter will determine the time you will have to 'play' with the girls you've messed up in the former challenge. "
"Damn! "
"Payback time blondie!" Michelle was surexited, she would be able to take her revenge on Dinna.
"They will be free to decide what they would like to do with you, I hope they are not too resentful."
"... but we are!" added Michelle.

"You have 10 minutes, just take whatever you want in the Mansion and bring it in the entrance hall. We will bring them back for you. However, don't be late or there will be penalties!"
"How do I know if the 10 minutes are finished?"
"You will have to guess! Follow me in the Mansion, we will start your game now. Emma, Michelle, you can start to think about the possible thing you would like to do with Dinna!"
They both left the room, Michelle immediately turned around at me.
"Do you have any idea? Because I do! She will definitely pay for the mud dunkings I did."
"I've been there for a week, I know what we could do here..." I answered.
For the next 10 minutes, we exchanged our messy plans for Dinna... Poor Dinna! I was sure she would regret the fact she was not messed up during the first challenge!

Soon after, Dinna and Rachel came back. Dinna was not looking too confident, she was carrying a trolley full of different things.
"Well Dinna, could you tell us what you have found?"
"I've brought : Butter, Chocolate syrup, Eggs, Honey, Ice cream, Lemon curd, Nutella, Pie, Spaghetti and Tomato sauce"
"It means you have found 10 different messes, not so bad but not enough to avoid Ladies revenge for 16 minutes! Moreover, you arrived two minutes late! For that, Emma and Michelle will be able to roll a dice each to multiply one of the messes you've brought. Ladies, please choose one of the mess each."
Michelle and I exchanged a few seconds and came back to Rachel.
"What if we choose the same mess? "
"Well, I suppose we will multiply the number together!"
"Perfect! We thought that one pie was not enough, let's roll these dice together !"
Michelle and I rolled the dice...
"I did 3!"
"And 5 here!" I answered
"Perfect, then 3x5=15... We will bring 14 extra pies! Let's start!" said Rachel.
"Please strip in your underwear, then sit in the light, in the middle of the room. I will take care of you!"
Dinna nervously sat on the chair, her hands were tied behind her back.
"Let's start in the alphabetical order, except for pies, we will keep it for the end. Are you ready?" Rachel was already approaching with handfuls of butter.
"I think so... "
Rachel started to insert a big amount of butter in her pants, pressing it between her crotch. Then coming back with more, she splashed the soft grease on our blonde friend. Then, she smeared it in her hair and applied a thick layer on her face.
As soon as she finished with the butter, she came back with the bottle of chocolate syrup, she started by pouring a bit on her head and continued by drawing zebra stripes on Dinna's body and legs.
Then, she approached with the six eggs Dinna brought. She broke them on Dinna's breast and back and kept two for her head. When all the eggs were broken, she picked up the shells on the floor and put them back in Dinna's hair, massaging it and encasing the shells in her butter covered hairdo.
The honey was used as massage oil, the ice cream was for her panties and bra, then the lemon curl and Nutella were smeared on half of her upper part each to cover her in two colors of mess.
Finally, she was asked to mix spaghettis and tomato sauce together in a bucket with her foot. When the mix was ready, Rachel untied her and asked to kneel in front of the bucket.
Grabbing her by the back of the head, Rachel dunked her head five times in the mess before emptying it on her.
"Time for the pies! Ladies, would you like to give them yourself?"
We both were pleased to take revenge on Dinna with the mess she brought.
"I propose we take seven pies each and give Dinna the last one herself."
"That's a great idea!" answered Michelle.

We both approached her with our pies. It didn't take long before the filling of the pies covered the mess from Rachel treatment.
Michelle and I were swapping targets, I was able to pie her two boobs, give her two gooey pie sandwiches and a nice pie hat. Michelle aimed her crotch twice and just focused on multiple pie in the face, one after the other.
To finish, we gave Dinna her pie and asked her to do her best self pie. She did it vigorously, the filling splashing everywhere, even adding more mess on our already trashed bodies.

Dinna was nicely messed up but it was only the first part of her challenge.
"Well done girls! Now it's your payback time! However, Emma, I know Lisa and the others want to talk to you, you will not be able to follow us. Give some directives to me, I will make sure Dinna will receive what you have planned for her."
We talked with Rachel and Michelle for a few minutes to know what to do with Dinna for the next 16 minutes. My experience, Rachel's one and Michelle's ideas were an explosive mix.
"Come on Dinna, wait is over, we have 16 minutes where you will be the star. Don't worry Emma, I will bring you videos!"

The three of them left the room and I was with all the Lords and Ladies again.
"Hi Emma, it has been a long time since you have left! We see you still know how to enjoy messy situations!"
"Yes, this short weekend has been very intense."
"Indeed... However, that is not the reason why we asked you to stay.
As you know, we have some friends in the US and Australia in other Mansions. During the Messy week, you had to compete against them.
Every year, we organize a tournament with the best guests we had and... This year you were really beyond our expectation!
We would like to know if you would like to be one of the two players who would be our representative for this tournament. "
"Ho, that seems very interesting, thank you for these kind words! Who would be the other member of the team?"
"It will be Rachel."
"I see... Can I have some time to think about it?"
"Sure, you can answer in the coming week if you need time. Talking about time, we may arrive before the end of Dinna's challenge if we hurry. Do you know where they brought her?"
"Yes, I think so..."

We took the direction of the barn, I knew that Michelle definitely wanted to give Dinna her own medicine and wanted to dunk her in mud.
When we arrived, Rachel and Michelle were next to something which was impossible to recognize as Dinna. The cute blonde girl next door was a thick blob of mess. Her legs were still covered in paint and, based on the colorful puddle next to them, several can were used to cover her. Of course she was also well covered in mud because of Michelle's revenge. Her body was also covered with hay encased in the mud layer.
"Emma, you are back! We were just planning to give Dinna your final touch. Would you like to do it yourself?"
I had requested that Dinna was showered by the two silos Lisa used on me during our final time together. I remembered they were filled with molassed and seeds, a perfect last layer of mess for a punishment.
I put Dinna below the first silo and was ready to pull the chain to open it when Lord Robinson interrupted me.
"In fact...I will ask the four of you to go under these silos!"
"Including me?" asked Rachel
"Of course, I'm sure these girls will be pleased to take care of you. Don't worry about the quantity, we have refilled both silos recently.

Michelle and I were surprised to be messed up another time while Dinna was just thinking it would not be worse than her actual state. However, all of us were overwhelmed to pay Rachel back in her own coin.
We all stayed below the silo, ready to get showered. Rachel was stuck between us to be sure she wouldn't avoid the mess.
When the flow of molasse started, we made sure she would be fully covered.
We were forcing her to look up below the flow to completely cover her.
Of course, we were all covered too, we gave each other some shampoo in the mess, massaging each other with the thick sticky liquid.
When we were all covered head to toe, we moved to the second silo filled with seeds. Here also we gave the best place to Rachel.
The seeds were stuck in the molasses and we were soon transformed into a walking bird meal.
"Girls, I think Rachel deserved a second coating to reward her hard work and her new role at the Mansion, do you agree?" I said. Lord Robinson seemed to approve.
Rachel didn't protest, Dinna and I took her by the hand while Michelle was standing behind, assuring her hairdo care would be as enjoyable as the ones she gave us.
The flow of molasse started again with Rachel as the only target below. She was also enjoying the situation. When the second layer of molasses was over, it was time for the second seeds layer. Michelle took time to assure her gorgeous red hair was saturated with seeds before we released her.
"Thanks girls, that was fair." she said, spitting some molasses and seeds.
"I propose a real shower before we leave this place!"

After a warm shower, we all reunited to give a final goodbye. This time, it was really the end of the weekend.
It had been a wonderful moment where I was able to meet new people, sharing the same messy state of mind as mine.
We all gave each other warm hugs before leaving.
During my way back home I was remembering the weekend and all the crazy things we had done. I was extremely thankful for these great days.
I only had one extra thing to think about: would I join Rachel for the Messy Mansion tournament?
< Previous chapter | Continue the story with "The Messy Tournament" >