Five Summer Days
a story of mud, slime and youth
Hello! This is Helen speaking! You reached a prerelease version of the story which is not yet meant to be public.
If you're here, either because you were invited or because you found a link on the internet, you should that you're expected to send your feedback to Jouette's UMD account or email.
That would be fair, I think. If you don't want to do that — which is quite alright — would you consider please waiting until the public release next week?
You could play the public version in the meantime! It's super fun as well, and more polished!
You are Daniel, a young man on his way to five days of Camp Geas, a summer camp for young adults.
You will live through wet and messy adventures alongside other boys and girls who participate in the camp and live their youth to the fullest, with mud, slime and water.
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